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Posts posted by FermataTheBasse

  1. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"Every pony for me is something simple yet sweet. Like a bonbon."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan Dive was many things. She was the noted owner and writer for Young Mare's Tail, an up and coming publication that Canterlot couldn't get enough of. She was one of Canterlot's eccentric socialites, a mare others wished they could ignore for all of her oddities but who simply was too friendly to be ignored. She was a mare of incredibly odd tastes in fashion, as her rather uniquely designed hat she had gone so far as to name 'Ellie' attested to. She was simple but sweet, a charming young mare with much to offer and-[/colour]


    - And she was hungry, as her stomach's complaints attested to. It was just her luck that she had fallen asleep on the train over to Ponyville and had thus missed out on the serving of lunch. But the specific desires of her tongue, the gustatory need that permeated through her and set her mind afire with salivating- not actually, thank Celestia- desire. She was craving something sweet, the candy of her youth that her enormous child-like sweet tooth refused to go another second without.

    So Swan Dive trotted briskly through the streets, she was sent sending her regular and rude reminders of her need for a treat, she was blushing a bit, humiliated by her demanding and noisy beast of a stomach. She glanced around, wondering if others were staring at her. They were, but it was mostly the dress and hat in particular that drew the attention of others. She shied away, more intent on her need to find an eatery. So down the streets of Ponyville she trotted, looking for her mark.

  2. Wordplay was wearing her sole piece of 'bling' as it were, a golden butterfly hair pin that glittered in her hair right above one of her ears, below which were her eye-hiding sunglasses. She was a rapper, but not that much butch, she kept herself reasonably pretty for a filly her age, with hints of makeup, eye shadow, eyelashes, where it was called for. She was still unsure of her own decision to join the 'Game', was still unsure as to what the game was actually even supposed to entail. It was strange enough that everypony sans a few who seemed to be just out of place as she was had suddenly vanished the moment the clock turned. But she was pretty sure she was the youngest present, by the looks of things. Already a bad vibe was coming out for her.

    [colour=#40e0d0]"Are we supposed to know each other already? I don't recognize a single one of you." [/colour][colour=#000000]That was a statement made in response to the first stallions to speak, as they seemed to have familiarity with one another already. She met Sword's glance evenly, her shade masking her eyes and making her seem cooly disinterested, as was their job. [/colour]

  3. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"My questions are like cookies, sweet but at times a bit burnt"[/colour]

    Swan Dive nodded happily, glad for the chance to keep wandering. She wasn't really interested in the exhibits, but Swan was just naturally a mare of action, she loved to be in motion. She was already trotting circles around Spin Tale- literally- and they hadn't even started moving yet. So when they actually did start moving, Swan Dive made for quite the strange sight, her slow concentric circles around the Doctor, perfectly spaced so as to keep his personal space well and unviolated.

    [colour=#ffd700]"Where we can begin, Dr. Spin Tale, is anywhere. We did begin from the manticore exhibit, after all. So please do tell, do you have a favorite exhibit in your own museum?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan had the eerie ability to always hold Spin's eyes with her own, no matter where she was relative to him in his own circle. Just as it seemed she'd fall out of sight, she adjusted her motion so as to let him keep up with her. She was big on eye contact, of course. It was crucial to her job. [/colour]

  4. [colour=#222222]




    [colour=#008080]"I'm never cold, except when I'm actually physically cold."[/colour]



    Swan Dive admired the facade as she entered, it reminded her so much of the pretentiousness of many a home in Canterlot, with mis-mashing of elegant details and decor choices obviously put together just because they were the 'in' thing at the time. Of course, Swan didn't think so bitterly of her neighbors. Indeed her house was marred by one too many lawn ornaments tacked up on the roof. That had been an especially strange fad, one Swan had enjoyed and still enjoyed up to now, her collection of rooftop angels.[/colour]


    Now, when Flying indicated a hatstand, Swan actually blanched. It was rare, so incredibly rare for her to willingly part from her favored hat, 'Ellie' as she loved to call it. It stood out, perhaps in a bad way, but Swan was simply too attached to it. [colour=#FFD700]"Uh, ahem. Sorry for that." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan was a bit sheepish with her outburst. Flying couldn't have known about her attachment to her own hat.[/colour][/colour]


