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Posts posted by Karnaloth

  1. ''NONE of you are leaving, is that understood?" Strife spoke with a demanding and threatening tone ''now, I understand your concern, but code dictates me and my fellow guard here, to not release you until your guild has been proven non-existant, simple words, your not leaving ti'll we know who DID do it.'' she turned her attention to the brother ''back in your cell, no who's no why's no what's, in NOW'' she then took a writing feather from her bag, took it in her mouth and started writing down the notes of what happened here today, she then turned to the mother and her foal ''for you, I only have to check if your story is true, if it is your free to go, if its not, you'll be here for a while and your foal while go to the father or to an appropriate residence until your release''

  2. Strife had found a book on emotions by now, looking through it, she came to the realisation she wasn't that emotionless at all, if anything, she was protective, but she knew that.. putting her head on her hooves she peered around the library, noticing several ponies gathering, one of which she saw passing by earlier. Not really worrying about what they were doing until she noticed the red parchment, she noticed it because of her training, always check if an opponent might have something dangerous on their hooves.. although this green stallion didn't seem to be much of a threat to her.. she decided it was probably best to keep an eye on them. She got back to what she was doing then, her watcheful eye watching them from this point on, she grabbed another book on emotions, and this time.. though she knew it was useless anyway she grabbed a few books with ''love'' in the title, just to check what these mares and stallions did to win each other.. knowing this was silly and just fantasy, she did think she MIGHT gain something of off this.

    what am I missing? she thought, as she continued her search.

  3. Strife walked down the chaotic streets, re-reading the note her captain left for her easier said then done, I'm no diplomat why did he send me? Strife stumbled down the streets and eventually arrived at the building, looking up at it, she swallowed, and looked at the arguing group of ponies, not interested to join in on the madness, until she noticed that one particular pony met her eye hmmm, he seems odd, and why is he arguing? since when do civilians bother with guard duties, shouldn't he be at home? seeing that her fellow guards had that covered, Strife decided to lean against the side of the building and wait for the other lunar guards that were supposed to come along with her, she had to do the talking in the name of the lunar guard, were it to come to that.. this confused her, normally her captains orders were so precise, but now.. it seemed like even he was poorly informed by the princess...

  4. Strife turned around an ice cold gaze fixed on the brother outside of the cell ''get back in your cell... NOW!'' Strife walked toward the brother threateningly ''make it easier for yourself..'' the gaurdsmare lost all of her kindness in the passing of a second, and would take on the right as a guard to force the prisoner if it wouldn't budge at a command, so she came ever closer.

  5. deciding she had nothing more to do in ponyville and didn't enjoy her time anymore Shadow rose from her hooves, looking momentarily at the other ponies before turning around and flying toward Cloudsdale those heroes came from here?, must be a mistake she sighed and whistled Falk over, then they both continued their flight.

  6. Strife smiled at Muffin's compliment ''thanks, but I'm more known for my protectiveness and brute force'' she kept her tone low, hoping not to sound braggy she then pointed a hoof at her drink ''you should try hops just giving you something randomly, I think that would suit your needs'' she gave Muffin a wink and continued ''but its sort of true, joining the guard isn't hard, going up the chain is though, I do have come to the point where I guard the interesting stuff, but I have yet to see the princess, I have guarded the palace itself at night before, its basically my main job at the moment, but I sign myself up for regular guard duty as well, I enjoy my job so I try to be useful as much as I can''

    "I would not, uh, totally be convinced zat taking zee...lesser guard posts would be zat bad." he commented. "After all, I would consider it an 'uge honneur to even 'ave zee Gold."

    Strife nodded heavily at Timbre Swings comment ''true words'' she then took a sip from her drink.

  7. (inform me if theres any particular post order you guys want to keep, or just post whenever you can make a quality/important one, I guess)

    Strife eyed Radiant over ''your right, it doesn't really add up that they do not know, or maybe its just an act'' Strife eyed the pony behind the prison bars over completely''I guess we could look them up though'' she decided to be more relaxed, because this pony was more polite then his brother before him.

    then she heard the question a few cells away, and walked over.. ''Who put you in there?! why where you put in there!?'' she basically yelled when she noticed the poor little foal ''Foals don't belong in prison!'' she exclaimed, and ran toward the prisoner property box, grabbed the only pair of saddlebags in the box, and opened the cell door with the key she had in her armor's attached bag. she stood in the opening though, carefully watching whatever the mare would do, one suspecious move and Strife would be on top of her, for she still had to get an answer.

