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Kirby Krackle

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Posts posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. Name: Almond Butter

    Age: Young stallion

    Race: Earth Pony

    Appearance: Light purple coat. Lime green eyes. Magenta mane and tail, both cut short and curled with a yellow stripe running down each. He has spent great time keeping himself from looking as far from the typical poison user as possible. Will dress as formally as the typical trainer hike will allow. At most, it's a black turtle neck. Cutie mark is a pink (and then pinker) blossom, found on the Bitter Almond tree.

    Starting Pokemon: Zubat

    Motivation: To gain strength as a trainer and to earn prestige for a type typically abhorred and snubbed by the masses. He hopes to not only be a Gym leader, but to chase the Psychics out of their building in Canterlot and claim it for Poison-types everywhere.

    If that's not enough, I can spit out more. Delving more into background and development, etc etc.

  2. I do belive Mr. Kirby feels very strongly about the indepthness of this. I was just basing it off of the cartoon that I have been exposed to and am a fan of. To elaborate this more than it already is, and to truly give the crossover roleplay its worthwhile extensensions...why, this could be the greatest RP of all time.

    On an unfortunate note... I don't speak Comic Book and Hero Lore. :( I'm a Musician and avid MMORPGer when I'm online...D: Comic Books Heroes from Justice League, Marvel, etc... not my strong suit. ;.;

    I guess I have to spam netflix and rewatch a few things.

    Absolutely nothing wrong with not sharing my borderline obsessions! And you certainly don't need to think the way I do to create a compelling character. My wish at the moment is to help provide a proper backdrop for the current players, as well as a stepping stone for future players! So please don't feel bad! :)

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  3. I bring up the Justice League because its the sidekicks of the premier members that were core founding members. The other fan favorites came around in the '80s. And I thought to myself: but MLP:FIM doesn't have an elder generation it uses as functional source material! Oh wait. Yes it does. Twilight, Applejack, Firefly, Posey, Surprise and Sparkler. Depending on who plays who, it is completely within possibility for a legacy character to happen. Especially Twilight vs Twilight Sparkle, fanon mother and daughter. Does Fluttershy have to be related to Posey? No. Or a protege even? Also no. But its something to think about. The Teen Titans are more than just an awesome cartoon from the 2000s and if its the direct inspiration, this RP could be big. DC has its cities and the heroes who call them home. To an extend, so does MLP. Is Cloudsdale home to its full spectrum speedster Rainbow Dash as Central City has its Flash? Is Canterlot the sprawling 'Metropolis' we think it is, home to the world's greatest champion? What about alien worlds? The level of technology achieved?

    We could do SO MUCH! We HAVE to brainstorm! Drop down every idea you have on the table!

    Also, yeah, I'm still playing Pinkie Pie.

    Edit: I have to document this or I'm going to forget it. Cloudsdale does have a hero: The Wonderbolt. Speedster extraordinaire. She's a household name. There have been comics, action figures, city sanctioned promotional races between her and Superm-... ahem. Anyway. Rainbow Dash (that I respectfully use the male pronouns for in this brain thing I'm doing right now) grows up a massive fanboy. Training and dreaming every day since he was a lad and NEVER shutting up about it to her awesome aunt, Firefly. ...yeah, this is just a copy of the Kid Flash/Flash III/Wally West origin. I know. But I liked how the proper nouns were swapped.

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  4. First thing. I wanna get this out of the way immediately: I'm in. I'm totally in.

    Before I start building a character though (almost certainly Pinkie Pie), might I have some info as to the world we would be playing in? How closely does it resemble DC's Earth vs Equestria? Is there a Justice League analog to worry about? As for antagonists, both ends give us lots to work with. MLP's are the obvious ones, but will Deathstroke be happening? Brother Blood? Trigon? I could go crazy here but I'd rather not step on your toes right off the bat.

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  5. Tinker Tailor was in agony. Near as he could remember, this was the first time he was shot with something that wasn't water, marshmallows, Styrofoam, a suction cup or a rubber band. Though, to be fair, taking a rubber band to the eye is no laughing matter. This particular wound even more-so. His blue coat stained red, and getting redder by the minute. Vision began to blur and his legs started ignoring the orders to stand. His worst nightmare has finally come to pass. "[colour=#ff00ff]Sweet Celestia... I'm a tomato![/colour]" Or the lack of blood flow to the brain was unhinging a pony already half way there. "[colour=#ff00ff]Well, momma didn't raise no ketchup packet! I'll salt their sugar if it's the black thing I pepper![/colour]" And then he threw up more blood. The clock was ticking fast for him. Shaking hooves grasped his trust rifle, took a wobbly aim and let his rig's sensors do the actual work. In a flash of red light, the Exit platform to his Teleportation machine was right where he needed it to be, under him. One more flash of light and he was back at the base camp, far away from the actual shooting. Peace. Which was almost as dangerous, tempting him to just fall asleep and let Luna take him.

