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Everything posted by FermataTheBasse

  1. I'll post with Lypris and Cadence when their respective factions start getting into gear.
  2. One of the ponies who Twilight passed was a certain Mistress of Shadows, who for reasons only known to itself had weaved the flawless illusion of a filly version of Celestia: pink hair, pure white coat, wings and horn, as it's chosen disguise. It was one of the few ponies not in black besides the other noncombat personnel. Well the Mistress of Shadows was indeed a combat operative, but it sure didn't look the part. Yet it was perhaps the most dangerous mare in the caravan besides Twilight herself. The Mistress of Shadows made a rather undignified display of waving eagerly at Twilight as she passed and looking dejected as she left into her place at the front of the caravan. It contented itself with a showing of rank to the guards assigned to the room. [colour=#afeeee]"Protect Lady Twilight with your lives, you hear me, soldiers?" [/colour][colour=#000000]The Mistress of Shadows was rude, ambitious, and not well liked amongst the rest of the GEF. But it's power couldn't be denied, so it was tolerated. [/colour] [colour=#000000]-----[/colour] [colour=#000000]Vinyl was in her recording studio, an abandoned half eaten salad and an equally abandoned disc of samples lying on the soundboard beside her. Her hooves were tinkering idly with the switches, moving them up and down even though there were no levels being recorded at the moment. She was nervous, her legs shifting about. And why was that? The peace summit was being broadcast, the meeting of a bunch of factions Vinyl hadn't even known existed until now was on air for the citizens of Equina. Indeed, it was an impressive showing for most of those loyal to the GEF, for they were assured that their side would receive all in the end after the negotiations.[/colour] [colour=#ff0000]"This is gonna be crazy..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl's eyes were glued to her TV screen.[/colour]
  3. Sorry, I have weak reference pools. Like, I'm sure people know what Umineko is, but I often don't know other people's stuff of interest.
  4. I accept this application. Welcome to the Outsiders, Rackenhammer.
  5. As of now, that is against the rules of the game. Later, if the game gets more involved... All bets might be off. And yeah, I love Umineko. I wanted to do a crossover fic once, but it was so complicated an idea...
  6. [colour=#40e0d0]"Dude, I'm not hostile anymore. A bit annoyed, yeah. Not hostile." [/colour][colour=#000000]And so they went, Wordplay doing her best to answer questions as she received them. Having lived in Manehattan most her life, she knew what was where and some of this history of her home city. Because St. Mareson's was a wealthy school, the surrounding area was all pretty expensive real estate. It seemed that the housing was mostly empty. Whether that was because there weren't so many boarders or they were late was unclear. If they were late, they were pretty dang late. Registration was almost up already, after all.[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]"I think there's a sign up around here... there." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay pointed her horn toward a clipboard against the wall. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"You're first for a room, good job."[/colour]
  7. [colour=#808080]"You've got a record deal? Dude, nice!" [/colour][colour=#000000]As far as Penumbra knew, there was a shortage of production that was open for new artists in Equestria. That made the game harder to break into. She figured she'd have to ask Bridge for a sample of his music la-... wait, she could watch his concert. Eh, she must have gotten less sleep than she thought she had. Darn, there were a lot of ponies around. Penumbra was getting jostled around a bit, found it hard to move between the crowds. [/colour][colour=#808080]"That- that sounds good! Argh, lot of ponies in here, ain't there?"[/colour]
  8. I approve! Someone else had voted but hasn't posted yet. Come out, please...?! Name: Lambdadelta, The Witch of Absolutes Appearance: Personality: Lambdadelta acts childish, pouts, whines, complains, pretends to be naive and stupid. In actuality she is devilishly brilliant, a hard worker, and willing to stoop to great depths to amuse herself. She is playful, whether in her pretend childish way or in a sadistic way depends on the situation. She however has a deep respect for people who prove themselves capable of hard work and determination, and will reward these people accordingly. She also has a soft spot for people who are underdogs, and often centers her plans around them. However, she is a Witch, and this means that above all other things, she must avoid boredom or she will die. Thus she is very conniving in the pursuit of her own amusement. Motivation: Ultimately to stave off boredom. In terms of Equestria, she will change her plan into whatever makes the game more fun for her and prolongs it. However, she also has grown attached to certain ponies and has their well being in mind... Powers: As Witch of Absolutes, Lambdadelta can reward absolute work absolutely, in short, she can ensure that hard work receives proportional reward. This allows her to make Faustian deals with people she chooses to, giving them her power for their goals provided they always work towards achieving their goals. Name: Fluttershy. Appearance: Personality: Demure, quiet in the extreme. In contrast to her 'benefactor', Fluttershy has little ability to make her will known or enforced, so easily walked over by other ponies she is. She is incredibly kind, and has a great sense of empathy. It is nearly impossible to get her to do evil things, as a result. She loves animals, loves her fellow ponies even if she is easily timid around them. However she is insecure in her naturally attention-grabbing demureness and can be driven to rather extreme outbursts if she feels that she is losing the attention of others. Powers: 'The Stare' which can stop aggression in it's tracks, her strong empathy.
