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Posts posted by Tekkie

  1. I, erm... I should start with something positive right?

    Okay! well, I'm socially awkward. No, not positive. I'm not a funny person as you can most probably tell due to my bad humour. I'm dyslexic yet I write fan fictions, that's good right? I spend my entire day either writing fan fictions or immersing myself within Virtual Reality @u@ woo! trippiness. That was a really bad way of saying I'm the sort of gamer who sits and does nothing BUT the hobby in question. I used to roleplay until the rules in the RP community I was in got absolutely ridiculous. (Seven paragraphs each needing to be AT LEAST ten lines?). I'm planning on setting up a let's play channel I guess that's something else to say about me, right? I enjoying spelling backwards, that's another thing toI've been a brony for a year now? I dunno, I think maybe a year or three to four months (I first watched the show when I was bed-ridden due to a flu and well, my curiosity got the better of me.) I'm also a huge zombie lore/literature fan to some extent. Man, this introduction has gone on due to me doing nothing but rabble on hasn't it? I need to stop directly interacting with the reader. Sorry! did it aga-okay, every time I do it, somepony hit me with a ruler! that's really all there is apart from my favourite mane 6 character being Fluttershy.

    3: please don't moider me..

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