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Kirby Krackle

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Posts posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. I don't like Rarity. I understand the complexities of her character, the whole greed vs. generosity thing, how she subverts the fashion character trend by creating rather than shopping, etc etc etc. I get all that. But she still feels like she walked out of a Weisberger novel. She's shallow, a jerk to her little sister and got off Scott free at the end of Sweet and Elite. "Dear Princess Celestia, thanks for helping me dodge that bullet". Even her element's debut in S1E2 just... rubbed me the wrong way.

    I'd like to throw paint on her or something.

  2. Chobits Guy: On account of Chobits being one of my first experiences with manga and I would hound the local comic book store clerk about new volumes.

    Riddle Me This, which then reduced to just RMT: The one Riddler fan on a Superman message board. I ended up one rank below Admin in terms of power. Started as just the mod for the Art/Writing forum. What does that say?

    Black Tungsten: One of the few names for my account on the now dead City of Heroes MMO. Rest in peace. Named for one of my heroes named after what my wedding ring is made out of. His arch nemesis happens to be...

    Dr. Preposterous: I found out about Dr. Horrible after I made this guy. I swear. Main inspiration came from the book "Soon I Will Be Invincible" by Austin Grossman, a fantastic read. Also, this happens to be my nickname at work. Whenever something out of the ordinary happens, it's usually "Dr. Preposterous strikes again" out of people's mouths.

    Iuzzies: During those times when my wife (TortoiseShell) and I needed to make a joint account but couldn't decide on a name. Steam and XBL have this handle. Only on Steam did she break down and open her own.

    Those are the only ones I can think of with stories attached. I like stories.

    Edit: RegalSteel! You were on CoH too?! HUGS! What servers did you play on? What did you main? Let's talk about the good old days!

  3. I just unboxed the Blood Banker. I think there's a Spy fan girl on this board somewhere, but her head must be spinning. It is such a handsome jacket! No idea what to pair it with hat-wise other than the Made Man.

    Meanwhile, I still search for the Derfanzipantzen. It is the sole reason I haven't sold off my Powdered Practitioner and Nine Pipe Problem.

    Weapon talk now. The Quick Fix is finally playable enough that nobody on the server yells at me when I use it. The Winger means Scouts can freaking fly now. The l'etranger is such a wonderful gun now. It's a perfect escape artist's weapon! I mourn the loss of the Liberty Launcher's goodness. My strange will never be touched again. Instead, I think I'm going to main the Cow Mangler for a while. The buff makes it not a gimmick and the new projectiles are so cool!

    I'm happy and sad about set bonuses leaving. On the one hand, it puts the power in the hands of those who cannot afford hats. On the other hand, my set hats are worthless! I mean, I have no use for the Attendant anymore. At least the Familiar Fez is nice looking.

  4. Okay. It's Independence Day. Looking back, there are a lot of you sitting around waiting for this RP you signed up for to actually do something. It isn't, because we're waiting on people who haven't been around in a very long time. So that maps in use... aren't in use anymore. Also, I'm a stubborn pig who refuses to retcon things. So, here's a proposal: All of you who signed up recently can have your lovely little ponies hop onto a new map. I think we have two left. I will be on board as storyteller again and promise to keep things running smoothly, because my life consists of this board, work and Team Fortress 2. I'll even make a new pony for y'all as a sign of good faith.

    How's that sound?

  5. Definitely my favorite of the micro series, but then I'm biased. There were previews on EqD, and yeah, I admit I saw a bit of the plot coming. Not the ending though. A very nice surprise which I won't spoil. The art was absolutely stupendous! We got such a range of motion and it suited our pink protagonist perfectly! And the best part? It got me laughing. Mission accomplished, Issue 5. I'll need to bag and board you.

  6. There is no real need for the loadout to be "effective". We're just messing around, really. As long as it fits the concept of character. For instance, the Soldier I play is carrying the Beggar's Bazooka. Sure, it's an effective weapon, but it's mainly to represent how untrained and out of his element he is, wielding a clumsy weapon he made out of scraps.

    And as always, any little details about backstory are appreciated. But yeah, I think you're good to go.

    Edit: You're good to go too, AirForce!

