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Posts posted by Acey

  1. Okay, A few months ago, I saw this older gen pony in the window of a shop downtown, but the folks won't sell it to me :-( I wanted it for my daughter who collects them. Anyways, I don't know the ponies name.....And I was HOPING someone here could help me place a name to her so I can search on eBay and buy her one. The pony is mint green, with a bright yellow mane, She has blue eyes, she has a white kind of saddle on her with tassels on her sides and on her head, and YELLOW roses or flowers on the saddle. She is standing like a typical pony...no legs up or anything like that. Can anyone help me? I would be eternally grateful...And sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I didn't know where else to put it.

    Acey :)

  2. Hi everypony :)

    So, I have looked online for MLP:FiM patches, but so far, have come up with very very few. Mostly all the old style.... Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knows where I can buy a MLP:FiM BIG Back patch - for the back of a vest? My Daughter is 3 and is a huge fan of MLP, her father bought her a leather vest so we could put some MLP patches on it for her....

    Thanks :)

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section....

  3. RoleplayType: FiM/Show Mane Equestria Universe

    Name: Starlight Dazzle

    Sex: Female

    Age: Young Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    EyeColor: Purple

    Coat Color: Medium Pink

    Mane/Tail/MarkingsColor&Style: Mostly Lilac with light pink highlights. Wavy long mane & tale

    Physique: On the short side...She's a fully grown Mare, but most older Fillies & Colts are even a little taller than her! She is neither skinny or plump- She is slightly curvy

    Cutie Mark: Starlights parents always wondered why their daughters cutie mark hadn't appeared after a long time training to be a magicians assistant under their direction, But one day, There was a talent show at school and since there was already a magic act booked, She decided to sing a song instead. She sang and danced with all her heart- and got a hoofbeating-ovation! She walked past the mirrors backstage, only to find that her cutie mark appeared!!! It was 3 stars- One for each of her special talents- singing, dancing and acting!

    Origin/Residence: She was born in Manehattan, In her Parents traveling "Magic Show" buggy- It was a very dark and cold night....But she was the brightest star! She & her parents moved to Fillydelphia where she was raised for most of her foalhood- They traveled all across Equestria,But her parents slowed down a lot on traveling so Starlight would have a chance to have a physical home-Traveling Magic Shows were mostly on day or weekend trips out of town, While weekly shows were mostly performed in Fillydelphia- The town LOVED them! Fillydelphia is where she lives, but she is frequently seen in Ponyville- she works there. She dreams of living in Canterlot one day!

    Occupation: Currently, she is a friendly patient waitress at the restaurant in Ponyville.She often performs on her off-hours at little events, in cafes, etc.

    Motivation: Starlight is a waitress...But she is also a local singer/actress on the side. Her dream is to someday be a famous entertainer in Canterlot, She hopes to perform for Princess Celestia one day too!

    Personality: She is a very friendly Unicorn. She is a little introverted and can be very shy at times. But when she's on stage, she's the total opposite! Once you get to know her, she is a great friend and is always there for her fellow ponies.

    Likes: Starlight loves animals, music and cupcakes!

    Dislikes: She doesn't like rude folks, or negative nellies.

    Parents: Her parents are named Mistymoon and Alakazam- Her father was a Magician in Equestria once-upon-a-time, and her Mama was his assistant, they are now retired and living in Solstice Heights in a quaint little cottage. They still perform for the neighborhood foals regularly.

    Starlight is very close to her parents and visits very regularly

    Foalhood: Starlight was raised as a Mini-Magicians assistant to her father, she worked alongside her Mama quite often, but she always had a passion for singing, dancing and acting,She felt incredibly drawn to it. When Starlight got her cutie mark and realized that she was meant to be an entertainer and not just a magician, her parents were slightly disappointed but they were very supportive nonetheless.

    Flaws:Starlight's pride is hurt very easily, and sometimes she can be a pushover. post-2831-0-95908000-1330900562_thumb.jp

    *3/5/12- added a small blurb about WHERE Starlight was born- I realized that I never added much detail.

  4. Hi Everypony! :) I wasn't able to think of what to write exactly...so I just used the example from the stickies lol

    About myself.: My name is Aceycakes- But you can call me Acey. I'm a Mama to a little girl, I love music, theatre, and PONIES!!!!

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: I searched for a "MLP Forum" and this one was a result and seemed promising...I wanted to join an ACTIVE forum, and other ones that I looked at hadn't had a reply/post in about a week....but I thought I'd give Canterlot a try! :)

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: My daughter is 3, She has been a fan of MLP:FiM since she was 2, and we watch the shows constantly. She has such a big collection of merch already....Anyways- because of her obsession, I started getting into it....And I am NOT ashamed to say that even when my daughter is asleep in bed, I STILL watch MLP on my own. YEAH! lol

    My one favourite main cast pony?: I looooove Applejack. Her voice is adorable haha. I really love all the ponies of course, but Applejack is my favorite. My daughters favorite- is Pinkie Pie, of course lol.

    AND On that note....

    ;-) I'm an adult, and I <3 MLP:fim as much as my kid does- maybe more! hahahana (Sorry for the overuse of the smilies...they're just so cute!!!)

    Nice to meet everypony! Hope we can be friends :)

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