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Status Updates posted by shyshy

  1. "the irony in salvation is that it requires sacrifice." - shyshy

  2. "these years are the apotheosis to the history of human kind." -ShyShy

    1. Vulpibard


      "The roman, mongol, greek, egyptian, spanish, and british thought they were the top in history once, 'course I could never reach that far; I'm scared of hights!" - Vulpi

    2. shyshy


      ^ far out man. that one's real nice :3

    3. Vulpibard


      why thank you, yours are great to ^^

  3. "Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes angry." -Euripedes

    1. InsanityDash


      "Impudence is the worst of all human diseases." -Euripedes

      *hugs back*

    2. shyshy


      thank you sir ^^

  4. "to the right i could see a church, i took a step in that direction first. but to the left there was a watering hole where they were whiskey drunk, and now thats where i wanna be."

  5. "we will do as we always have: survive beyond all odds" -ShyShy

  6. "what does every man deserve? well, certainly not happiness, but certainly the pursuit" - ShyShy

  7. "what if" is a stupid question

  8. “It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” ― Philip K. Dick, VALIS

  9. “There are 4 kinds of Homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable, and praiseworthy.” -Ambrose Bierce (American Writer, Journalist and Editor, 1842-1914)

  10. 10 days left...also im not sick anymore (or atleast as sick)

  11. 12 days til im 15

  12. a group of my friends has decided that i am the male little pip

  13. a river of red flows in my eyes, i swear to you i see the future and all it's beauty -shyshy

  14. a sonic screwdriver, my heart stopped. thanks big bro

    1. Tenkan


      Niiice! Point it at things and look like you know what you're doing. xD

    2. shyshy


      so far it has worked :3

  15. absence of fear is weakness for life without fear is to deny humanity

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