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Kirby Krackle

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Posts posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. I think it was mentioned somewhere on the first page about Earth Ponies going into melee, using a helm with an iron horn mounted unicorn style. If not, yay, firsties. But bam, every Earth Pony is now a jouster.

    Let's talk about biology for a second. Like most herbivores, a horse's eyes are on the side of the head. We know this. This offers close to, if not 360 degree field of vision. I know there's a blind spot directly behind them. So suddenly a sword (or horn) fight between two ponies has changed dramatically. Swinging that sword around no longer means I can't see my opponent. In fact, unless he's right behind me, I see him just fine.

    Finally, http://www.whmentors.org/saf/kick.html

    A good swift kick from a horse's back legs could take someone's head clean off. I bet as people were trained to box with their hands, ponies are trained to Cow Kick. Heck, the thighs on Apple Jack pack enough wallop to knock every apple off a tree.

  2. Okay, here's something else I have to ask. How many ponies out there in Canterlot enjoy the great white way as much as I do? Which is a lot. I'm close enough to Westchester Broadway Theater as well as not to far from Manhattan to see my fair share. Post your favorite shows, ponies! My turn first.

    Spamalot and Wicked I've seen downtown.

    Other than that, both locally and on DVD Ive seen and enjoyed and can think of right now:



    My Fair Lady

    Singing in the Rain

    Jekyll and Hyde



    Guys and Dolls

    The Producers

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