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Posts posted by MarchingHammers

  1. Syd moved closer to Aura, and kept a close eye on the other ponies. He was worried about what sort of spell that they were looking to cast, as it seemed like it was forbidden knowledge. He nuzzled Aura and reminded her that he was going to take her out on the date she wanted, although it seemed like that wasn't going to happen at this rate.

  2. Syd walked over to the group. He happy to finally be accepted into a group, as he was never too good at socializing. "Uh.... hi my name is Sydphony... I'm not from around here, so seeing some of the fun things to do around here would be fun." Sydphony said sheepishly, pawing the ground with his hoof. He had not gotten his cutie mark yet, and was eager to eventually get it, although first things first, he was about to hang out with what would hopefully be his new best friends.

  3. Sydphony hated moving into new cities. They were always so big and forboding, and there were so many ponies, that he became shy whenever he met new people. He had always just wanted to settle down with his mum and meet a solid group of fillies and colts that he could socialize with but this seemed like a physical impossibility. His mum was busy looking for jobs in the city, so Sydphony decided to take a walk down the street, and maybe find something fun to do, or maybe meet some new ponies, although that thought made him shudder slightly. He heard talking in an alleyway down the hill, and he began to peak in, seeing a group of unicorns that seemed to be around his age, which delighted him, although he worried that they may not be the welcoming sorts, so he waited for the group to notice him, if they even did.


  4. I buy my pony shirt at Hot Topic. And I where them to school, well, anywhere. My drawers are full of The Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Ponies.

    Well someone sounds a lot like me :P I have yet to buy a pony shirt, but I think the Discord one from Hot Topic is easy enough to wear in public as it isn't particularly pony related unless they watch the show/ know who Discord is.

  5. SYD!

    How'd you get your cutie mark? : D

    Ahh, that is quite the story. Well, I did go to architecture and carpentry school after I left Trottington High School, and learned many skills that lead me to be given my "test" by the school. We had to design and build a cottage, which was my masterwork. I happened to build my current home and got flying colors grade wise. That was when the two hammers appeared on my flank. The two colors appeared only recently after performing my first concert. I am still working on learning what that part means however.



    Good sir, I am having difficulty understanding you, please put this in plain Equestrian please.

  6. I have a request if it's....um.... okay with you :-(

    I wanted to know if you could draw my OC Sydphony and his fillyfriend Dawning Aura, who is a friends OC.

    Sydphony is in my avatar, if you need a reference to his cutie mark tell me. He is semi muscular, but not as muscular as pictured. Dawning Aura is this pony here, although she looks more like the second photo now (The one with the red hair and eyelashes.) Also,can you draw Syd without glasses that would be great He has dark brown eyes, as it is not in the picture.

    If you could draw them laying down and Syd nuzzling Dawning with happy expressions on their faces, that would be great. Feel free to take artistic liberties as needed :D


  7. Syd heard the stallion say something about if there was a war around here, which made Syd chuckle. "A war... here, I seriously doubt it. It is too quiet for that to be a possibility." He pulled out a pack of chewing gum that he kept in his coat pocket in order to calm his nerves when necessary and ate a piece." Now you want to here my story, well I'm not going to go into my entire life story, but I'll tell you what I think you need to know. Firstly, I was a happy stallion in Trottingham, a carpenter who was quite sucessful, and had no quarrels with anypony. This changed when Princess Luna decided to split herself off from her sister entirely, something that did not bode well with Celestia. Long story short, Celestia moblized an army of recruits and ordered a stop to the rebellion, thus erupting into utter chaos in the town. I lost many friends as well as my home, and personal belongings."

    "Having nothing left, I enlisted and we fought our way to Canterlot for many months and eventually we found ourselves on the winning side of the war. Now me and my unit were pushing into Celestia's castle when we made it to the garden and began destroying all evidence of what was Celestia's reign. We found ourselves destroying statues, and one such statue that was destroyed happened to have that thing named Discord sealed in it. He teleported me here, for Luna knows what reason. I assume he is waiting so he can use me as a tool in the future."

  8. Syd realised that this stallion was unarmed after giving him a quick look over. He raised his hoof, as he would not hurt a civilian, even if they were part of the Solar Empire. It was against his morals. He began to loosen the gas mask restraints that held it tightly to his head. His face had a large scar that ran across his face and left eye, and the pupil itself was white, revealing that he was blind in one eye, possibly from the conflicts in his universe. Syd helped the stallion up, simply stating "So what is your story mate..." Syd got a better look at the Stallion and realized that he had sided with the Solar Empire in the Schism, but he did not look like he did in the war, he was not a volunteer, but part of the home guard that Celestia created when the war started. Syd stopped thinking about that dark time, as it only brought back bad memories for himself.

  9. "Who! Who are your people dammit, and how do you know me? What am I doing here, well why don't you tell me first Solar scum...." This version of Syd was quite unlike the Syd that Newsworthy knew. The Syd he knew was a kind hearted and friendly stallion, who lived life to help others and play music for his fans. This Syd however, was quite unlike the one he knew. This one seemed to be quite shellshocked by whatever conflict he was invoved in and he believed that he was still fighting, although he is far from his version of equestria.

  10. Syd leaped out, jumping on top of the interloper pinning him to the ground. Hiss face was covered in a black gas mask that had glowing green lenses that hid his eyes, and a military style coat covered most of his body and his haunches where his cutie mark would be. His dark brown mane was singed slightly and he had numerous scars over his body "Are you one of those Solar Empire foals? Answer me now, or hold your peace..." A magic aura surrounded his axe on his belt, and it seemed that he was about to draw it if he did not get an answer. On his belt buckle was a familiar mark, the same as the one Syd had.

  11. Hidden in one of the roadside bushes, a Pony with what looked like a gas mask and a hooded heavy coat with the emblem of a Red crescent moon and a star on his coat sleeve was watching the stallion light blue coat with intent. . He happened to have a broken horn, similar to a certain musical pony. He had an axe on his belt and had numerous scars on him "Come here ya git... Uncle Syd has a nice little surprise for ya..." He said under his breath with a cockney accent.

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