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Posts posted by CherryRie

  1. Fourteen Fifteen edits later, I think she's ready for someone to pass a critical eye over ^^,

    Wip tags removed, training wheels off.

    Still not sure about her character summery, the ballance still feels too much towards her worry surounding her parents, though I don't think I can alter it much further without a complete restructuring.

    One big question though: from the slice of life provided, what is your opinion on how she came to have two earth pony parents? I know the answer but I need to see whether there's enough hints in there for others to get the idea ^^,

  2. Name: Peanut Butter, but all my friends call me PeaBee

    Sex: I'm a Filly, 'cus Colts are gross and made of worms. No lie!

    Age: Not that little! (Foal)

    Species: Momma says my wings make me a 'Pegususss-suss', but I wana be a normal pony like her an' daddy when I grow up.

    Pelt Colour: Well, my coat's mostly white but I got these big brown splotches all over it. I think got covered in the peanut butter when I was little an' it got all stuck an' it never grew out an' that's where ah got my name only Momma says that's silly.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Oh oh oh! Can I have a Blue mane!?! Like Dj Pon-3! She's so awesome.... aww, but mines boring! All mousy-brown an' floppy like a wet hay bale. I keep it tied up in pigtails, cus otherwise it looks like I've got straw on my head.

    Eye Color: Now those are blue, an' you can't make me change it! Hazel says they look like the sky.

    Cutie Mark: I really wish I had one, but Momma says "it'll come eventually". I don't know when eventually is, but it sounds like a long time.

    Physique: Well I'm not very good at sports an' stuff, but 'm not the slowest or the littlest pony in my class either. Think I'd be a lot faster if my wings weren't so big, they stick right out over my flank even if I keep 'm tucked in REALLY tight. Some of weather ponies say that they look two sizes too big for my body, but that it was a good thing... I don't like them though.

    Origin: We live on Legume's Farm and grow all kinds of nuts. Hazel nuts, grape nuts, peanuts and uncle Hazel even has a coconut tree in his house! There's this lake that's so big you can't see the other side, even if you try swim out till you can't touch the bottom, an' I've tried! There's also this neat forest right next door to the farm, with all kinds of woodland animals and wild flowers. But what's really neet is that there's this city in the sky right above the lake! Sometimes, stuff falls off the clouds, so me and my friends are always going out scrabbling for strange stuff along the rivers.

    Roleplay Type: Mane-land Equestria, duh.

    Occupation: I help out on the farm allot, though I like the orchard best rather than the Peanut feilds. I also go to school in the big town, Trottingham.

    Motivation: To get big and strong like Daddy! Then I can help him an' uncle Hazel on the farm. Hazel says I kinda get in the way at havest time, an' 'm not big enough to pull the plough an' tack, but Uncle Hazel says I'm a good weeder cus' I'm so close to the ground!

    Likes: Umm, I like Carrots, I guess. Oh, an' wild flowers (not for eating). Exploring the woods around the farm is fun too, especialy if I can get my friends to come with me.

    Dislikes: : 'bout ma'sen? Or other ponies? I guess the one thing I really don't like about 'me' is my wings. Also, bossy ponies really get on my tak. An' I don't like ponies who point out how different I am from the rest of my family. Oh, and Momma says I'm a fussy eater too, but that's only because she's always trying to make me eat alfalfa.

    Character Summary:

    "Long as thar's bin hills, thar's been Nuts to farm 'em, lass. Up'ln Born, up'ln Bred. Sept' thee, cus' thee're UP-land bred and Up'ln born."

    That's what grandpa always used to say whenever he told me about the Nut family. I think it was a joke 'cus he'd always laugh after telling it, even though nopony else did. Momma says he's "daft", but I think he's funny and the best grandpa ever. We're called the Nut family, and Daddy says almost all the nuts in equestria come from us. Every kind of nut too, there's even a farm way up in the mountains that grows special pea-can nuts that only grow in the cold.

    Most of my family are earth ponies, like Mommy and Daddy, but I've got these wings like the weather ponies that water our fields. I keep them tucked away best I can cus' Daddy gets sad whenever he sees them, like they remind him of something bad what happened a long time ago. It's hard though 'cus their so big. The weather ponies say they're really nice an' I could be a really good flyer one day, but I hate them and don't want to fly at all. So I wear a cloak to cover them up when 'am on the farm.

