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Posts posted by MarchingHammers

  1. Nova grabbed her and began moving her towards Ponyville. It was not too far away, but It would be a challenge to get her there. "L..ll..l..listen, w...w..we are g...going to g...g..get out of here. I'll...dd...rop you off f..ff..first." He said, flying as hard as he could to his small apartment. He was able to get there and drop her off, but he was going to have to fight to get over to her friend back at the tree. He made it to him, but he was collapsed and covered in freezing rain. He was going to have to carry him back, as his wings were frozen with ice.

  2. A white pegasus with navy blue and black hair floated down and landed in the meadow. It was a calm day, and he was just relaxing as he was going to have a stressful, if not fun night ahead of him. He was sitting on a bench observing the other ponies conversing. He was reading a book, "The Rise and Fall of The Lunar Family."

  3. Nova saw wind knock a yellow mare off her hooves and into the air. He sprang into action, flying up and catching her. It took a considerable amount of effort to fly, but he caught her, and brought her back down under the tree. She was crying and cowering, which made him empasize with her. He saw her shivering so he held her close to him to share body heat, wrapping his wings around her. "Were you alone, or are there some other ponies that you got seperated from?" Nova said, his eyes becoming more feline, becoming but slits due to the unnatural darkness.

  4. Nova Wing was flying over the hills of Ponyville, heading home after finishing his last mail run for the day. It was a side job he took, which entailed delivering mail in Cloudsdale. It was not particularly exciting, but It did not take too much time, and left him with rest hours during the day. He had a white coat and starkly contrasting hair, which was night blue and had black sections in it. His eyes were an emerald shade, and had a mystique to them. On his flank sat his cutie mark. It was of an 8 pointed black star that had an emerald eye in the center He noticed a number of storm clouds moving overhead. He landed under a tree, where he decided to hunker down for the storm. Little did he know that on the opposite side of the tree, there was another two ponies who were hiding from the storm. Nova voiced quite loudly "Great... Now I'm soaked. Looks like ill be here for a while... I really wish I had a blanket or something to keep warm with."

    Here is some pics of him and his cutie mark.


  5. "Sure Rainy, take your time. I have chartered a car in the train privately for you and your family, and one for me and Neon. Take your time to get ready, we leave in about 4 hours." With that, Syd made his way to Neon's room and asked "Sweetie, do you need any help getting ready? If you don't need, I'll go get myself ready." Syd got his carefully folded suit jacket and black button down undershirt on, which was designed by some of the best clothes designers in Equestria. He also sprayed on some light cologne, specifically with the scent of the Seasaddle bay air. He walked back into her room from the bathroom and pecked her on the cheek. "That dress looks beautiful on you Neon. " He said with a smile.

  6. With the guards dropping in number The human made his way to Trixie and jumped onto her. "You foul pony schwein! You are the one who has been stealing my reading material! Now you schwill suffer!" He took a bottle of blue liquid and uncorked it, spilling it all over her, with her bucking about trying to stop him. "Now have fun with your punishment." he said, putting two more bullets into his rifle, bringing it to max capacity. He looked at her and smiled under his mask, seeing blue spots begin to show up on her horn.

  7. "They won't kill you, they will take you and turn them into one of them! Is that what you want? I was sent here to stop you from being captured!" Syd said, shooting the changelings off of him. One tried to grab Rainy and fly off with him, but he shot him and he stopped that from happening.

  8. Syd noticed Rainy get pounced on by the group of changelings. "Ah buck. You, changeling. You are going to prove your loyalty. Help me get him back and you will earn my forgiveness." Syd dropped the spell and began shooting at the changelings attacking Rainy, being careful not to shoot him. "Xeno, when he they are gone, you hold Rainy down, and don't do anything you will regret."

  9. "Oh I'm schvein, except for the three gashes in my chest." The man said with sarcasm in his voice. The man took a bottle of viscious glowing reddish orange liquid and tossed at the new guards coming in. "Burn Schwein!" He said as the bottle of alchemical fire exploded just short of it's target, landing in between the ponies and the guards coming in. He took his rifle and raised it. A very loud bang resounded in the cave. (check video for sound!) He had fired the rifle, a clang of metal hitting the floor next to him. One of the guards took a hit, collapsing into dead weight.