    [colour=#000000]Swan Dive was interested in the appearance of Flying's mother. She looked like a strong, capable mare with years of physical labor under her smock. The sort that Swan had only really seen in romantic books before, the sort of mare that would probably have quite the tale for the Tail. But this was Flying's hour, not her mother's. So Swan bowed gracefully in response to the matron of the home, balancing as she was more than capable of doing on three hooves, smiled warmly at her hostess. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"I will be no trouble, I promise." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan let herself be guided to the table, a cozy little thing it looked like, and sat herself down. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh, is that so?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan didn't feel cold at all, and she had indeed returned to her healthy countenance, the frost vanished in the warmth of the home. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Well I'm sure you're more suited for this cold than I, yes? Where do you practice?"[/colour][/colour]

  5. Penumbra was a bit embarrassed by the comment that drew attention to her yawn, she smiled sheepishly in response. It was a sore spot for her, her sleeping habits, but right now it felt uncomfortable more than it did annoying to dwell on. Again, with any luck she'd not have to deal with it today. She was enjoying her time 'working' as Bridge's 'security detail'.

    [colour=#808080]"Huh? Bridge, something wrong?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra took it as a good sign that her ability to read the mood hadn't dissipated away yet. And right now, Bridge seemed more than a bit nervous. Penumbra asked out of concern. She trotted along, careful to keep eye contact as best she could.[/colour]

  6. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"My ears are very firmly in place, so feel free to talk them off all you wish."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan Dive was excitable, and she began to follow Twilight's stride, pacing in her own little circle as she heard out the little foal. Like many other a filly her age, Swan Dive detected the need to find the inner talent, the quest for the cutie mark. Thankfully Twilight didn't seem to be bitter, anxious yes, but Swan Dive knew that anxiousness could be turned very easily into exactly what little colts and fillies needed to find their mark, so to speak. Swan Dive smiled at Twilight, reassuringly. She had no problem with Twilight's rambling. In fact, though Swan Dive hadn't been considering it at first, she realized that Twilight's tale would make for a wonderful little story.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oh Twilight, perhaps that is the case?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive felt for those in the world without privileges that she had taken for granted growing up, she swore she'd someday use her social clout in Canterlot to take positive steps in the right direction for the youth who needed resources to peruse their heart's desires. But all in good time. For now, Twilight's immediate case could at least be made headway on. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"I lament that resources are only so many in Equestria... But!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan held up a hoof, asking for a momentary pause and focus of attention onto her next point. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"But I could perhaps give you a bit of my time? Tell me about your love of fashion, show me even! I don't know if I could help you earn your mark, but perhaps I could help you develop your natural talents."[/colour] [colour=#000000]Swan raised an eyebrow at her younger counterpart. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Tell me Twilight, have you ever appeared in a magazine before?"[/colour]

  7. [colour=#afeeee]The Great and Powerful Trixie [/colour][colour=#000000](RLF Airpad, Four-Six-Niner, Virginia)[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Freelancers? To be honest, Trixie didn't know much about the intel on that group. She had assumed it had been part of the RLF in some capacity, given that they were all equally enemies of the GEF anyways. [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"The Mistress of Shadows? The Great and Powerful Trixie? Trixie." [/colour][colour=#000000]Trixie knew that her identity mattered little, not now, not at this part of the crazy tale that had been her life. When the apocalypse came and went- Trixie had been sure she'd have been the first to die when that day came- and you were still alive, your worldview was sure to be more than slightly altered. She looked forward to being productive in the future under Twilight's new rule, assuming it actually came to be. Peace had been something Trixie had never considered as even being on the table. But now, with all that had transpired so suddenly, it seemed so highly possible... Trixie had to wonder if her disposition was unnerving her counterpart. Trixie was told that genuine smiles did not suit her, she looked far more natural wearing a dastardly countenance. Insulting, but perhaps accurate.[/colour]

    "It is an,,, impressive machine." Trixie examined the dropship from a distance, her tone a bit unsure and hesitant. She did not trust technology, never had, even as it had rapidly developed under Twilight's rule. She had tried to pilot a flying machine once. She still had the scar on her flank to tell her that was a bad idea through and through. [colour=#afeeee]"I'm glad that such a capable pilot is helping in the effort to rebuild our glorious Equina. To be honest, I could not fly anything like that to save my life." [/colour][colour=#000000]Trixie almost never admitted her weaknesses to anypony. She wondered why she was starting now. [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"Do you have an actual name you're willing to give Trixie, 469?"[/colour]