    "[colour=#ff00ff]GAZPACHO[/colour]", he screamed defiantly, whipping out his plans for the Dispenser and worked as his life truly depended on it. In no time at all, the basic model was up. Upgrading could come later, but right now, he simply bathed in the warm glow of the magic heal box thing. True to the instruction manual, his wounds patched themselves under this light, spitting out the slugs that punctured lung. In just a few moments, the Unicorn went from critical to bright eyed and bushy tailed.

    Time to work on a second Sentry.

  6. I could nitpick all the minor problems, my main gripe being the overuse of in jokes. The fan episode should win hearts on its own merit, rather than smile and nod at previously won merits. On the other hand! I loved catching all the freeze-frame moments! Maybe because it was more subtle? I dunno.

    I still had loads of fun. Would totally watch again. Maybe a little viewing party with this, Snowdrop, Ponies the Anthology, etc etc.

  7. JuggernautvsPinkiePie_zps1bd8d6f3.jpg

    That's the short of it. The long of it is as follows:

    I have a coworker (Phil) who appreciates my status as a Brony and, more or less, studies it. He asks for tumblr and fanfic recommendations, considers what happens at conventions, I bring to light our charity work and have had the displeasure of explaining... ahem... the cloppers. Though most of the time, he asks me my opinions on the weirder side of things. Most recently that fellow who asked a Deviant Artist (is that how I should spell that?) to no longer make Rule 34 of Twilight Sparkle, because he was going to marry her. That wasn't fun. So I simply defused things with a "He does not represent the community as a whole" and moved on to the Equestria Daily app. Next, he asks me, completely out of the blue, the Juggernaut vs Pinkie Pie.

    If my name wasn't any indication, I am a huge comic book nerd. I don't think the biggest, but I'm up there. Superheroes have always been my first love. And like any good fanboy, I love a good old fashioned versus thread. You can see my first thoughts on this new fight in the picture I've provided. Guess which one is me. :P

    But, as the bus ride home (we were waiting for one), with the most recent X-Men books fresh in my mind and the Juggernaut article fresh on my iPhone, I began to think much more about this. How would a civilization, mostly non-militaristic and leaning towards magic in lieu of technology, handle the destruction brought on by a creature that is. Literally. Unstoppable. I'm in full fanfiction mode at this point. Meanwhile, the driver is screaming at standing passengers to move further back. Then, naturally, I begin to question how Cain Marko would even get to Equestria! There is no shortage of weirdo powers to do it, especially in Marvel. But what's the most likely? Or rather, what's the least likely to seem like an author's @$$pull?

    The Spark Notes are these. Major spoilers forthcoming.

    Charles Xavier is dead. He was the major casualty of the Avengers vs X-Men story arc in which the Phoenix is coming back to Earth. Avengers say kill it. It's destruction incarnate. The X-Men say keep it and use its powers to bring the mutant race back from extinction. Fights happen. At the end of things, Scott Summers aka Cyclops aka Goody two shoes favorite student kills his teacher. Fast forward a couple months to the 'All New X-Men' book, wherein Beast aka Hank McCoy summons a time removed first five X-Men (Himself, Iceman, Angel, Jean Grey (Holy $#!%) and Cyclops. There are now two of them) to the present so that a young Scott can see what a jackass he turns out to me.

    What I see happening is this: Juggernaut, with his bitter hatred of his half brother Charles must be absolutely furious that he kicked the bucket. Why? Because how dare someone else beat him to the punch! And then, old contact Mystique mentions that there is a past-Scott running around. Juggs is no Mensa graduate but he can reasonably assume that if young Scott is killed, then he can't become current Scott. And therefore cannot kill Xavier. With Xavier alive, he can therefore be killed by a giant Cyttorak fueled size 30 boot to the skull. So he marches up to the now 'Jean Grey Institute for Higher Learning' and simply does what he does best. Naturally, he can't be stopped. The X-Men are desperate and totally not prepared to handle the Juggernaut right now. Time must be bought.

