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Posts posted by LegoCOBrony19

  1. 'Wait, if his medication changed, then....ah crud' Codex cringed at the thought, but he had to be sure; better safe than sorry right? The saddlebag of his was quite distinguisable from Silver's, the letter 'WRCo.' written with a black marker as he looked through the contents. A journal and random stuff, but...

    "Nothing! Where's my Insulin pen?!" He started to panic. After a useless search, he looked to the others.

    "Well, this stinks." Those were his last words before he ran down the right path, shouting in a panic.

  2. The interior of the Ministry building was something out of Ithe Re-neigh-sance, with decorative white marble pillars, smooth plaster tile floors and lush red carpetry. Chandeliers hung proudly over the grand stairway and lobby. An attendee approached the two stallions, donning a fine jacket with a small badge pinned under his left collar.

    "Good Evening Colonel Haybrun. I didn't expect you'd bring your guest." He turned to Greed.

    "Introductions will have to be for another time. We are running late for the summit, as it were."

    "Oh yes, of course. Right this way please." He gestured towards the stairway, leading to the North Wing of the building; just two stories below the archives.

  3. "My name is Silver Swirl and are you two bronies?" The navy blue pony asked. I turned to Hoss, with a blank face.

    "Not how I would ask it but-" I turned back to the pony.

    "Yeah. This here is Boss_Hoss1 and I'm Codex Writer, but my friends call me Matt." Codex raised his hoof to shake his. After a brief intro, the trio stood there.

    "So, what's the plan? Are we heading for Ponyville or do we find anypony else from the meet-up?" I turned to Hoss, hoping he had something in mind.

  4. (OOC: Mind if I join in? I'm going with my actual tag Codex Writer.)

    "Uh, my head... last time I go crazy at my first meetup. I'll save it for the next one." Codex replied, trying to rub the back of his head. He felt something strange, pulling back his arm to see his.... Hoof?

    "Great, now I've really lost my mind." a few seconds pasted before his finally realized, then panicked like mad, running through the woods. Tripping over his other hooves, Codex rolled and crashed into a nearby tree, leavings falling to the ground.

    "Hello! Is Anypony here? Heloooooo?" A voice shouted out. His head stuck out of the pile, ears perked.


  5. The two guards at the door were bewildered by the small and sudden snow fall. Their burgandy merryweather helms and matching armor gave off a dark glow to counter their grey sleeves and saddles, the Ministry emblem perfectly squared across their chest just as Haybrun and Greed arrived at the base of the steps.

    "Papers please." One of the guards asked, extending his hoof to the two. Haybrun pulls out a small black leather notepad, inside it was everything about him, including his place of birth and brief family history.

    "Everything should be order. As you haven't noticed, my advisor and I are running late for the officer's meeting here tonight."

    "Of Course sir, just as soon as I see his papers we'll let you on your way." He replied, turning to Greed.

  6. (OOC: I'm gonna take to the night of the heist, just to get us moving again.)

    The night had befallen upon the city as the ragtag group approached the Ministry Square. Standing before them was the building itself with the Royal banners fluttering in the cool evening breeze. The Ministry seemed to be on high alert with the increased number of guards patrolling the perimeter and roof top.

    "Alright. Do we all remember the plan? If you don't I'll run it through again. I will be 'attending' the officers summit on the second floor with Mr. Greed. Our good friend Bowie and his friend will take care of the guards atop the building quietly. Once they find an opening, they'll signal the rest of you to go in. From there, take copies of the archives and get out as quick as you can. Should anything go wrong, it's every pony for themselves. Understand?" Haybrun informed the group.

  7. "I'm still concerned about your friends here Greed. The Ministry's Guards aren't like the ones you've encountered back at Canterlot. They're a bit more agressive and can be ruthless when it comes to intruders, let alone officers such as myself." He informed him, knowing from experience. "If you plan to do it during the changing of the guard, you better be as quick as the wind; they spare no expense and they usually arrive earlier than schedueled."

  8. (Ok, With Sivler being AFRP for a while, I'll set up a batting order on how we do this. Basically, it will start with me, then Greed, followed by Sev and lastly Silver. Also, If anyone is going to have other characthers perform in anothers post, please consult them in your OOC posts.