  10. The human felt 3 shuriken hit his chest. He doubled over in pain. but he began pulling them out, albeit screaming in pain. He was bleeding somewhat heavily. He got up and yelled at the interloper. "Schwein! I am on your side dummkoff", The man got up and held his chest, while slinging his rifle over his shoulder. He reached for the smaller tubed weapon and aimed at the guards who were coming to investigate the source of the noise. *BANG* *BANG* Two guards dropped to the floor, and two metal casings hit the floor. The man began to move closer to the ponies, being pelted with hail. He began to double over, and fell down in front of them, dropping his rifle.

  11. The human noticed the ponies from before entering. He was watching them with attentive eyes. He also noticed another human appear next to him. This was the one who ambushed him before. He had his back to him in his hiding spot, and the Man with the odd accent unholstered his rifle, and aimed down the magnification sight. He noticed Trixie in the group, and how he HATED that pony. He loaded a single bullet into his gun, making a click noise that echoed through the cavern.

  12. "Insanity, there was an accident. This changeling here was about to be pacified so to speak by me, but Silver jumped and knocked him out of the way, and Rainy got hit the process. He will be fine, he just needs some first aid and rest." Syd saw her looking worried still, so he lifted her face with his foreleg so that he could look directly into her eyes. He spoke in lower tone to her. "Listen I won't let anything happen to you or him, just don't run off on me like that okay?"

  13. The human that had the odd accent had broken off from the group and ran back to his laboratory, which was merely a glorified shack. He went to what looked like a weapons locker and grabbed what looked like a larger version of the tubelike defense tool he had and a few boxes that he stuck into them. He also got what looked like a very large knife and attached it to the front of the tubed longweapon. Working his way over to his alchemy station, he grabbed a bunch of bottles with blue plant extract in them... Poison Joke to be exact. He walked out of his shack and made his way to a cave he watched over constantly. He sat in a bush, observing the guards at the cave entrance. He threw two bottles of strangle-gas, causing the two guards to choke themselves out by breathing the gas in. He dragged the unconcious bodies of the guards and put them far away from the cave entrance. He then set to heading into the cave, brandishing his human made long weapon.

  14. Syd chuckled to himself. He put his foreleg around Neon, who leaned her head on his shoulder. The necklace began to glow, signaling good emotions. Neon soon voiced a question, "So guys when do we plan on leaving for Stalliongaurd?" Syd chuckled over attempt to speak while chewing. He thought it was cute. "I plan to leave this afternoon, but we must first make sure that Rainy and his wife are okay to go, along with their daughter. I took the liberty of packing some of your things for you already Neon."

  15. Syd had realised what he had just done, and ran over to Rainy. "Hey, don't you dare go to sleep on me!" Syd used a spell that would mend the burn on his side. He took out some antiseptic and a cloth from the shelf in the closet. He took the cloth and said "This will hurt a lot, but this will clean out your wound." He put the cloth on his side and put pressure on it, attempting to stem the flow of blood. "Silver, come over here and hold the wound." He shot a look at the changeling and used a spell to put temporary paralysis on him. "I'll have a word with you when I get back, but I have to go find Insanity Dash." he said with a scowl.

  16. Syd heard the grey stallion speak and he was delighted to hear that he is where he needs to be. "Well I would hate to burst your bubble Rainy, but I don't think that you will be seeing that happen unfortunately. That was going to happen until the changlings attacked, sending Equestria into disarray. I am here to make sure that does not happen at all. You see, I'm not from this time..." the grey pony trailed off, seeing the yellow one cowering on the floor. He laid down next to her, seeing she was shivering and plastered with mud, he took out a towel from one of his saddlebags and wiped the mud off. He offered her his coat, draping it over her body. Attempting to keep her warm by laying next to her and sharing body heat.

  17. Syd leads them into the hospital, shooting magic bolts at any wayward changelings that appear. They fall to the ground passed out or worse. He leads them into what looked like a storage room. He locked the door and barricaded it to keep the changelings out. The stallion removed his mask, breathing the fresh air. He looked towards the two other ponies that he had saved, and said "Are you two okay? It is a good thing I saved you two when I did. Who knows what they could have done to you If I had not intervened. Oh, By the way, how many years has it been since Luna has come back from her exile?" The pony said.

    Looking at the grey pegausus, he noticed he was in some pain. His wing seemed to be damaged and asked if he needed assistance.

