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Posts posted by Whitehawke

  1. Although at the moment, I can't seem to find this guy at all on the micro-site. What was the source?

    He was found through an "unreleased" quiz. So basically the only way to get to this guy is to source dive the site.

    Either that or he's been removed from sight since then.

    The original mention from EqD by "Whatisgame":

    The Library Within Pony Princess Wedding Castle: Take a quiz, get one of four results. The choices have quite a few fan-favorite characters (including Derpy in less-googly-eyed-but-still-googly-eyed form from the edited version of "The Last Roundup"). Quizzes 2 through 4 haven’t actually been put up yet, but they’re hidden in the files—quizzes 2 and 4 are set to have choices related to "the cultured Crystal Empire" (one of which is set to be a new character who’s presumably from Season 3)!

  2. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- was just on my way to post this!

    Anyway, Twilight and spike song is awesome news! I'm still hoping for my Celestia/Luna duet though.



    I mean really, Octavia and Rarity? Don't get me wrong, if Octavia gets some characterisation and stuff beforehand I'm sure it can work but... that just seems so... well, blantantly pandering to the brony crowd, which they said they weren't going to do :/

    Blatant pandering would be an Octavia/DJ-Pon3 duet. Here I'm guessing it might be an episode where Rarity goes to Canterlot for some reason, and Octavia will play as a support character like Braeburn or Zecora with some development for the episode.

    Anyway, embed with the Twi/Spike song added.

  3. EqD released some new Season 3 info: confirmed is a new song starring Twilight/Spike ( Link now included).

    Another thing now confirmed is a mane six song - it seems to concern "Crystal ponies" and confirms Cadence's return.

    Moreover, they've been hinted/confirmed the following stuff:

    -Trixie's return was "confirmed" with a "There will most likely be great and powerfulness" after someone asked if she would be returning.

    -There was a great section about Derpy. Someone asked if she would be receiving anymore speaking roles, and the response basically said Hasbro loves Derpy, they have her everywhere now, but she probably wont be able to roll with anything other than background shots.

    -Octavia's section was a question about "Which background pony would you like to voice?". This eventually lead to a shoutout for Octavia, where Cathy Weseluck just out of nowhere busted out an awesome voice for her, with a hint that she could do a duet with Rarity.

    -Dash not confirmed or denied for filly-fooling

    -They hyped Luna up, so we will probably be seeing more of her.

    New song

    Comic-con Panel

    July 15 update: An image of a new character has surfaced from Hasbro's micro-site for the Wedding. He may or may not actually appear in the show, though it is likely.


    Update July 16: Shout Factory's listed a new DVD for sale December 4, 2012: "Adventures in the Crystal Kingdom".


    Update July 20: New info from EqD. Shining Armor and Cadance lead the Crystal Empire.

    Update July 26: Season 3 confirmed to be only 13 episodes.

    Update August 11: Possible Season 3 preview images.

    Update September 10: New synopsis.

    • Like 3
  4. Best advice I can give is to stock up on extra lives once you face Discord. If you keep up that strategy, you'll be good.

    If you need actually strategic advice, then I can recommend striking him with an Attack, then dashing away and dodging the fireballs. It'll take longer, but it does the trick the same.

    You're supposed to avoid his fireballs and then damage him while he jumps over you(Preferably before he lands, although his hitbox is still there for a few frames even when he does). Repeat until you win.

    Attacking him repeatedly before that will never work - he constantly blocks until he gets close enough to fire at you.

    It's a lot like the Iron Will boss fight actually - he also blocks constantly until he tries to attack you. The difference is that Discord has a much more difficult attack to avoid.

    • Like 1
  5. hi hi

    I saw that bit about the Princesses not having any Earth Pony in them, and honestly, unless it comes up in the show I'm not going to believe it. Just like I'm not going to believe that Applejack's Farm Truck is canon unless it shows up in an episode.

    (Also, Octavia may have only shown up in Canterlot, but Vinyl Scratch was in Ponyville for her first appearance.)

    I wouldn't exactly worry about the cards being show canon. I believe some of the descriptions were apparently "partially written" by fans themselves. Moreover, the quality of the cards is iffy - notice how Tank's has him listed as owned by Pinkie (And this isn't retcon, as Rainbow Dash has him correctly listed has her pet).

    Lauren's word will always take precedence to me regardless.

