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Kirby Krackle

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Posts posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. This is something I wrote a while back, around summer 2009. To those who read DC comics, it's when Blackest Night first hit shelves and rewrote how bloody (I almost cursed, there) awesome the Green Lantern mythology can be. The short of my inspiration was, as Green Lantern's ring is powered by willpower, a Star Sapphire's power is fueled by love. That sounded a lot like Sailor Moon to me. Sooooo... here we are.

    For some reason, people on FF.net really liked it. I have fans. And subscribers. Why? I'm no good. But anyway, here it is. I have NO idea why I'm posting this.

    http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5231695/1/b ... _Chapter_1

  2. Dear Princess Celestia,

    How can I explain to a long time friend that, as far as a creative partnership is concerned, I don't need him anymore? I still value his friendship, but since I began this hobby, I'd advanced and learned and grown on my own to a point that it's come to me doing all the work and sharing the credit. It's confusing and frustrating and I await an insightful reply.

    Your faithful student,

    Kirby Krackle

  3. Meh. Pallet swaps. Though what stories would a bee-keeping pony have to tell... I imagine her perpetually having band-aids all over. Definitely having a large role during Winter Wrap-Ups, what with pollination and all that jazz. She's probably chat it up with Fluttershy more than uncommonly, thanks to a shared nature affinity. Hang on, I need to write this stuff down.

  4. I see spellcasting as visualizing what you want to accomplish in your mind and then "tapping the aether" in order to accomplish what you want. Equestria is a magical land, after all, and aetheric energy pervades every corner, just waiting to be tapped. Casters who are very good at what they do like Twilight can "grab" large amounts of ambient aether to make their vision of what they want to alter in their world happen, even in spite of the laws of physics. Less accomplished casters like Rarity or Trixie would merely be limited to "plucking" strands of aether or "collecting" small bunches to do things like Rarity's fine manipulation of sewing tools and her passive ability to locate gems or Trixie's pyrotechnics and illusion spells.

    Like the Force? :D

    Or a Green Lantern Ring. All that grimacing Twilight does to cast? She has the ability to overcome great fear.

  5. On that note, I provide this:

    Forgive the roughness of this sketch, as I'm not well versed in my Tablet yet. But flank color is provided for... some reason. I'm happy I found a Hex to RGB converter. But there it is. And I can definitely change it.

    [attachment=0]Cutiemark copy.jpg[/attachment]

  6. I coworkers know, if in passing. Mainly because one also goes to 4chan. The others, it's because I ask brief questions like "If a cartoon made a reference to the myth of Icarus, would you watch?" or "When was the last time you saw a cartoon drop an anvil?".

  7. The majority (I think) of B&Ns all have a cafe inside. I stress this next part: it is not a Starbucks. Yes, we serve the coffee and the frozen beverages. But that's it. We don't take the gift cards or the "I *****ed so I get free drinks" coupon or the gold membership. We DO accept everything B&N. Membership, Gift cards, online coupons, etc.

    I know very little of the ways of Borders. I DO know that they serve Mr. Pibb.

    I miss Mr. Pibb.


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