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Blog Entries posted by CherryRie

  1. CherryRie
    Hello everypony.
    This will be my final entry within the realms of Canterlot.
    It’s interesting, deciding what to do with your life. In the last few weeks I’ve made some really big decisions about how I’m going to spend mine. As part of that soul searching I decided to find out whether the forum was a worthwhile bank in which I could invest, specifically the applications section which I’ve always wanted to be help staff in. Sadly, experiments into that field have found the system itself wanting, and I honestly don’t think my presence will make a jolt of difference in the long run. There are other things in the real world which loom on the horizon and I simply don’t have the time to dedicate any longer
    I’ve loved every second that I’ve spent here, among its wonderful caring people and rich community valuing friendship above all. To all my friends in this digital world, !THANKYOU! You have been wonderful companions on this sea of meme’s and shenanigans If I could upload myself to the WWW then I’d never leave, I’d want to be here forever!
    Now the time has come; Reality calls, the bell tolls, my life is measured in heart beats.
    Dio, thank you. For everything. You deserve more then what life has handed you, but then again we all do. Nothing in this pantomime is free, there’s always a charge for the best seats in the house… that and the ice cream is overpriced. Then again, this is the one show where everyone’s the star, so I guess the answer is to garb the best costume you can find and sing the loudest
    Have fun everyone! It’s been a blast
    Cherryrie signing out!
  2. CherryRie
    Cherry feeds the parasprites a kitten.

    Seriously, is anyone else getting a little worried with the quantity and 'weirdness' of the pony clop out there? I can understand the tumbler blogs as they're mostly in jest, taking the jokes both inside and out to an adult level. But yesh! There's enough around now to fill a hundred editions of playcolt.
    Please, I beg of you! THINK OF THE KITTENS! I don't have that many and the pet store is already suspcious
  3. CherryRie
    Testing testing, one, two, four?
    Well WOW! What a change!
    This is more a test at the moment, to see what this looks like when posted up. I'll probably be editing this later but until then WEEEE New features!
  4. CherryRie
    Well here is a turup for the books and no mistake. Undoubtably some of you will know about my semi insomnia and that its liked to cirtain members of my family being almost-alcoholics and getting back home at two in the morning. Yet today I find myelf typing this blog under simmerlar duress and being Delighted to do so.
    While blatered out of his tiny firey haired little mind, My bother made it back in one peice and actualy came away before the party had finished. He'd wanted to come home for sometime by the sound of things, but hadn't been able to get a taxy.
    For anyone who's been through this sort of thing before you'll know how big of a deal this is. Now I just wish he'd answer my texts thanking him and saying I owe him cake.... wonder if I've got the wrong number? >.>
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