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Posts posted by Whitehawke

  1. Tabitha St. Germain thought Derpy was male (she never saw a drawing), and based Derpy's voice on a neighbor boy who was going through puberty and growing like a tree (and thus awkward and clumsy).


    Also she stated she got mostly positive feedback from fans and the hate mail was just a minority. Its all here.

    This explains why Bon-Bon got 3 different voices - because the supervisor didn't know at that stage that they would use her (or the animator didn't know).
  2. Aaaand another synopsis update for Hearts and Hooves, this one which changes things quite a bit.

    The Cutie Mark Crusaders create a strong love potion in the hopes of making Miss Cheerilee and Big Macintosh fall in love, but when they discover the serious side effects of their concoction, they quickly regret their actions.

    I guess Fluttermac fans can breathe a sigh of relief now :smug:

  3. We've got a Hearts and Hooves synopsis update.

    The five-hour programming mareathon will consist of fan-favorite episodes of the popular animated series “My Little Pony Friendship is Magic” as voted by the show’s devotees, culminating with the premiere of the all-new Valentine’s Day-themed episode, “Hearts and Hooves Day” where The Cutie Mark Crusaders try to play cupid, but soon come to regret their actions.

    Sounds very similar like that Powerpuff girls episode where the professor gets together with the teacher for an episode.

    • Like 2
  4. That was my initial thought... but the synopsis says '... Make Big Macintosh and Cheerliee fall in love'. Not 'Try to make', or 'Attempt to make', or any other synonym... So unless the Synopsis People are trolling us? :P

    The first sypnosis of The "Last Roundup" was "AJ disappears and her friends go on a journey to find her". Vague.

    The second one was "Applejack has a bad day when she accidentally causes mistakes that get her friends mad at her and be hard on her, but the next day, she goes missing. Her friends think that she ran away in sadness due to their anger with her. So they set out to find their cowpony friend and make amends before she gets hurt." A lot more detailed.

    But then, the third one comes out and "After attending a rodeo competition being held in Canterlot, Applejack mysteriously disappears without a trace, so it is up to the friends to travel all over Equestria, searching high and low for their missing pony companion."

    As you can see, the third one (probably) contradicts the second one a bit, while the first one is too vague to really be contradicted. So it's not 100% guaranteed that the CMC are really going to succeed at the "making fall in love" part. Newer sypnosis' will likely add info that suggests something slightly different.

  5. 1.jpg

    Though we are getting an episode soon that focuses a little more on Big Mac than usual, there was apparently an episode devoted entirely to him when Lauren was still on the team. Unfortunately, it was turned down.

    What are your thoughts on this? Would you prefer this episode to the upcoming Hearts and Hooves episode where he shares the spotlight with at least 4 other characters? Or is the opportunity to shoot down FlutterMac too good for you?


  6. To be quite frank, a lot of the popular fanfics of this fandom aren't nearly as good (or as bad) as the fans make 'em sound. For example, I'm having trouble getting through "Past Sins" due to its long and drawn-out chapters, and the fact that the mary-sue main character isn't all that interesting doesn't help either.

    I haven't read "My Little Dashie", primarily because I already have tons of fics to read already, but also because it sounds too much like a self-wish fantasy. Using one of the Crusaders instead of Dash might have not driven me to avoid it.

  7. It's been a while.


    AJ finally gets to star in a game! And it's looking to be the best one so far. :smug:

    Mostly a platformer: Z to jump, X to buck. Press shift for Rarity.

    You can buck trees for apples, which restore health and refill your "appleshield" if you have one.

    Still just a demo, but it does contain a boss (aim for the head), so there is a sense of accomplishment for getting that far and beating it.

    Remember this?

    Now there's a new level and boss.

  8. The Verizon summary updated a bit. Though similar to its previous version, it adds an interesting point.

    After attending a rodeo competition being held in Canterlot, Applejack mysteriously disappears without a trace, so it is up to the friends to travel all over Equestria, searching high and low for their missing pony companion.

    I like this summary a lot more than the previous ones, since it suggests some neat adventury stuff and AJ participating in a competition like RD in Sonic Rainboom. Note that it doesn't mention that she loses/win. Hopefully we'll see her compete at least, though.

  9. hi hi

    I would like to see a background ponies episode. Lots of series have done things like that, where they show the "other guys," for a day, and how their perspective is a little bit different. Hasbro would probably go for it because it would give them a chance to market new characters as toys. ( I mean, they already kinda do this with the CMC. )

    But for my own dream episode. I would like to see an episode where the moral involves learning how to deal with people who exploit other peoples' generosity in a way that doesn't involve not being generous anymore. That, as much as just about anything else, would be a truly worthy lesson.


    Edit: Actually, reading the post more carefully, the joke doesn't really work as well as I thought. Oh well.

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