  18. With the storm passing over ponyville, a crack of lightining pierced the air. A crater appeared where the lightning struck. A grey pony was laying in the crater that used to be a sidewalk. He was unconcious, but he soon got up. One of his eyes had a scar going through it, and he had various scars on his body. He appeared in what looked like makeshift body armor, as well as a trenchcoat covering him. He reached for a mask with what looked like a ventilation system on it, and he heard wails from ponies in the halls. He turned some dial on the goggles that the mask had, which seemed to allow him to pierce the veil of a changelings disguise. He sees a yellow mare being pulled away by the changelings. His horn sparked to life as he began blasting the changelings with magically powered bolts. He worked his way over to the mare as he picked off the changelings holding her. He said in a muffled voice "Come with me if you want to live!" Syd said helping her up.

  19. "Oh we are fine, and how can you be a creeper? You are one of my best friends, and you have a right to be concerned, expecially because our relationship began so suddenly." Syd heard him ask if he could come in and replied with "No, please come in Rainy! I have made some breakfast for me and Neon. There is plenty extra, so feel free to help yourself." Syd sat down on the couch, drinking a glass of Sweet Apple Acres Apple Juice, waiting for him to sit down. "So, I am just curious, are you ready to leave for Stalliongrad this afternoon? I have purchased you and your family tickets on the train there for this afternoon. Also, why didn't you bring Rainbow Splash over? We had plenty of food to share."

  20. Syd was about to use one of his illusion spells to make the bed seem like it was on top of a hill overlooking the sea, but He felt Neon move closer and fall asleep in his arms. He was just happy to see her so happy, and that made all the difference to him. He fell asleep as well, their body heat putting him into a relaxed state, drifting off to sleep. Nothing in the world could be more right than he felt now.

    Syd woke up to light coming into the room from Celestia's sun. Neon had held onto him all night, never letting him go. He smiled at her, her mane discheveled but she still looked beautiful. He got up as quietly as he could and made his way into her kitchen. He decided that he should make breakfast for him and her. He began getting mixes for pancakes and hay bacon and began making it with great earnest. When he was finished he made his way back into the room, hovering a tray with the breakfast on it. He moved over and kissed her on the head, whispering "Good Morning my silly filly. I made you breakfast."

  21. Syd felt like after today's tumultous events, Neon needed someone to keep her company. "Well, if it is okay, I think I'll stay with you tonight. I have nothing but all the time in the world to spend with you." Syd said nuzzling her mane. "Would you like to go lay down? I'm sure today was tiring for you." Neon directed him towards the direction of the bedroom, and Syd decided to carry her using his magic. Since his horn had regrown, a greater mastery of his talents emerged as a result. She deserved to be treated no less that a princess would, so he laid her down in her bed and planted a kiss on her lips, with Syd blushing slightly. He went onto the princess sized bed and laid down next to her wrapping his forelegs around her to share body heat. "Now Neon, if you could dream of being in one place in Equestria, where would you like to be, and I will make it so." Syd said via a whisper into her ear.

  22. Syd looked up to see Neon about to jump hug him, which he did not try to stop. He fell onto the floor with her, and recieved a kiss from her. He returned the kiss and brushed his hoof through her mane, feeling the silky softness of it. Syd heard Rainy's daughter exclaim "Eeewwwww" Syd tilted his head to the right to chuckle at the filly who had feelings similar to him on the subject when he was her age. He got up, helping Neon up, sitting on the couch. The two sat on the couch with Rainy and his daughter. Syd whispered in her ear "The necklace is beautiful, It is glowing even more right now. It is imbued with magic that bonds to the pony that wears it. It glows more and less depending on how you are feeling." He wrapped his foreleg around her and pulled her in close, making sure that there was little space left between them.

    "Now Rainy, I am inviting you along with my silly filly here to come on tour with me. I made accomodations for you, your daughter and wife to stay at a hotel near my tour venues. I plan to go to Stalliongrad first, which does hold special meaning to us all, as many of us met our good friends there." Syd nuzzled Neon, keeping her as close as possible. After sitting there talking for a few hours, Syd looked at the time, and realized that Luna's night had begun a while ago. He saw that Rainbow Splash had fallen asleep next to Rainy, and Syd let out an "aww." "She looks all tuckered out, and it is getting late, and I assume you need your shut eye as well." Syd directed towards Rainy. Syd looked at Neon and asked an important question. "Now, do you want me to stay tonight, because I do have a hotel room in Ponyville I can stay in if you don't want me to stay."

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