    Once, when my cousin chased me with a dead frog, I tied to fly to get away from him. I didn't even get very far, but Daddy saw me. He didn't get mad or nothing, just kept staring at my wings with this weird smile that didn't look like his normal happy face at all. All day he kept staring at 'em whenever he saw me, even when I'd put my cloak back on. When I asked him why they made him sad, he just kept trying to smile an' told me it was okay for me to fly if I wanted. But I know that sometimes, my parents shout at each other about how I'm different from them, and I don't want them to be sad just because I have wings and they don't. After I seen how sad i'twer making him, I told daddy I'd keep'm tied up or even cut them off if it t'd make him an' Mommy happy together, but tha' got 'im mytherin' some'at fierce...

    Tea cakes, 'm doin' 't again, t'aint t'ah? I don't like my accent. The other ponies at school tease me for it, so I try to talk normal like them, but I keep forgettin' when I get upset. I hate being different, but it doesn't seem so bad when I'm off the farm at school or with my friends. We're always doing fun stuff an' school's really interesting when it's not about rock-farming or math. Most of all I love exploring the forest, but most of my friends don't want to go there anymore cus' they say I always get us lost, which is totally not true... Okay, maybe I did get a little lost once, but it's always fun even when its scary!

    Uncle Brazil says 'm 'curious' and that 'Curio-city killed the cat', but I'm not a cat and I don't know where Curio-city is, so I think its okay.



  3. Hay there and welcome! Always great to see new faces around!

    If you're wanting to adapt your character for the Mane Rp's there’s an easy to use template over in the Apps forum, though that’s mentioned in the Getting started forum >.> yeah I suspect Skye or somepony will be along shortly to point you in the right direction. Also if you Doodles and stuffs you should totally use the amazing gallery app and pop up your own arty thread in 'Art Discussion'! We love our art ponies to bits and its always wonderful to see more horse drawn horse-drawn carriages :)

    Anywho, hope you have fun! And swing by the IRC chat if you have time, we’d love to see you there :o

  4. The Jam And Cream

    Though from the planes of Equestria, Canterlot appeared to be a mass of elegant stately architecture that seemed to reach the heavens themselves, it was nothing compared to the city that stood just below on the slopes of the Celestial mountain. When the palace had first been constructed it had drawn in hundreds of workers to its steps.

    Carpenters, stonemasons, goldsmiths there was no end to the list of professions needed to finish the new home of their sun goddess. Communities had sprung up with a huge excess of talent and how idle hoofs find distraction. Now what had once been a hastily constructed shelter town had long since burst its boundaries and grown into a city worthy of the prestige that surrounded Celestia’s chosen seat of governance. Perhaps some of Celestia’s own grace and majesty had worn off on city itself? For truly there was no place more beautiful in the whole of Equestria.

    Within the intricate maze of pristine white paved streets, thousands of businesses dedicated to the finest aspects of equestrian society flourished. Grand temples to industry and commerce dotted the flowing boulevards, broken only by lush gardens and awe inspiring waterfalls. To the north, intimately entwining both Royal palace and civilian splendour stood the towering institutions of Canterlot university, including the prestigious CSGU. Somehow though, the gargantuan structures were not as intimidating as they should have been, designed instead to flow upwards from the city as though inviting all of Equestria to climb their steps and walk the halls of knowledge.

    At the far edge of the university campus, a little known cobbled avenue named ‘Cliff Street’ clung precariously to the wall of Whitetail Canyon. Once a cart track up the mountain before the sloped causeway leading to the golden gates had been built, Cliff street was now the hub of student accommodation, peppered as it was with old grey stone buildings making for perfect small flats.

    There was one building though that had always stood empty and neglected. Even when the street had been renovated to fit in with the grand facade of the university, no pony had ever touched the old Fire-Barn. Warn by weather and time, the now dejected structure had once stood proudly as the home of Canterlot’s fire ponies, Equestria’s first official emergency service. Though the service had long since moved to a more central location, their old base remained, securely in the heritage of the old fire sergeant ‘Brass Bucket’, passed along his family as a forgotten foot note in history.