    [colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza [/colour][colour=#000000](Somewhere in Equina, Chrysalis)[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Cadence leaned against her Queen, her now once more colorful mane soft against Chrysalis' carapace. In times of terror, one turned to love or whatever approximated it for comfort. For Cadence, she knew somewhere deep down that betraying her holy bond with her probably long gone husband was wrong. But to be honest, her life had been turned upside down many times already, and this time it had been the actual world turning upside down along with her. To her, the fact that she was still alive meant something. There was still love and hope somewhere in this world, though her now jaded eyes had to wonder if it would ever grace Equestria again. It definitely seemed to be graced now, with the sun bright over a city swarming with dragons, swarming with ponies of all creeds banding together for the common goal of survival in the wake of disaster. Cadence had to wonder, however. She had been touched by hope too many times, now she felt cold to the touch.[/colour]

    [colour=#ee82ee]"Mmm..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence had considered words similar to her Queen's before, in the three days that she had been in Equina and had been watching it rebuilt. Did the crown need to be restored to Equestria? She was sure the people wanted leaders, but they had many options for that now. And it remained the fact that her aunties were not blameless in their share of the disharmony that had wracked Equestria since the beginnings of war. Cadence slowly rubbed her crownless head against Chrysalis, mulling over her Queen's words. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"I do not think it is the time to think of ruling, my Queen. And I would not be the right ruler, even if now were the time. You, perhaps. Not I." [/colour]

  8. Penumbra smiled. [colour=#808080]"That sounds like a plan. Meeting other musicians sounds like a cool..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra suddenly gave a great yawn, light but very obvious. Oh, she must have gotten less sleep than she thought she had. She hoped she'd make it through the rest of the day without her usual perpetual exhaustion kicking in. It would be bad for all involved if that happened. [/colour][colour=#808080]"... Sorry, excuse me! Yeah, it sounds cool. I could even hear you practice for a bit, I guess? Meet your band mates?"[/colour]

  9. Wordplay had been preparing for school, had a half eaten piece of toast with jam atop it when her mother had burst in, wild. Wordplay had had to assure her mother that she was not in trouble with the Royal Family, and no, she was not going to officially be working for them in any capacity. With that taken care of, Wordplay had put aside her breakfast, read the letter. Her eyebrows had gone from their normal positions to very raised, her her expression had gone from vaguely tired to completely vague, as if she were suffering from a trance, she scribbled a few words onto the closest thing one could write on. She took her paper, her toast, left without even saying goodbye to her parents. All the way to the nearest mailbox, into which she dropped her very informal letter- actually written on a napkin:


    Trying too hard.


    Wordplay shook her head, came out of her sarcasm-fueled reverie just in time to realize what she had done. Well, it was too late to grab it out of the mail now. She might as well make a follow up, so that there was a chance she wouldn't be put on a list of mares to be banished to the moon or the Everfree or the Everfree on the moon. Wait, did that even exist?

    Dear Princess Cadence,

    Uh... can we pretend that last bit of a letter just didn't happen? Let's just say I was surprised by your choice of parting words. They were very, erm, strong.

    Now, I'm happy that our Princesses are also very musical in nature - though to be honest all the random musical numbers probably see to that- and I definitely expected at the very least classical instrument training. I can only play the piano, and not very well, so I bet you're far better than me in that regard. Actually you're probably just far better than me in all aspects. I'm curious about the red tape comment too, did you actually sing in some official setting out of boredom like you implied? Did it lead to a musical number?

    And I figured that was going to be it. I was seriously blushing just trying to write that bit about love to you. I love my music, and I love being cheeky to others- in a loving way I mean- so you can imagine I don't have much time for stallions- or mares- in my life. I guess that'll all be in good time, right? What would you say your key inspiration in life is, right now? Love? I bet it's love, isn't it?

    One final thing, does Shining Armor sing or do anything musically? And yes, I suggest you two duet if you are both musically inclined. The amount of mares squealing at such a thing if it happened would be audible throughout Equestria.

