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Posts posted by LegoCOBrony19

  1. "Very well then, perhaps some other time. As for now, I have some recruits to train." Haybrun walked alongside the new advisor, who was taking notes after the outburst from the green unicorn in the front row. As for his fedora, he didn't mind at all, just so long as it didn't get in the way. When the two reached the end of the column, Haybrun turned around and further addressed the recruits.

    "For the next few months, your flanks belong to me and to go easy on you, you will conduct a five mile hike around Canterlot and the surrounding area with your full gear, and when your finished with that, you will report back here for final assembly. Tomorrow we head out west to Fort Orchard. The hike will take up most of the day, so by all means take your time, but any recruit who doesn't report here by six this afternoon will be reassigned to off line duties. Get Moving!" He shouted. The column quickly disperesed and began the long day's hike, leaving both him and Greed on the grassy knoll.

  2. "All I know is that you've made some very powerful friends from the Ministry, and heaven knows why they sent you to me for my recruits. General Lancer would have been a better choice for a pony such as yourself, yet you turned down his offer. I doubt you'll learn much from these Coltgrenadiers and Royal guard trainiees." Haybrun replied. Trying to avoid the skull-like mask he wore, Haybrun turned to the recruits.

    "Recruits. This is our special guest Mr. Greed. He and his colleges will be examining our training today, how we differ from the rest of the Army, and more importantly from the Royal Guard Corps. As you may have already noticed, the uniforms are entirely different from the gold and steel armor for more reasonable attire such as the bucket hlemets and light fabric tan jackets." He turned back to Greed. "The armor restricts mobility and speed much needed for an attack. I'll explain more back at my command post."

  3. (Jump in and out whenever you like.)

    "Well now, Mr. Greed. As you can see, these are all the ponies I can divert from the front. I trust you have something planned? " A stallion replied to the new advisor, his pipe in mouth. " But explain to me one more time. Why do you need fifty recruits?" He still seemed puzzled about his motives.

  4. RP type: Crossover

    Name: Lawrence

    Sex: Male

    Age: early-forties

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Coat Color: Tannish-brown

    Mane/Tail color: Brown

    Build: Medium

    Cutie mark: A Map with compass and journal

    Origins/Residency: 'The Railyard', Cimarron Mountains, west of Ponyville

    Occupation: Cartography & Railroad operator

    Motivation: Getting the Job done, Mornings over the Everfree forrest, Family.


    Born into the family business of railroading. His father and grandfather were owners of the Cimarron Railroad Company, supplying the mining camps furhter up the mountains and laying tracks from Ponyville to Appleloosa and as far east to Canterlot until their deaths. His mother was loving and caring until her last breath. He has two siblings: his brother Max and step brother Sketch; a unicorn on his mother's sister side. On certain nights, the trio will go uphill with a barrel of 'Cimarron Specials' and enjoy the night away drinking and talking.

    He got his cutie mark around the age of fifteen, drawing maps of towns and areas he travelled to with his father and brothers.

    He is very friendly, loyal, hard working and resourceful. As for his flaws, he's usually a loner, doesn't feel comfortable around strange ponies and can be conservative about politics.

  5. (Multipule OC's can be used)

    The sun was bearing down upon the company of newly recruited soldiers, standing in files of five rows of ten ponies each. The unsual summer heat was getting the best of them, wearing tan jackets and a steel helmet of a darker grey, while some remained in the Royal armor provided. The saddle bags filled with the new equipment given to them when they first arrived that morning, most had hopes of become Royal Guards, but instead found themselves in a new branch of the Equstrian armed forces.

  6. Nice to meet you. Name's LegoCOBrony19 (Matt to save time) Luckily for you, most of my OC comrades are out enjoying the nice day, except for Lawrence here (also my RP) Don't ask how I got interested in the show but I know that Fluttershy, AJ and Twlight are tied for best pony in my books.

  7. Nice to meet ya.

    Name's LegoCOBrony19 (Matt to save time) and don't get me started with my OC's....



    'Dustoff' Forrester

    Newsprint Dulivan and

    Col. Haybrun, Royal guard ret.

    Lawrence: Retired?

    Haybrun: It's a long story...

    Yes I know thats a lot of OC's to keep track of and yes, I do type down their conversations. Get use to it.

    How I got involved in all this is still a mystery, but Twilight, AJ and Fluttershy are tied for best pony.

  8. Hey-O.





    Newsprint and

    Col. Haybrun, Royal guard.ret.

    Ok, you guys introduced yourself, now let me get right to it. Name's LegoCOBrony, but I can go with either Matt or one of the guys here. How I got into the show I have no idea, but I do know that the Animation got my eye, after all the stuff on TV today went sour. As for the pony deal, Applejack, Twilight, and Fluttershy are tied for best pony.

    Yes, I know I have a lot of OCs, but who doesn't? Anyway, Just want to introduce.... well us and hope to enjoy our time here.

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