    Until now, that is. Now its boarded windows had been flung open to the world, dust gradually cascading from every open door way as its new owners swept and cleaned away the collective muck of years. Outside its imposing oak doors a lone cream coated unicorn stood in deep focus, her swirly honey coloured mane washed around by the gentle mountain breeze and a cumbersome mallet levitating by her side.

    Maple Scoops bit her lip in concentration, straining as she attempted to nail a sign to the big doors of the old barn. To some the matter may seem trivial, especially for a unicorn of her age, but the mallet she had chosen for the task was proving far too unwieldy. Consequently she had only succeeded in putting several large dints into the ancient oak frame.

    Silently the Mare was praying to Celestia that the next strike was true. Tools weren't her strong suit and Maple feared that she would end up putting a hole clean through the irreplaceable wood. Thankfully, a third-time-lucky swing of the wobbly mallet successfully struck the nail on the head. With a satisfied hum, she dropped the heavy impliment and stepped back to admire the advertisment.

    Coming Soon!

    Mr S. Symphony & Mrs M.Scoops


    The JAM and Cream!

    Ice cream and Music bar.

    Construction help wanted

    Joiners, Roofers, Designers

    Or just plain extra hooves

    Good pay rates

    Enquire within.

    Still something was bugging her about the sign. Was it crooked? Badly phrased? The wrong shade of pink?

    She had around half a second between noticing the hinges and the click of a rusty lock from beyond the oak frame. The smaller interior door swung open, dislodging the advertisement with a definitive ‘CRACK’. Gradually the dishevelled remains of a spring sofa floated out through the open door, bobbing like flotsam in the wake of a boat before settling on the cobbles beyond the threshold. Suppressing a exasperated laugh, Maple carefully lifted up the sign again with her magic, this time hooking it onto a strategic nail embedded in the newly opened doorway.

    Oh well, best make do.

    “Sweetie?†She shouted into the Firebarn’s musty darkness, “Where did the sofa come from?â€Â

    There was a muffled reply from within, contriving to indicate that there was ‘always’ a sofa in such neglected places.

    Shaking her head the short pony turned about and looked out over the vista. It was turning out to be another gorgeous morning. With any luck the hired hooves would be showing up soon, along with several friends whose offers of assistance the couple had graciously snapped up, though not without some instance on paying those involved.

    For a moment she could almost see where everything would be, the tables spread out admiring the view over city and forest, woven with the smell of hot chocolate and rhythms of that nights featured band. It was going to be wonderful!

    ...If they could get it patched up first.

    With paper work from the council out of the way, all that was left now really was to take stock of jobs and get stuck into the renovations. Stepping back inside Maple went over to a large broom and lifted it with her magics, proceeding to clear the ages of dust from the cobble floor.

    OOC: WELCOME one and all to the furture site of the Jam and Cream! This old place is kinda falling to bits, so its going to take a lot of ponies to fix it all up. Please makes sure to check the OOC thread and make any intrest in joining known there first so that we can keep track of all the wonderful ponies who want to lend a hoof! Any mini threads to spawn from this one will be labled [Jam and Cream] and will be linked here for refrence! :)

    OOC Thread


  5. :):)EEeeehehee Thank you so much everypony :D:D

    Apart from feeling mildly old I've had a brilliant day. We went out to theatre, then to a nice tie restaurant for dinner and came back to find not only cake, but birthday wishes from all my wonderful pony friends! BEST DAY EVER!

    Also on a related note; Sqeeeeeeee Seth got me a pony!

    ....Sorta.... Well it’s actually a cuddly Paint one but its close enough for me! Squeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

    So totaly calling her Peanut-Butter :D

  6. "Nope," Cherry responded as she fell back into her awkward walking rhythm "Puke's still just as ick here as it is back home."

    It wasn't difficult to find the track she'd pushed through the underbrush, every step brought the sound of babbling water closer. Perhaps it was just the ruminant of the previous night's frivolity but her wings were proving extraordinary uncooperative. After the instinctual hiding reaction they had returned to their previous positions, flopped inelegantly by her flanks. With concerted effort she could just about keep them from dragging along the ground behind her. As the trio pushed their way through the thick foliage and emerged onto the river bank, the Pegasus couldn't shake the feeling that even her body didn't know what to do with the additional limbs.

