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Posts posted by ZeiaZeh

  1. I'm sorry, I keep trying to test everything, I don't mean this in a malicious way or anything, I hope your not too bothered by my testy questions, but again I'm still trying to feel around.

    So I pondered this on my other topic, but didn't add it to the new one because this is a kind of different question in itself.

    So what are the injury limits? I understand something out of violence would be a bit iffy, but do you recall the episode "Read it and Weep" where Rainbow Dash had a flying accident and had to go to the hospital? Remember any of the background characters?

    Such as this unnamed pony: http://images.wikia....S02E16_UES1.png

    and: http://images.wikia....pony_s02e14.png

    (Who some fans I think suspect had Leukemia then died in the later episode Hearts and Hooves day in the very discreet funereal that they seemed to have perform.)

    So would something like that be acceptable? A pony with Leukemia? Or is that a little too far out there for your liking? I mean things such as this are delicate subjects, I don't want to offend someone who has a family member going through something like this by making a sick pony with cancer or something.

    Or how about the very badly beat up pony in bandages? We don't really know how it got hurt like that, what I suspect was that it got into a flying accident like Rainbow Dash, as you can see it has strange clumps of fur around where wings would go, so I suspect it went through emergency amputation, which would be quite tragic and they would have to do something really crazy in order to get into such bad shape. (To be honest this pony is my favourite background character, and my pony with the torn flanks is based off of him, so its actually not all too original as some people may have thought.)

    I'm again sorry for my testy questions, but I'm still trying to find my way around here. I read the rules and all but these are more specific questions I didn't see addressed, hence why I am asking.

  2. While that may be a detailed and possibly logical story, it's just too grimdark for Canterlot.com. Outside of the 18+ section, we like to keep things appropriate for all ages... and we've had some pretty young people here. You can't really argue 'we're all adults, we can handle it'—because we're not.

    The answer is no, on the grounds of grimdark, rather than the logical-ness or probability of it.

    I figured as much, oh well it was worth the try.

  3. That seems a little dark but I can see it being that the cutie mark is scared a little from that injury and the character could still wear what he wants over it. Mine would wear something over his because of how it looks even though it's not what people would think it is. Sounds like a good idea thought to have a pony who once had their cutie mark and lost it to a bad injury and then become a "blank flank" because of it. Nice thinking outside the box

    Thank you! I was hoping this wouldn't seem all too sueish or something... I'm really just trying to test my limits in this fandom, and see what I could come up with, without straying too far away from the true meaning of the series... The whole, Love and Tolerance thing... It may not seem like it but I have incorporated it into the whole story behind the torn Cutie Mark.

  4. Also, as mentioned above, what the heck could happen to a pony to utterly destroy the skin on their flank that they could live through?

    Ahaha... This is the part I don't really want to touch on, because things start to get a little... gritty.

    I highly doubt after this you would find this acceptable, I don't mind though, simply trying to feel around and see were my limits are.

    I suppose I'll give it to you straight, and try not to incorporate too much inappropriate gore, just the facts themselves, though if it sounds like a story or something excuse me, I can't help it...

    So somepony else got their Cutie Mark before the other, the pair had promised to get it together, so obviously the blank flank was a bit upset, and jealous even, especially since they had argued a while before it happened.

    Their griffon friend wasn't too much help either, it encouraged the other to get back at the pony with the new found Cutie Mark, assuming they had got it just to be spiteful. They spoke about it, pondered what to do and in the pent up anger and feelings of betrayal they decided to get rid of this Cutie Mark, but how? There was no known spell to rid of one for all they knew, and they had no other ideas except for scratching it off, but when would they get the chance to? So after scheming for a long while, they decided to 'make up' with the other pony, inviting them over to go exploring about in the Everfree Forest, where hopeful nopony would here if a ruckus came about.

    Of course, the other being completely unaware of their true intentions agreed to go, then they all set off. After venturing deeply enough, and managing not to get too badly hurt themselves from wandering about, the blank flank pinned the other down, whilst the griffon went at their flanks. They had originally only really planned to leave a scratch, some sort of scar to bring shame on them, but the griffon had gotten carried away, still upset about that whole argument, so continuously went at their flank, despite the blank flanks shouts to stop.

    The griffon eventually snapped out of it, and by that point the pony was, as you said probably bleeding quite badly. The blank flank then stopped the shouting and crying, quite immediately regretting this whole thing, then set to work tearing its nice clothes off and trying to wrap it around the bleeding flanks, hopefully to stop some bleeding. The griffon was in shock, and sort of robotically did whatever the blank flank asked it to do to get the injured pony to safety. It was basically told to try and fly the injured one off to the closest hospital, whilst the blank flank traveled on foot back, where then the injured pony was treated, and with many blood transfusions, stitches, and other such things after quite a long time it managed to sort of recover, though put in a weaker and shier state. The blank flank never came back, but the griffon stuck around. No one really knew about this, the injured pony was put in such a state of terror over the griffon it did not say a peep. The griffon was far too ashamed, and also said nothing, though one would think perhaps at the hospital they would've noticed the blood stained claws? Well, they though naturally it must be from carrying the injured pony around, after all its hands were stained too, and plus they were far too busy treating the patient to care too much. The excuse was some beast came about and attacked them, most everypony believed such, seeing as the griffon never lied, and obviously if something happened, the injured one would speak of it right?

    As unlikely as all of these events may seem in all of peaceful Equestria, and how I suppose gorey it may seem, and more then likely not accepted I am still trying to make it work, its mostly a sort of out-of-curiosity thing, I'm not much for gore, things like "Cupcakes" and such, but I don't think its all too bad... is it?

    I hope it doesn't seem too sueish to have a sort of almost 'blank flank' like character.

    I also hope the griffon doesn't seem too much like Gilda, it honestly has a different personality to her, you obviously just wont see it in one post.

    And on a side note this Blank Flank that disappeared was not a filly or a colt, it was a bit older, in between I suppose. Unlikely one so young would be so violent, but things do tend to make us snap.

    After all this "Oh I don't want to bother writing a lot of stuff for no reason, even if its probably going to be rejected" I still did it anyways. XD; I hope this isn't so long that you lose immediate interest in it or something...

  5. [Off topic but I'm pretty sure I've done 3 posts on my intro page, which is enough, correct? (Sorry, a little noobish right now) With that hopefully aside, here is my real question.]

    Alright, so I have a character who I want to create. He is a sort of... 'blank flank' you could say, well, more so he had a cutie mark but due to an injury the skin on his flanks were torn, the cutie mark going along with them.

    Is this acceptable?

    I mean, its not gorey per say, its more like a scar. He is very discomforted by this so he tends to wear something over it, embarrassed by it really. Hes not some crazy psychopath pony out to kill, he simply has some injuries.

    Now I know I haven't posted anything on him at all, but I wanted to make sure my idea was acceptable, because I may have some other ponies that are along his lines, and I don't want to waste my time writing up a huge description only to have it disapproved. (Lazy, yes I know...)

    I could show you a drawing of what it looks like if you need.

    I also hope I posted this in the right category... Since its about rp right? Please don't be too harsh on me, I've never actually been in a forum before really... probably should have posted that in my introduction...

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