  9. Figured this one was going to be it. Especially since you already made a post with Spike earlier. Good game!
  10. Yes. It doesn't necessarily have to be evil whispers or voices in the head. That's up to your personal style. Also, apps up!
  11. No, that would go against the spirit of the game. The idea here is that people with evil intentions are hampered by the natural harmony of Equestria.
  12. You can manipulate OC ponies, use OC outsiders. Whatever you desire.
  13. Not explicit mind control. More like moving around chess pieces, subtly using the character you chose to your advantage.
  14. Outsiders in the multitude of existences that are not Equestria have been interested in our colorful ponies for quite some time. Now a group of them powerful enough to make their influence known in Equestria gather together to subtly- or perhaps not- bend the world of ponies to their varying wills. As pretty much everyone else has observed of the idea, it is likely going to end badly for everyone involved. The gist of this is pretty much as said, outsiders of Equestria band up and start influencing the events within it. We'll pick up just after the Royal Wedding, so before S3 starts. By the pact of the outsiders, each can only influence a single character, making decisions that would be at least somehow in character for that character, to advance their own agenda in Equestria. This means that you cannot have a character do something blatantly against their characterization, at least not without some character development! The RP would be two things concurrent, the characters being used interacting in Equestria, and the controllers interacting together on the outside. Check the poll above. We could have this be very slice of lifey, with the interactions at both levels being humorous or very dramatic and actiony, with intrigue at both levels. Whatever you guys want.I just want to get interest first, before we start signing up for characters... Alright, character sign ups! Name: Of controller. Can be an OC or an established character, cannot be Equestrian... unless you have a particularly nefarious idea! Appearance: Whatever you feel is important, include pictures if you can. Personality: How will your controller interact with the other controllers? Motivation: What is your controller's plan for Equestria? Powers: If a fight breaks out between controllers or if they suddenly start invading Equestria, what the heck can your controller do in combat? Or do they have powers usable for mundane purposes? Name: Of piece. Can be an OC or an established character, must be Equestrian! Appearance: Personality: I will be watching to make sure all commands from the controller adhere to this section. If your character has any hang ups that may allow them to do things out of the ordinary, say so! Powers: What can your character do as a piece? Current Controllers and their Pieces Jace Beleren and Twilight Sparkle Penoa Von Russo and Diamond Tiara Gallerian Maleron and Princess Luna Skeeve and The Great and Powerful Trixie Lambdadelta and Fluttershy
  15. Darling, a Rarity fan? It's simply wonderful to meet you.
  16. I dunno, whatever. I'm just in a trolly mood all of a sudden, which I usually am anyways but now it's been exaggerated. Besides, Knowledge needs someone to interact with.
  17. You know what we need to make this RP even more ridiculously complicated? An evil counterpart to Knowledge.
  18. Cadence looked at Free, surprised. [colour=#ee82ee]"You knew my mother...?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence had never actually known either of her parents. From as far back as she could remember she had been raised by the Princesses, who had made it clear that they weren't her birth parents. [/colour]
  19. Cupcakes? That was your gateway into the fandom? Welcome to Canterlot, boi.
  20. Human beings in a mob. What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a god? What's a god to a non-believer? I'm one of the four.
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