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Posts posted by shyshy

  1. So, bronies...yesterday, I received a call from the temp agency I've been working for.

    Apparently, over the past 4 months I've been working for them, I have had too many 'tardy points' and thus...I was let go.

    I'm feeling really....really.....just....cruddy about it too. Because I was progressing really well in the company, I had praise coming in from the high ups, and well, I was DARN good at my job. I easily made up for being 1-2 minutes late with the high volume of phone calls that I took in.

    To further explain, I've been working for a company that takes calls from health care providers and assists them with some of their billing information. They had these strict policies on what infor you could and could not give out, strict time standards (had to keep all calls under 5 minutes.) I was really doing just....awesome with calls. My call time was like ~2minutes, I had quite a few customer reviews (where at the end of the call they want to tell my supervisor how I'm 20% cooler than the other reps.) And.....being two to four minutes late for work a few times over the course of four months....means that all of that doesn't matter.......

    Of course, I admit I WAS late, although I should further explain their flawed attendance system. First of all, you get 'points' for tardies or missed days. For example, if you miss a day, say you call in sick, you accrue 1/2 a point. But if you're even 1 minute late--you ALSO accrue 1/2 of a point.

    Apparently there were several occasions where I was between 3 and 8 minutes late, so they had to let me go.....

    I just...I feel so lost...it's like they're telling me all of your hard work, great customer service, and advances within this company mean absolutely NOTHING because....your punctuality isn't good enough....I....I'm speechless....and also jobless.....

    *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*.....Bronies.....I need some serious cheering up.......I'm stuck in a rut.....and I though maybe you guys....with your infinite love and friendship....idunno.....halp?

    we have a venting thread :)

  2. So on a lot lower tech level, I've been doing a lot of research lately on historic metallurgy. Being from the States I'm used to Farenheit. But most of the metallurgy liturature is in Centigrade. Anyone have any experience switching over their thought processes? Wondering how to get to a point where I'm not trying to do conversions in my head.

    hehe im form the states too brother. i live in florida waaayy down south by duette on a farm. i tend to animals every day and i wanna medical license :D

    a dreamer huh?

    michio kaku did a lecture on discovery channe that i watched yesterday afternoon about fusion engines n he said that they would be an estimated 55-70 % efficient!

  3. exactly! but first we have to commercialize this form of energy for use in large powerplants and work our way up to smaller things. i would expect that fusion powered vehicles would be openly sold on the market as vastly as gasoline fossil fuel cars today, in a good 40-55 years.

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