    "There's probably some larger clearings further downstream, at least I hope so. Might be a good place to stop if there is... hay, Scotchie? Are you having any problems with your wings?"

  7. At Diego's sugestion, I'm popping this up here. Most of you have probably seen it, but I'd like to see what people think to the ideas publicly rather then via pm. I'm really not sure whether the last idea is down to my present odd mood, so please don't find it too wierd.


    Hay there everyone. I have come to an astounding realisation about the movie thread, thought I might share it with you now and gauge what you think.

    It occurs to me that when we eventually leave the forest we'd have the opportunity to gage to what extent our rping actually affects the world, leading Sophie to the following conclusions. That either this world is directly affected by what we have written, or that we have experienced a kind of collective hallucination and were never Human to begin with. These two theories give rise to two disturbing consequences. On the one hand, if we were never human then who were we before? On the other is the dreadful fact that we have effectively orchestrated this entire world, and that the denizens have no free will of their own. Imagine if every bad thing that has ever happened to you, every failed relationship and lapse of judgement was in fact caused souly for the entertainment of some otherworldly being?

    How would twilight react if we recited back every letter she's sent to the princess since arriving in ponyvill? She might suspect spying at first, but the shear amount we know could lead her to only one conclusion, no matter how crazy it sounds. By others we would more then likely be seen as crazy, but if they did see through it to the truth.. the implications for their lives are dire. Our presence effectively strips them of their freewill. They are play things of narrative causality and the whim of unseen omnipresent beings. And worse still, now that we're here, who is writing our story?

    Oddly though, the other side came to me first from a random dream I had.

    Consider the following; what if the characters we now inhabit were also written? And what if one character's only purpose in being created, was to die? Simply as back story for the foal or husband she left behind?

    I got to thinking about how Cherry would reacted if she were to were to run into her doppelganger's family. Maybe a foal running away from his father bumps into the group in the forest and ends up convinced that Cherry is his mother, come to save him from the dark scary forest. Despite having seen her perish himself and her having no memory of he or the father, she looks, speaks and even to some degree acts like the parent the foal saw taken crawly from him. And why not? For all intensive prepuces, as far as narrative is concerned, Cherry was his mother, even if it was only a few lines in some hastily written history.

    The affect this would have on Cherry herself, of course, would be somewhat disturbing. She'd be left in the cruellest of positions. What is worse? Pushing him away or playing along only to make his pain worse when truth comes out? On top of this, she'd know to some extent that this world, and by the same note the foal himself, don't actually exist. They're just a figment of someone's imagination, that she is now trapped within.

    Hmm, I have very weird dreams. Seriously I want to know; On a scale of Cheesy vs creepy, 0 being cheese, 5 being neutral and 10 being creepy, how bad is this idea of Cherry meeting her character's offspring?

    Any who, some food for thought there :)


  8. "Well there's a stream back there."Suggested the paint Pegasus "Looked cleanish. If this is Equestria the water should be fairly safe, so long as nothing's dead up stream that is. But this is forest is far too thick for willow. It might thin out if the ground is loam downstream-oh."

    Cherry ground a muddy hoof into her head, though the wings remained relatively unmoving "Sugar. Downstream, that's where I should have been going. Lost without horse, follow the river's course. Ugh, my head. Is it only me that feels like I've been through a washing ringer?"

  9. Okay I am getting really quite frustrated with my lack of motivation at the moment. I honestly don't know why I can't finish this darn post and get things moving. So! I think it probably best if we just get the ball rolling anyway and leave the intro thread to its own devices.

    Great to see we have some musicians lined up already, though it might be some time before we're open for business. So here's the thing, maybe given that both of our patron's are into the music business, what if the singers and other talents are known friends? That way they could easily have offered to lend a hoof with the building effort and thus join in beforehand ^^,

    Any professional ponies (ie Klondike) are most likely hired-hooves but there's nothing stopping you form knowing the proprietors anyway. Later on I dare say we'll most likely get some more adventurous types too given certain events that are likely to unfold!