  7. Working under pressure had always been a specialty of his. Plus, there was the beeping. These tiny noises are ever present in his workshop, his kitchen, his bedroom, pretty much everywhere in the house. It's soothing. The beeping, in this case, was strangely ironic. Beeping meant the busywork of machines. Good machines, like the Mane Co. standard issues. Bad machines, like the waves of killbots sent to destroy them. It was with this contradiction, in the midst of this chaos, Tinker Tailor found his zen. The usually manic pony's focus was that of the laser he used to aim the fire of his sentry gun. He heard not the roar of the weapons around him, the thunderous stomp of giant metal hooves, or the desperate cries of his allies. There wasn't even a song in his head. There was just beeping.

    Magic kept the Wrangler aloft, his eyes keen on the little red dot projected on the shiny metal chassis. Manually, with no vision to guide him, he kept his weapon maintained by memory alone. What parts needed realigning, where to slide the new cases of ammunition being dispensed, how to set his wrench, everything. Tinker Tailor knew every last detail. He was one with the firepower that was tearing into the giant. Beeping be praised.

  8. It hadn't occurred to Reveille to investigate the Upgrade Station before. He didn't know what to upgrade, for starters. Or how, for that matter. The whole booth actually, despite its pretty neon lights and pleasant jingle playing in the background, was downright intimidating. It seemed like a scam. Just another way for Mane Co. to take the precious bits he just didn't have. Except... how he had bits. Those robots seemed to run on gold and his team, quite literally, made a killing. So why not, he figured, and hopped behind the desk to discover one heck of a work station. He was no gear head but he couldn't count the number of tools he wish he had before he built his bazooka.

    The trumpeter dug through blue prints. He bought spare parts. He bought better rounds, which promised better propulsion. He even managed to find a welding helmet, which was already a big improvement, if the singed bits of his mane from last time were any indication. And, while working diligently, he was mindful of the time. At any moment, that announcer would chime in again for round two. Twenty minutes passed and, in his hooves, was a weapon he felt much more confident holding. His bazooka could hold more rounds before a misfire, they could fire quicker and his rounds would travel faster. It still looked like garbage.

    Reveille took a deep breath and looked at his team. The bigger mare was getting make-up tips from the little doctor. The two in the masks were... antagonizing each other. They didn't make much sense, but anyway. They were alive, he was alive and for the moment, it was peaceful. So he did what he did best: whipped out his trumpet and played for them. It was the least he could do as thanks. If only one of them knew how to play the piano.

  9. So. You know what I would hate to see? This RP failing before it even gets off the ground. As a courtesy, I offer up an OC of mine to serve as the villain of this series. Gearlock, the yes or no I feel is entirely your call. PM for details, naturally. Know that I've been working on this guy (or gal) for some time now, developed and ready to go, only needing heroes to engage.

    Up to you folks.

  10. Almond Butter woke extra early this morning. It was a special one, after all. And if its one thing he learned from, well, himself, it's to make a good first impression. And that meant punctuality! Looking sharp! A balanced breakfast! The last bit came first, quickly taken care of by a bowl of Lucari-Os. The second was more of an issue. The Gym Leader challenge was something taken by many, beaten by few and one heck of a hoofing all across Equestria. How do you dress for a hike like that? Black tie? Morning dress? Business casual? He could probably borrow of one his father's bits of denim but... bleh. Celestia only knows what the smells on his stuff actually came from. After too much deliberation, the Earth Pony settled on a smart, black turtle neck. Thick enough to block the wind yet light enough to toss over the shoulder if need be. He would not be walking out of the house looking like some vagrant who dumpster dives for Grimer in a seedy back alley. This decision came at the cost of leaving twenty two minutes later than he had intended. So much for punctuality.

    He was in a full gallop now, which was the only reason he wasn't kicking himself physically, as opposed to just mentally. The chance to impress was gone.

    "[colour=#4b0082]No![/colour]", he denied! "[colour=#4b0082]Time may not be on my side, but I'll wow the Professor with my knowledge, enthusiasm and personal upkeep![/colour]"

    Except he wasn't watching where he was going and fell in the mud.

    "[colour=#4b0082]All for the want of a nail[/colour]", he grumbled to himself. Forty minutes late for his appointment and covered in filth. He looked like a flattened peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

    "[colour=#4b0082]Please excuse my lateness, Professor[/colour]", he pleaded, wiping his hooves at the door. Manners. "[colour=#4b0082]I've... had a rough morning.[/colour]"

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