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Everything posted by king121222

  1. "aye, Even I can feel its evil." Zero said.
  2. "I face a god to get my weapons so I'll use them to help." Zero said.
  3. "I came for the party and once it is over I can go and give him the pendent and be with father once more." Zero said giggling.
  4. "oh I see thanks I will go give it to him once I am done here." Zero said smiling and hugged Allanon.
  5. "oh that's it and what is the gem of god?" Zero asked slightly confused.
  6. "The gem of god, I think is what he called it." Zero said.
  7. "sigh I will see him again one day but first I need to get a gem for him thats very rare." Zero said.
  8. "great yet a new object that needs to be found." Zero said. "I carry the aegis shield and the spear of longinus." He then showed both off.
  9. "I want to meet him again but after I ran away from him I don't think he would like to see me again." Zero said sighing.
  10. "is that a problem?" Zero asked moving around his shield trying to find a good way of it being on his back.
  11. "My father was huge, I think he said he was at least 2 times bigger then a normal dragon but he wasn't sure." Zero said.
  12. "somthing about a ring, I think." Zero said as he looked confused.
  13. "I hope that one day that I can visit him again and you have my condolences." Zero said nuzzing allanon again.
  14. "I wish I could ask him but..."Zero said hinting she did something bad.
  15. "really like what?" Zero said wondering what he meant.
  16. "yes because the way he acted made it seem like he hated ponies and wanted them gone." Zero said sighing. "What made me special?"
  17. "chances are he was but I did ask him why he raised me, but he refused to tell me why he chose to me why." Zero said.
  18. "what about a cut that nearly destoryed my leg?" Zero said showing her left foreleg with a very small scar near the knee.
  19. "well yer lucky that you can do that, So tell me what does dragon blood do to medicine?" Zero asked. "father always gave me some of his when I was hurt and I healed right up."
  20. Zero's eyes widened. "wow thats amazing I can only use the magic that I know or It might overload me." Zero said smirking.
  21. "I also do time magic and shadow magic." ZEro said giggling as she made a flower age to dust and then back to a seed.
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