    Anywho, I'll get in contact with Sage and with any luck we'll have the first threads up and running before the end of the week! YAY!

  10. To her credit, Cherry only briefly bristled at the brightly coloured earth pony's reaction. Scathing comments fraimed in her mothers welspoken voice floated into the forefront of the Filly's mind. She could practicaly hear the arragont words as the sociaterian questioned the Mare's upbringing and her remarkably poor etiquette in the treatment of guests. Such things came from life in Manehattan, you know what they say about old habits. Dismissing the cloud of distasteful thoughts, the filly paused and regained her footing, smile flickering back onto her features like a temperamental firefly. Now that she was closer, Cherry could make out that the stallion was not an earth pony as she had first thought, though it was clear to see how she could have been mistaken from a distance. A wide splint wrapped around his midsection held both of the pegasus' wings firmly against his flanks, as though they might try to fly away if released. At first she wondered if the colt had been injured, but his flight muscles were under developed too. Clearly the old boy hadn't seen the skies for many a summer.

    "Begging your pardon, Ma'am." She said light heartedly, giving the pony an apologetic smile, "But there doesn't seem to be much in the way of berries to 'nap'. Though I suspect you intended to change that, if you are the new owners? Only if you are it might take more then the two of you to get this place ship shape again."

  11. Maybe you've already stumbled on her tallent ^^,

    and it also paid to see the little foals smile and laugh with joy as she juggled and made balloon animals. Their happiness almost made all those negative emotions disappear. Almost.
  12. Wow, you've thought her through really well, Sunny. You seem to know exactly what you want from her and she really dose tick all the boxes. Normally I'd be a bit worried about the eyes, such things don't often sit right with the rp-staff. That being said I totally love how you made it into an actual condition! The fact that others would find it strange adds an extra dimension to the character, both physically and psychologically. Ultimately it'll be down to the help staff but I can actually see that existing in the mlp universe :)

    The only thing I can think of is to pad out the back story a little, tweak it to have a little more detail and explore her history. Really put this schism of her personality on display, explore its complexities and perhaps why she feels she can't put down the red nose despite how much she loathes it.

    This is coming along wonderfully and I'll be interested to see where it goes! ;)

  13. Hay there!

    Hmm, I'm intregued by this app, there's a lot of potential that's just ripe for the jucing! ;)

    [Critic hat]

    Okay, so far it feels like you've thought out this character in your own head but haven't translated all of it to paper. You have a handle on what you're aiming for but the presentation feels a little flat, two dimensional as it were with little in the way of deep personality. What we need to do is round out this model; draw her out from a background character into a full colour pony with a depth of persona that will make her both a fun character to play and interesting for others to interact with.

    I might have gotten the wrong end of the stick here, but violence seems to be fairly central to her character. You say she loves fighting, but my question to that would be 'why?' I'm not sure if that's what you were aiming for or not, though from what I've seen ponies aren't naturally aggressive. Passionate. But not aggressive. At the moment her background makes her sound like a school yard thug with authority. Mind you I don't know if we've had similar characters in the past or not. What you might want to consider is making her described motivation the deciding factor of her personality, perhaps even rethink her cutie mark story to suit.

    Perhaps she really was a school yard thug at one point, but bullies rarely simply poof into existence. What possible events could have driven her to such acts or turned so many against her? You've said her mother was a guard. Long hours of stoic emotionless duty, could it be that her mother was distant and didn't really know how to interact with her daughter? But if so, why did she then think the best idea was to arm this aggressive filly with technique? Perhaps what she gave her was not the ability to fight, but the discipline to know 'when' to fight.

    Maybe when she returned to school, she earned her cutie mark by doing the exact opposite to what she had been doing up till then; stepped in to protect a school friend from the bullies or perhaps marauding wildlife on a field trip?

