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Posts posted by Whitehawke

  1. It does, but it's so quick. It happens right as she pulls Fluttershy off the ground, at least that's how I see.

    I watched it frame-by-frame.

    Fluttershy slightly puckers her lips BEFORE Dash goes to help her up, but not in a way that would suggest she's about to kiss.

    Dash's mouth never makes a kissing motion whatsoever.

    As a result, the sound is out of place. It could be a stray sound, or someone threw it in for personal purposes. Either way, it wasn't a kiss.

    • Like 1
  2. So, I actually just noticed something. It was a blink and you miss it moment, and because my Livestream was acting up during the last half of part 2, I missed it the first time.

    Rainbow Dash kisses Fluttershy in this episode. I'm entirely serious. Time code 01:26 will put you closest to the mark in this video. It's heart-meltingly adorable to see the look on RD's face when she sees Fluttershy is safe, then kiss her and fly off.

    Although I heard the sound too, the animation doesn't suggest a kiss at all. :/
    • Like 2
  3. Villain songs (and normal songs too), Luna, Vinyl, Soarin', Fancypants, what else am I missing...

    Am I the only one who's actually glad they didn't re-use Discord? Adding a new villain to the roster felt like the better decision here. That being said, they effectively added an entire new race here, one that seems to be antagonists to the ponies, period.

    The ending itself wasn't as rushed as the other 2-parters, but the way the villains were defeated was. I think it's a little disappointing that the mane six (except Twi) couldn't make a difference without the Elements, but Cadence+Shining Armor wiped out the threat alone.

    I guess I wanted them to "earn" the ending more. That being said there's a lot to like otherwise. Luna making more than a one-scene cameo is what I wanted.

    ...although I would have appreciated it a little more if she was there to help Celestia when she was in trouble. :sleep:

  4. I connected to Fluttershy a lot here, since I was teased in my childhood often as well.

    Humour was sprinkled appropriately around, and there was a lot of touching scenes as well. I think the one thing missing might have been a song, but the training montage might have been more appropriate anyway.

    Also, I'm glad steroid pony was no more than a side-gag (YEAH!).

    EDIT: Oh, also, I wasn't listening that carefully, but I've read that Spitfire got a voice change apparently. :shock:

  5. This episode could have answered so many questions, but it kinda left me hanging. Glad to see phoenixes are still around. Also, is that newborn one going to be Spike's pet now? Rather bizarre.

    I think my main disappointment is that dragons are once again portrayed as jerks to everyone but themselves (and even then...).

    I guess I can deal with it if that's how they are supposed to be, though.

  6. Updated synopsis...kinda. It's actually pretty much the same thing but re-worded. The only thing added is that they're doing it for school apparently.

    " In order to become the gossip columnist for their school paper, the Cutie Mark Crusaders adopt the name ‘Gabby Gums,’ but when they land the job, their happiness is cut short by the pain they cause to other ponies with their hurtful stories. "

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