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Status Updates posted by Rainb0wDashie

  1. Our Day in Disdain: Chapter 2 Spoiler: submitted by Rainb0w to MLPwritingschool [link] [comment] http://t.co/TrVI3nLl

  2. r/mylittlepony is the only pony community I know where you can't express dissidence or else everypony will treat you like you're Hitler.

  3. Rainb0w on Our Day in Disdain: Chapter 2 Spoiler: >Right off, you need indentations. Deviant art doens't allow i... http://t.co/zkL8wyaY

  4. Rainb0w on Wasn't sure I should post this to MLP or guns.: I wouldn't post it to either. People on reddit start ... http://t.co/CNVexEOs

  5. Rainbow Dash sure has calmed down a lot since season 1. She isn't as brash and in-your-face as she used to be. She's almost boring!

    1. Tenkan


      I see it more as mature.

      I'm actually starting to like her more this season. 0_0

  6. So apparently I have fans now. Two people just added me on skype gushing about how much they love my fanfics and website... I want more!

  7. The Bitter Brony Banning Brigade!: I have a subreddit. The subreddit is basically my little pool of drama where ... http://t.co/Qffx2xmh

  8. Two pills I pop till my pupils swell up like two pennies. I'm Clint Eastwood in his mid-twenties!

  9. Wanna come to a party? Streaming: Dee Snider's "Strangeland" Saturday @ 3:30 PST/5:30 CST/6:30 EST http://t.co/1eXUaAeD

  10. You want riots? Wear your riot gear. You want violence? Then shoot some tear gas in the air! http://t.co/fYSKCLWW

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