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Kirby Krackle

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Posts posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. About three years ago, we got a tornado here in Yonkers, NY. Which boggles my mind, considering all the hills and that huge body of water called the Hudson River. But WOW. The trees in my apartment's courtyard were trashed. So many had to be cut down for safety. The parking lot wasn't cleaned for weeks. And hail. Hail everywhere.

    Best of luck though to all the bad weather ponies.

  2. So how are all of you spending your holiday, assuming you're in America. I understand we have some ponies from over the sea visiting, after all.

    Me? I had work, 7-3. My wife had off, so she tidied the house to prepare for the afternoon barbecue which is now in its cooldown phase. It's a small one, as I only have a small grill right now. We invited a coworker of mine and his wife. Dogs and Bubba Burgers and chicken patties. Coworker's wife brought these yummy half-pickled zucchini for me to fire up. Delicious.

    Now that we're full of food, we'll watch a movie maybe and play lots of Magic the Gathering. That's it.

    So thank you, veterans, which includes my grandfather.

    How about you ponies? Aside from attending the Gala of course.

  3. Girls in JL just make guys go all gaga for their costumes. -jokes again-

    We do need more female super herons though I agree

    I cannot deny this. Just the way it is. And heck, I don't have to like it. Zatanna though, a JL veteran, could easily turn someone's blood to ice just by saying "blood to ice" backwards. She has a stupidly high amount of power. Power Girl (jokes again :) ), is Kryptonian and is both not an idiot, as well as savvy in business. Donna Troy, a functional clone of Wonder Woman, founded the Teen Titans.

    But blah blah blah, I'm rambling. I could make an all girl Justice League that would be capable and not pandering to crowds.

  4. Skymaster. I imagine an old Stallion, well traveled, and knowing full well the art of war. Celestia calls on him when things are truly dire, as this Pony is capable of slaying dragons. He is a Pegasus, and while most of his kin treat nature as a business, he has complete control over the sky and the storm. Able to call down lightning and thunder, cast torrential winds and summon the death of winter's cold, he has a power envied by some, feared by others. Unicorns can only dream of such power.


    Sorry, I went overboard. But if you RP, you can have that.

  5. Pinkie by a long shot. Derpy just seems a little random thanks to the amount of fanart she has, so really the fans created her personality, thanks to the appearances she had (That being her obsession with muffins, the fact she's a mail pony, and her namesake, the derped eyes), so she does seem a bit random, but we haven't seen (Or heard) enough of her to see if she's more random than Pinkie.

    Pinkie, on the other hand, is way more of a random pony. What with the ability to make songs on the fly, always carry around goofy objects (The foam finger from Sonic Rainboom, the umbrella hat from Dragonshy), her constant 4th wall breaking, and the fact she is aware she's in a cartoon and gives the finger (Err, hoof) to physics and does whatever she pleases. So yeah, the evidence is there, Pinkie Pie is much more random.

    However, if the rumors are true about Derpy becoming a bigger character next season, Pinkie might have some tough competition, but only time will tell, and until that day, my opinion stands.

    What this pony said.

  6. Agreed. Sure, this is a show for girls, but where's the male character who isn't an idiot (Snips & Snails), a nameless background character (That one who pops balloons) or great but is only in one episode (Braeburn)?

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