    Please don't do the 'popping fresh' thing next time or I'll do something dumb again,


    Oh, also Your Faithful Subject.

    Her letter sent, Wordplay went on with her day, starting with her still half-eaten toast.


    Penumbra had to be honest, she was surprised that the Princess would actually take her up on her offer. To be a penpal to a Princess of Equestria, the one she identified with most, no less... It was quite a shock to the midnight worker. She had had to sit on that letter for a few days, not really sure what to say or how to respond, what would be appropriate, how to not look like a foal...

    It had come to her in the middle of her usual night shift, when she had had her hooves full with rainclouds destined for the other side of the mountain, since they didn't want rain marring the skies over Canterlot the next day for whatever reason. She had been halfway through one flight, when the idea had suddenly popped into her head. She had thrown the cloud away virtually, dashed all the way to her home, written her letter, and promptly dashed back to her job. Exhausting, but totally worth it.

    Dear Princess Luna,

    Oh, my friends are simply the greatest. But then, everypony says that about their friends. I guess everypony's just great like that, aren't they? Okay, you might not agree with that one hundred percent but the optimism counts for something, right?

    My heart stopped when you suggested I stop by the castle. I doubt that'll happen anytime soon, but to be honest I would throw myself off Canterlot Mountain if that ever had even a chance to become a reality. Do I sound like too much of a fangirl here? Sorry if I do, I'm exaggerating here. Sort of. A bit. Okay, I really would throw myself off the mountain if I had a shot at meeting you in person. Please don't hold that against me? Besides, I can fly. So the spur of the moment rash decision wouldn't really hurt me anyways.

    I looked into a book, and I actually think I was looking at the Plneighades. And you're right, I tried to find them in the sky again and I couldn't this time. Your night sky is so complex, it's cool!

    So you're saying that the Everfree would be our fate if we didn't tame nature to the extent that we did? I guess we really need ponies like me, don't we? Not trying to toot my own horn or anything here, just saying. But what was it like, really? Before, when you had to work the make the land good for the ponies? Is that an experience you can comfortably recount?

    Your Faithful Subject,

    Penumbra Dewdrop

    Penumbra smiled as she felt the cloud between her hooves. By Luna- irony of her oath not lost on her- she had a role in the grand scheme of things. Now that made her night.

  10. [colour=#222222]

    [colour=#AFEEEE]The Great And Powerful Trixie [/colour][colour=#000000](Equina Airspace)[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]A pony flying without wings or without one of those inane flying machines of metal was usually a strange sight, but in a sky flooded with dragons it was no longer such a big deal. Trixie, for all her enormous ego, was hardly a pinprick of pale blue and lavender amongst the multi-hued dragons swarming the skies about Equina, not to mention the dropships and Star Swirl knew what else. The skies above Equina were buzzing with activity in general, and it was a good sign, that the capital was this full of activity mere days after the 'Apocalypse', as they had come to call it.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Now Trixie was not the type of mare who could be counted on to know how to lead others, being as it was that she could barely lead herself with any amount of discipline. She was glad Chronarch had quickly recovered, promptly used his skills into organizing the efforts to rebuild Equina. The moment Trixie had known Twilight would be safe, that she was indeed perhaps herself for the first time in years, Trixie had gone off to do what she did best, bully and intimidate. She had been flying between GEF centers of population elsewhere in Equestria, giving orders as only she knew how to. Keep your population under control, organize searches for the perpetrators of the apocalypse, await further orders. Trixie was confident Twilight would come to, and when she did, then the GEF would be back on track, Trixie was also sure.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]It had been so long, really, since Trixie had been in public in her true form. It was usually the case that she wore any other form, to throw off others, to make sure the Mistress of Shadows was seen as a properly respected agent of the GEF, not some former hack show magician. The wind of her wake blew easily through her hair, whipping it up, her hat only kept on by strong kinetic magic. The sun was risen. It was a beautiful day over the city still picking itself up from disaster, and things for the moment looked up. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]There were spaces where the metal contraptions were landing, so Trixie followed suit...[/colour]

    [colour=#000000](RLF Airpad, with Four-Six-Niner)[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Trixie touched down lightly, a light cloud of dust kicked up ever so slightly, her cape billowing dramatically about her. She trotted to a mare that seemed to be on duty, even though she wasn't in GEF uniform. Factional differences hardly mattered, not now.[/colour]