  8. (sorry if I break post order)

    Strife nodded fiercly at Radiant ''been there, they seem to have no idea that such things will only make there time in prison evenless enjoyable'' she sighed ''how far can a pony fall''

    "excuse me ma'ms first i would like to apologize for my brother secondly could one of you possibly tell me what me and my brothers are accused of?"

    ''no I do not, and I do not care, for whoever put you here has had his/her reasons, I am just to make sure you do not try anything funny like your brother'' her face turned from neutral to strict, and she pointed a hoof at Wine ''things like that will make sure that the only ones that want to eat dinner with you will be one of your brothers'' she smirked, having heard what he said to Radiant before ''so watch your tongue''

  9. Strife was probably the only pony visiting the Library for this particular reason, it was a humiliating one, atleast thats what she believed. She walked through the bookcases, seeing all kinds of fascinating books, but none that she looked for. In her head, she'd assume they'd have those kind of books here... she looked through each bookshelf before finally stumbling upon a book with a cover that she assumed meant well it had a stallion and mare on it, hugging each other, her heart melted at the picture and without even bothering with the title she opened the book and read through it quickly, realising this was absolutely not what she was looking for she closed it and put it away Mom what were you talking about, there's no books here that can help me getting a relationship... all I can find is books about how amazing life is with a special somepony Strife had always wondered since she was a little filly, why she was one of those mares stallions didn't seem too bother with, she didnt really care when she was a filly, but later on the lack of a special somepony made her feel lonely, it drove to all kinds of wild assumptions, thinking she didnt have the looks, or maybe they thought she was a mean pony.

    they had told her to start dating, but she always shy away at that thought.. maybe she was simply to shy, maybe that was her problem, so she continued, this time franticly searching for a book that could help you get over shyness. In her head this made her giggle a bit, after all it was quite funny how when she was on duty she'd shy away from no pony at all, and when she isn't she's like the shyest pony she knew of, it was probably because the armor re-assured her, she put a stack of books on a table and began reading through them.. no, no no no NO! this is pointless, why can no pony help me? she sobbed inwardly, put kept her guardsmare pokerface up no matter what c'mon girl, your a guardsmare, no crying or weeping allowed! she shook her head at her own thought I cant let myself turn into one of those emotionless ponies, maybe thats my problem.. maybe I seem to emotionless! and like that, with renewed faith, she went searching for a book on emotions.

  10. (mind if I join in? this looks like an interesting rp to show the guard side of Strife)

    Strife pranced about the prison corridors, since the princess required no direct protection, and Strife always wanted to do something during this time, she had been tasked by her captain to patrol during this time, in the dungeon to be exact. she trotted past the prison cells, until she heard somepony mumble a song, she peeked into the cell and saw a mother with her young foal, her heart dropped, but knowing it was her royal duty too not submit to thieves in anyway, ''keep it quiet in there'' she noted harshly before ignoring the mare and continuing her patrolling, meeting up with Rediant Steel at some point during her patrol, she noticed she was being talked to as if she was some kind of pony you could just bribe, Strife couldn't help but smirk as she bowed her head in greeting, it was a custom she had to all her fellow guard colleagues, no matter what unit they were from or what rank, in the end they had the same goal.. at least, so she asumed.

  11. Basically, she is a guard. Reading her app, she'd probably have a bit more friendly approach towards Ardent than Radiant Steel and Reveille, if we're taking Destriers history into consideration. I'm searching for REA forces generally, so she'd fit. How she'd act and RP, well, it's not up to me anymore. After all I have no idea who I'd met.

    Edit: Maybe except the part of "Ponies behaving differently due to their guard status". I cannot believe Ardent wouldn't behave different concerning his approach to the virtues he's following xD

    true, she'd be a more friendly, so it could work nonetheless, so count me in ;D and the "Ponies behaving differently due to their guard status". bit concerns mostly toward civilians.

    also, I believe there's supposed to be a royal between the a and guard xD couldn't resist.

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