    On the bright side, Murry finally got a camera to 'film' the rest of the RP, so we will start up soon.)

  9. Later that evening, the only ponies left in the entire camp was Haybrun, Greed and his colleges, Bowie and Lucky. The rest had left for Fort Orchard that afternoon. The dinner looked incredable and the soup smelled devine.

    "My compliments to the cooks for such a fine meal." Haybrun raised a glass to Gluttony and Lucky. The rest raised theirs as well.

    "Now, about those blueprints?" Greed inquired, a touch of annoyance in his speech.

    "Oh yes, of course." Haybrun pulled out a large folded map from this satchel where is pipe was stashed and laid it on the table. He unfolded the map, reveailing every last detail of the Ministry from top to bottom. "The archives will be on the fourth floor, but will be heavily guarded by the Ministry's best soldiers and keen sharpshooters on the roof. I trust you'll have a plan on getting in without being detected?"

  10. "Mr. Bowie, stay your sword." Haybrun lifted his hoof, hoping to prevent another fire in the camp. Something hit his mind suddenly. He had forgotten about the recruits slowly returning from their run.

    "Do forgive me Greed, but I have to continue my military duties first. The blueprints will have to wait." He turned to Greed.

  11. "Quite a story Greed. Look, I'll see what I can do to get you access to the archives, along with anything you may need in the future. But first, I have to see these recruits off to Fort Orchard. It may take about three months or so before they're ready for battle." Haybrun explained the situation, dispite the blunt lie about access to the archives. Not even Lancer had that kind of authorization, and he doubts Greed the military advisor could get in. But what about Greed the spy...

    "What follows gentlecolts never occured. I know a secret passage that goes right underneath the archives, without having to get clearence. The architect of the Ministry was a friend of mine and he so happened to give me a spare blueprint of the building." Before he could even get the blueprints, he wanted his desk back to normal. "Could I have my desk back?"

  12. "Very well General, i am a fair pony, you answered my question to the...best...of your ability, so you may ask questions of me, though i warn you, this may be your only chance, fates being what they are."...

    This was finally Haybrun's chance to get something out of him. "Believe me Mr. Greed, I've change fates of thousands within a day during the Griffon Wars, those of my men and of the enemy. Now I only have one question, and this time I was the truth, none of this 'observation' crap. Why are you and your friends here, especially when Equestria is on high alert?"

  13. Haybrun was suprised by this, an advisor; no scratch that, a foriegn vistior made advisor wanted to know about our military history, mainly about him. But is statement about the country to have an army gave him possibilities.

    "Mr. Greed, What I may tell you does not leave this tent. If any of this leaks out, heads will role; yours included Mr. Bowie." Haybrun shouted to the moving shadow outside the tent near the tree. The shadow stopped what he was doing and entered the tent as well.

    "Sorry sir. I was just-" His sword swung into the tent pole and was stuck on impact.

    "It's quite alright. Now you were saying..." Greed turned back to Haybrun.

    "As you know, the Royal Guard is responsible for the protection of the Royal Family, but they can't be everywhere else protecting the country from foriegn inveders and itself. So they have officers such as myself lead these newly established corps all around the country, ever since the Second Crusades against the Dogs. As for our military history, I can't provide much for you unfortunately. The Ministry, for some reason, is suspending any foriegn visitors from accessing the archives for security measures." Haybrun put it abruptly, to Greed's disappointment.

  14. 'Haybrun's Log

    'I've never expected a first day quite like this...ever. I'm quite suprised about our 'guests' who chose my area of expertise instead of the Royal Guard Corps, invited or otherwise.' Haybrun wrote in a journal inside the command tent. He heard a little bit of rain, but the sky was cleared this morning by the local weather team. Before he could have a chance to continue, Greed entered the tent. Haybrun still felt uncomfortable about the skull head of his, but he had seen far worse during the Griffon Wars and the Dog Crusades.

    "You wanted to discuss something, now that I've taking some stress reducers." He gestured Greed to the chair nearby the desk.

  15. Haybrun simply placed his hoof over his face. 'I fought for half my life for this country and this is what I get? A advisor with a skull for a head, a sudden fire in the camp, and a short tempered wanna-be. Can this get any worse?" He thought to himself. He wish just got answered as a sudden explosion came from the field kitchen.

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