    See what I did there? Hank McCoy turns on his time machine again, hot wiring it into be aimed. Problem is, some of the controls have been busted during the fight and the destination is unclear. Desperation kicks in and they blast Cain Marko hopefully into literally next week. But, yeah, busted controls.

    He lands in Equestria. There's the chapter one.

    As for chapter two, questions are raised. Is he ponified, his body responding to the... I heard in a Doctor Whooves fic that Equine is the default shape of sentient life in his sliver of the Multiverse, making him a pony, but rhino sized and heavily armored. Why rage? Well, he needs to get home and nopony can really help him. Also, hooves. He would love to have a word with whoever is in charge, and is constantly denied with pretty words. But, y'know, unstoppable. Chapter two would consist of them just trying to bring this behemoth down before he destroys... everything in his search for Celestia. The more creative and desperate measures would be breaking the dam seen in Mysterious Mare Do Well and hitting him with several thousand tons of water. Depending on setting (as in, before or after season 3), they could sick Discord on him. My only real answer to that would be... Cyttorak, also being a God of Chaos, might be one of Discord's many multidimensional... half selves, who are all in agreement not to futz around with eachother's work. I dunno. That's assuming a post season 3 fanfiction. Also, in the picture provided is my response to the Elements of Harmony.

    A chapter three would consist of a certain... je ne sais quoi. Seriously. I don't know what. My only real thought is him learning friendship KeepCalmFlutterOn style, thus greatly reducing his power. The real moral behind this story would be at its climax, where much like the World War Hulk story, him being nice is a hindrance and he needs to be that avatar of destruction to quell some greater force. Maybe an Ursa Major. The real Ursa Skyscraper high Major. Or King Sombra. Or a portion of Sombra's corruption left over from his horn. That one. You know which one I'm talking about. Maybe it infects the now Alicorn Twilight. Let's shutter at the thought.

    So yeah. Those are my ramblings. Is this a story worth anything? Should I even start it? Help me out here.

  8. The more he thought about it, the more Reveille felt comfortable with simply sleeping on the megatons supporting his backside. It was cool to the touch, had great lumbar and could probably be a conversation piece once it was defused. Then he thought about the word 'defuse' more. This thing was supposed to kill them, wasn't it? He sighed, mostly from not wanting to get up, but there was a part of him that would miss his new sporting chair. With careful application of forehead, he began pushing his bomb to the only place he could imagine robots not finding it: a nasty pit covered in warning signs he passed once or twice. The cliched pebble test yielded, amazingly, no sound. But science says it can't possibly be bottomless. Still, it was the best option for disposal. Celestia forbid this be on a timer or something. One gentlest of bucks later and down it fell into the black chasm never to be heard from again. Until thirty seconds from now. There was indeed an explosion, though muffled, and a noxious cloud of smoke belched upward from the pit. Otherwise, no damage to the surrounding area.

    "[colour=#0000ff]I meant to do that.[/colour]" Liar.

    His last loose end was his weapon, which he admitted looked like garbage compared to the stuff bought from whatever psycho-retailer the rest of his team shopped at. Still, it served him well and he was glad to have it. Might as well give it some maintenance during however long this downtime lasts. He slung it over his shoulder and trotted back to camp, but not before passing... what was her name again?

    "[colour=#0000ff]Belle Plain, was it?[/colour]" He tipped his hat to the lady. "[colour=#0000ff]My name is Reveille. Trumpeter by trade. Soldier wasn't my first choice. But I think that can be said for the lot of us. How about you?[/colour]"

  9. Just throwing a few things out there. First, there weren't any Spybots in this wave. Being the Engineer, of course I would ask. Either I for Coal Town or what's his face for Maneworks would announce the arrival of anything important during the wave: bomb progress, Spies, Tanks, Sentry Busters, etc.

    Second, I think I left things too ambiguous. Sure, Tinker got shot and that's all I mentioned. But, just to clarify, the Teleporters weren't destroyed and since his Rescue Ranger can teleport, he has at least 130 metal, which is enough for another Dispenser. Finally, I ended it with "He was shot" and not "He was killed" for a reason.

    Yeah. Too ambiguous. I should edit things. Also, I shouldn't try to write at 2 in the morning.

  10. Like any other good predator, Tinker Tailor did his best to drag (for some reason, with his teeth) his newly fallen prey back to the nest as quickly as possible. Despite the fact that the thing weighed a few hundred pounds and he was being shot at, Tinker and his single minded determination was making good time up the hill leading home. With any luck, the good solid whack he delivered didn't damage too much of where he assumed central processors were kept. There might even be a USB port or similar nonsense he could jack into for secret plans or design specifications or similar goodies that he could take home.