  6. Anybody share my opinion and think that maybe the creators should've just made the 2001 parody a separate video?

    I mean, I loved it for how it was executed because I've actually SEEN 2001: A Space Odyssey. The problem with everyone else is that Bronies aren't all educated as well in film knowledge. Besides that, the movie was released in the 60s. That's putting ALOT of trust onto the viewers having seen it.

    I'm sure if everyone had seen the film, the last bit would've been appreciated more. However, it comes off as just out-of-place in the fast-editing ways of The Anthology series. It's, essentially, the equivalent of what Family Guy does when they pull that Conway Twitty garbage.

    I think the movie's been parodied far too often, specifically the final scenes.

    Personally, I only liked the parody of the "Dawn of Man", because it actually stands fine on its own.

    The other scenes basically tried way too hard to parody the movie while missing the drama/intrigue the original scenes had.

    I can see why they wanted to finish the video with this, since they wanted to end with a bang, but a parody of a movie that's already been parodied MANY (better) times was not the wisest decision. An original scene of 20-30 seconds would have been better in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  7. I browsed the site a lot. Despite that, this is probably a boon for me, since I spent way too much time on it anyway, especially since it was so slow.

    And had a lot of junk to filter through.

    And kept logging me off.

    And the search function was even slower than simple browsing.

    And most users were rude as well.

    Anyway, the boon is that I get to spend more time actually being productive. I'll check EqD's drawfriends for new images instead, since it only updates once a day and the quality is generally good.

  8. hi hi

    I wanted to get this finished today, but I guess I'm a bit more rusty at 3d modeling than I thought. Good thing I decided to work on this though, cause the best way to shake off rust is to practice. This is in wings3d. Its a pretty amazing free modeling program, its only weakness is that it doesn't handle planes very well, and that is killing me on the mane, since I'm trying to make it out of planes.

    I've tried creating a 3d model once.

    Let's just say this looks much better than what I made. :?

  9. I don't consider this an ugly angle when applied to the common mare template, as well as any fillies and even young colts - likely because their heads are very round, with the snout only sticking out in 3/4 or side profile.

    Stallions and special ponies like Celestia, on the other hand, do look like they have off-model features, though. This applies to them because their heads are supposed to be more angular - yet their front profile views have them with the very circular head that mares use.

    The show makes great use of Flash layers to make characters appear like they are looking in a wide variety of angles.

    Making the right eye bigger, moving the snout to the left side, and making the left eye smaller, would give the illusion that the character is slightly turning their head towards the left. It's just tweening, but it adds a nice smooth head turn animation that most cartoons don't have.

    This works with the common mare because their heads are, for the most part, round, but with the others, as it was said before, their features seem to have been squished together to make their heads round, too. Except they're not. :scream:

  10. It's been too long! I had the bowling comic ready since the end of April, but I delayed the update for my submission...for last month's drawfriend. :sleep: OH WELL. At least I finished it. Sorta.


    It's missing some details, most obviously parts of the Sweet Apple Acres farm, but I kinda didn't plan those things, so I didn't put them in.

    I actually had this picture half done around the 15th of April, but then I started working...I didn't pick it back up as fast as I should have.

    Also, some limited shadow effects, because the POV makes it confusing to determine how some shadows would really work. :?:

    Four page Bowling comic update.



    And now a new announcement: In case you haven't heard, I've started a collaboration with someone else for a fanimation...it's a pretty big one, with a song, lipsync, multiple characters and BGs...ya know, the works. It's going to be 5 minutes long(Or more specifically, it has to be that long, since that's the song's length).

    It's something that sidelined the fanimation I'm already working on, along with many other things. Should I ever finish it, it would look amazing, but it might take all summer so...yeah. I'll still work on the bowling comic and maybe some misc sketchy stuff, but vector art is off for now, save for maybe some models or BG showcases of the fanimation.

    I actually have a bunch of animatics I could show you guys...but I don't think I should, since I like keeping some secrets and I don't know if the guy I'm working with wants the thing to go public just yet.

    Oh, and one last thing...

    I certainly did not agree to the collaboration because it stars Luna. Nope.

  11. The hope was that more people would miss the the intro or the RD kick, but those were not as tricky as I thought.

    I voted 18 at first, but I noticed a lot of users were voting 19 for some reason...that's when I realized I forgot to count the intro kick.

    It'd be neat if the votes could be hidden until the polls are closed, so that people wouldn't be able to just look at the poll for the (overwhelmingly in this case) most popular vote and choose based on that. I would have probably lost that way if that were the case, considering I second guessed my original choice because of the majority of votes going to 19.

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