    [colour=#AFEEEE]"Trixie is curious, you are RLF, yes?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Trixie asked of 4-6-9er. [/colour][colour=#AFEEEE]"We are ever so grateful for your assistance, and Trixie especially." [/colour][colour=#000000]Trixie smiled slightly. It was getting easier, it seemed, to not be a cold hearted agent. Cold hearts didn't do much for a capital rebuilding, a capital the focus of so many ponies with different agendas.[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]Vinyl Scratch [/colour][colour=#000000](New Citadel Courtyard)[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Vinyl saluted along with the rest of the soldiers in the room when Draco received his medal, her formal salute strangely fitting for her still very civilian countenance and body. She had ditched her signature shades long ago, her stark red eyes would never again be hidden from the sun or from other's eyes. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She had no body armor on, as it was not what she had volunteered as. Always self-sufficient, Vinyl had done her own electrical work in her studio, knew everything there was to know about circuit engineering. It had been surprisingly easy to translate that skill into a military application, and she was now one of the GEF's newest combat engineers. She had recently disarmed a minefield of stored bombs in a barracks rendered dangerous by the Apocalypse, and thus proven herself more than capable. It had been the strangest thing, the horrifically close ticking, it had been... musical. She could never escape the beat, even in service to her country. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]As the guards began to leave to their duties, Vinyl quickly approached Draxis, who was more or less her superior. [/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]"Sir, the explosives to demolish the collapsing wall to the ghetto have been primed. At your command."[/colour]

    [colour=#FFFF00]Fluttershy [/colour][colour=#000000](Outskirts of Equina)[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]A mare naked walked the abandoned streets of Equina's outskirts, which still resembled a warzone as they were further from the center of rebuilding. Fluttershy wore a somber look, feeling the pain of those who had perished, honoring them silently and strongly. She herself looked rather beaten, her once beautiful body was burnt, scratched and gouged at, with a particularly nasty wound nearly having torn her right wing off, by the looks of it. She appeared unaffected by the injures, there wasn't even the slightest limp in her step.[/colour]

    [colour=#FFFF00]"..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Fluttershy was silent, offering her prayers as she had learned from the Starlight Order for those passed in the Apocalypse.[/colour]


  11. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"You must go so far as to remind me of my own name sometimes. I have a habit of forgetting."[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"A spa? And one that you frequent, no less?" [/colour][colour=#000000]To be perfectly honest, Swan Dive was frontloaded, already had a bias and expectations. She had been so charmed by Rarity in the brief time that they had been acquainted in the past, that her journalists's lenses were already fogged up, distorted. To be sure, Rarity was an excellent mare, but Swan had to be incredibly careful. If she wasn't, her story would not be truly representative of Ponyville's greatest fashionista. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Now I don't know how many other spas operate in this town, but one you are a patron of is sure to be an excellent one." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan was putting thought into a quick detour to that establishment. It had been quite some time since she had been so occupied...[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"I wish to discuss you, Rarity. Not in an invasive way, mind you, but whatever you would be alright with the world knowing about you..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive gestured one hoof through the air, a sweeping exp

    ression supposed to represent the whole world, she supposed. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"I am Swan Dive, the owner and primary editor and primary field agent and other titles I am sure I hold by default due to my lack of employees..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive trailed off, as she was sometimes wont to when her own train of thought confused her, stalled out into a horrifically slow mental crash.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"... Sorry Aloe, Rarity. Yes, I am the many things of Young Mare's Tail, a publication dedicated to individual biographies and such. It does not circulate much in Ponyville, so I suppose neither of you would have heard of it before." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan intended to get circulation in Ponyville started, perhaps right after this excursion. A local big name would always make for draw to the brand. Swan Dive inclined her head, returned the ball into the courts of her two new acquaintances. [/colour]