    [/Critic hat]

    This is all speculation of course, I can't get inside your head to see the core consept but this is the exposition I can derive from what you've written so far. What I'm saying is you need some meat on the bones. It might seem arduous, but by thinking through such events from a neutral perspective you find yourself become ever more endeared to the character you create. :)

    Anywho, as a character she's well on the way. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing where this goes from here :20:

  14. Cherry Dawn was not a happy Pegasus.

    After an arduous and somewhat frantic flight from Hoofington, she had spent the last two days sheltering in an abandoned barn while fruitlessly searching the town for a paying job. Ponyvill was a small town and most if not all part time roles were already filled by the up and coming generation. There were plenty of call for volunteers and, though it hurt to let them down, the worn out filly knew exactly where that would lead. Charity had landed her in a musty ramshackle barn, hundreds of miles from home without two bits to her name. Though the refuge she had chosen to shelter in appeared unoccupied, it was also in a terrible state of disrepair. On the very first night a rainstorm had broken over the town, thoroughly soaking the pile of freshly uprooted long grass that had served as her bedding. Moving into the hayloft had been the only sound choice though now her dry perch was somewhat precarious, given the rotten state of the floorboards.

    Bright shafts of sunlight had awoken her to the crisp new morning, the dawn blessing coupled with complaints of aching flight muscles and the taste of old hay lingering in her mouth. Gingerly the Pegasus stretched out her cramped limbs, fluttering her wings to test their suitability for the short flight to the floor of the barn.

    Sharp pains from her sides told her that the crumbling stairs would have to be risked again. With an irritated grumble, Cherry approached the sorry arrangement of sawdust that counted for stairs and picked her way down, testing each plank before allowing the next to take her weight. A leaking gutter on the edge of the barn had made a sort of indoor pond from the recent storm and providing the Pegasus with some much needed refreshment. Pausing for a moment Cherry observed her reflection ripple into focus. The dark pastel-red pony that stared back looked scrawny, slightly bedraggled and in need of a bath. Oddly though, her eyes didn't show the same weariness. They shone out beneath the locks of knotted mane, content and inviting to any who sought solace. Somehow, one could never be worried for a pony with eyes like that.

    As it was, Cherry couldn't help but laugh out at her dishevelled state.

    "Don't you look a mess." She chuckled to the reflection, shaking out her mane to relieve some of the tangles.

    Stepping back from her morning drink the filly stretched out her slender wings and began preening in a shaft of wonderfully warm sunlight. Gosh it was wonderful here. With the number of farms around Ponyvill the weather patrols always made sure the sky was in tip-top condition for growing crops. High altitude Cirrus clouds caught just enough sunlight for it to be pleasantly warm while not scorching, coupled with a satisfying easterly breeze. All in all it was a wonderful day for flying.

    Today would be different, she could just feel it. She'd get out into that big field and spend a bit of time easing her muscles. A quick bath in the stream that ran alongside the old farm and she'd at least look presentable for work. Ponies would always need weather and, in her experience, most were willing to tip generously for a good cloud in the right place. Settled on her course, Cherry pulled up some of the weeds from between the barn's cobbles and stepped out into the summer sun, chewing her meagre breakfast with a contented smile.

    Though the morning had barely begun it was already quite bright outside. As she trotted up the path towards the farmhouse Cherry found herself squinting to avoid the worst of the glare. This probably explained why she didn't notice the farm's other visitors until she rounded a corner of thorny bushes. Though Pegasus ponies were not generally renowned for their wits, Cherry generally considered herself to be one of the brighter clouds in the sky. Presently however, she was fatigued, chased and slightly paranoid, so could be excused the quiet 'meep' as she stepped smartly sideways into the thorny bushel at the edge of the path. How had they found her this quickly? Was father really that determined to get her back? They didn't appear to have seen her. But just to be sure, the filly didn't so much as breathe, straining her hearing to catch their conversation. Tools? Cleaning?

    Quick as lightning her mind ran through the scene it had briefly glimpsed. Two earth ponies, both unassuming and conspicuous, not likely candidates for 'missing ponies'. Door to the house is open, but no sign of force. It was locked and double bolted on the outside, so they must have the key. Windows open on bottom floor. Tools for repairs, clearing the paths and airing the house to which they had the key? ...Horse apples, they're the owners.

    Oh well, they didn't know she'd been crashing in the barn, best to make a good imression and save the awkward questions. Who knows, she might even get to stay a while longer. Sighing inwardly, Cherry stepped carefully back onto the path and walked back into view of the new occupants.

    "Good morning," She chimed, wearing her best smile "Hope I'm not interrupting? Only I assume you're opening this old place up?"

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