    And now for the bad news. Single minded determination was why 'Look out for that Sentry Buster' went into one blue ear and out the other. The Action Bomb managed to walk right past him. Up the hill. Up the stairs. Right in the middle of his nest. Meanwhile, Tinker's turret was reacting accordingly, emptying absolutely no ammunition into the enemy right in its face due to its Engineer's negligence. Not soon after, the machine popped a squat and let out an ear-breaking beep. This is what Tinker Tailor reacted to, too late.

    His shotgun was drawn once he sensed a threat. Once the new robot was in full view, without even remembering its name, he knew exactly what it was and what it would do in less than five seconds. The teleportation ability built into his weapon was primed and ready and had line of sight of Sentry and Dispenser. But he could only save one. Four seconds. Not enough time to weigh all the options. Three seconds. Get kills or save lives? Two seconds. He loved all his toys. He couldn't decide. The final second ticked away, his eyes welling up with tears, his heart being blasted to just as many pieces as his machines.

    And then he was shot in the chest.

  11. Reveille's weapon was loaded, his spirit full of righteous rage, his aim true and his new friends in dire need. This is it. Hero time. After one last deep breath, a rocket was in his hoof, ready to launch and send his enemies to Robot Heaven, except...

    You've defeated the wave. Good. But they'll be back! Get to an Upgrade Station before they return!

    The Soldier in training looked around in disbelief, seeing five other nonmetal ponies more or less in one piece. What he did not see were signs of movement from either the piles of worthless scrap scattered about the war torn landscape, or from the carrier off in the distance. There was peace. It was allegedly for only a few precious moments, but finally peace! The violent racing in Reveille's chest began to finally slow down, his hooves going limp and his weapon dropping to the floor with a thud. He could have simply collapsed on the spot, enjoying the first drawn out breath he could take in... how long have they been fighting? Nevermind. It was too long anyway. His muscles were on fire and his brow was soaked. It was time to take five and, while he was at it, tell his team to do so as well. He trotted over, wobbling a little, before plopping his flank down on the bomb that was on its way to their mailbox not a moment ago. His hat was off now. Using it to fan himself was a better service at the moment.

    "[colour=#0000ff]You heard the lady[/colour]", he said to the lot of them with eyes half closed. "[colour=#0000ff]Break time.[/colour]" The five others with him looked to be just as tired as he, giving each of them a smile and a 'good job on not dying' wave, including the new one, whom he didn't get a good enough look at during the heat of battle. She was a mare, now that he noticed. A big one. And he had no idea for how long he was staring, goofy and blushing.

    "[colour=#0000ff]You're really tall.[/colour]"

  12. Defend our honor, Tinker Tailor overheard the great scorekeeper in the sky shout. Kill these robots!

    Kill the robots? Well, that's just silly! He needed them alive. Though, to be fair, 'alive' did not necessarily mean 'in one piece'.

    As the mechanized ponies came storming from their clubhouse, barking all sorts of rude comments, the Unicorn could not help but salivate. These engineering marvels were absolutely to die for! What alloys were used in the inevitable defense/mobility trade off? What was the fuel source keeping them moving with such vigor yet remaining strangely out of sight? The cameras? The voice boxes? Sweet Celestia, even the paint job! There was absolutely nothing about them he didn't demand to know more about! Well before the bullets started flying, he had a notebook at the ready, his magic furiously guiding one of the many quills he brought with him. In short-hoof, he jotted down as much as he could observe before the beep of his Sentry Gun signaled another robot falling to its power. So distracted was he by his notes, Tinker failed to notice how far ahead in the contest he was, despite not being allowed to compete. At the moment at least, a Griffin's eye is no match for a 2.0 Megapixel HD IP camera.

    "[colour=#ff00ff]Ring around the rosie[/colour]", the toymaker giggled, unable to restrain himself anymore. He needed to get down there and find a body as intact as possible. He needed to disassemble. To dissect.

    No, not dissect! That wasn't right at all! "[colour=#ff00ff]A pocket full of posies.[/colour]" While he magicked his weapons to his side and leaped from the safety of his highrise, the resulting momentum drove a ten pound cast-iron monkey wrench deep into the head of an oncoming Scout-bot. The result was a deafening clang, splattering motor oil across his grin-warped face. Vivisect, he corrected. Vivisect.

    "[colour=#ff00ff]Ashes ashes. We all fall down[/colour]."

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