  12. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"My subject's discretion is the discretion I always use. My own discretion is my subject's discretion."[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oh, don't say that Flying! I am just a hobbyist, no more. You will make me blush if you compliment me too highly." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive was actually developing a bit of a blush as it was, as they trotted along. But there was also frost forming on her eyelashes, and a forehoof was rubbing insistently at where her blush was forming, making her gait a three-legged one only not awkward because she really was lithe and skilled on her hooves. Perhaps Swan Dive was beginning to suffer from the cold, as she had protected everything but her face. Swan Dive could ignore the pain only as a result of her own tendency to be easily distracted. So she plowed on happily:[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"I'll bet you have considered it." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan giggled, then heard out Flying's next statement. Oh, well... Swan's powerful empathy was once more reading the subtle and fine details, she heard the strain in Flying's voice as she spoke. There was something there, something more. But Swan had to be careful. She couldn't ask, not yet, not directly. To know a pony, one first had to love them. Well, Swan already loved all ponies. But love on a closer level.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Hm." [/colour][colour=#000000]For now Swan chose to ignore her observations of Flying's job. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"This story is yours, Flying. Not your mothers. I'll get that in a different edition." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan laughed, smiled eagerly at Flying Brick. She hoped she'd be let in so that they could talk more. [/colour]

  13. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"If my head is in the clouds, does that mean I am closer to our Princesses?"[/colour]

    The silence that followed her proclamation worried Swan significantly, her smile managed to fade a bit from being impossibly large to merely sizable as the seconds ticked by. She had been rejected before, on the basis of her style of interviewing not being what other ponies sought to be heard. The one advantage she had over a publication like the Times was that she was very thorough, it was probable that she had already gotten fifty percent of Canterlot's population into her magazine, along with repeats and special features. But her style wasn't always what ponies wanted.

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oh!" [/colour][colour=#000000]It was to Swan's great relief that Spin Tale more or less seemed to accept, with the invitation at any rate. Swan however was one for organic processes, she did not like conducting her interviews like interviews. Whatever that was supposed to mean. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Let us stay here! It would do you nor I no good to try and conduct this free of the prying eyes of patrons." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive did a little shimmy slash two step in place, her body full of eager energy. Onward with the interview, it seemed! [/colour]

  14. Oh, and here was Death now with his great scythe or whatever the heck it was Death was portrayed with. He was tearing out Wordplay's soul, threshing it, burning it and replacing it with the worst of all spawned from evil, the soul of a fan girl. A sort of screech forced itself through Wordplay's tightly shut mouth, she slammed her head into the table. No doubt she looked like a complete foal right now. She had to calm down, had to breathe. They were just goddesses of music, that was it, that was all. No biggie. She could deal with it. She took several deep breaths, struggled to rally herself.

    Then her head came up, she was looking more at the table than at the spread before her or at any of her elders. [colour=#40e0d0]"Uh, I'm going to have to apologize profusely in advance. There is a good chance I am going to do something stupid and humiliating before this train ride is over." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay half murmured that warning at everything except the three mares beside her. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"I'll answer your questions, just give me a moment to... something." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay kept her gaze away from the others, just stared down at her own spot of the table as if it held the answers to the deep questions of the universe.[/colour]

  15. Penumbra couldn't resist the urge to roll her eyes at that. 'Didn't know how to talk to mares'. How many times had she heard that one before? Well, now that she thought about it, she had never heard that one before. Stallions normally didn't single her out as attractive or worth talking to. It was now Penumbra's turn to blush a bit, murmur to herself, [colour=#808080]"I don't really get that line often, now do I...?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra was glad for the change of subject, got up alongside him, waving a hoof to the server to clean up the mess she'd accidentally made of the table. [/colour][colour=#808080]"Concerts, perhaps? Or, uh, I dunno. Can you take me backstage, possibly?" [/colour]

  16. Pupil walked along stoically, not especially impressed with the sheer size, sheer opulence, sheer power, or the sheer anything else in the Crystalline Cathedral. It was because her mentalscape had become a frenzy of information, gates opening, marks of the past, great heroes of the past whose names Pupil couldn't even pretend to know, not without the proper signs in her own mind...

    Oh wait, were they learning combat?

    [colour=#008000]"Combat sir? Will we all be trained?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Pupil began to walk to the Apprentice's Hall, but slowly, so that her question would be answered. [/colour]


    Is tantamount to neighsaying about the Season before it comes out. Now, if it does come out terrible then we should feel free to rage and hate life and such. But until then, let's just assume it'll blow our minds and make us throw even more money at Hasbro.

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