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Posts posted by FermataTheBasse

  1. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"Too much history, too much background. What about the here, the now?"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]​Oh, those definitely sounded like publications Swan Dive wouldn't have bother pursuing in her free time, which she actually had a lot of because time was a commodity most of the upper class in Canterlot had in spades. She nodded, but the glaze that suddenly formed over her eyes made it clear that she wasn't so interested in the content of either the Mane's or the Review. Really, Swan hadn't even been aware of the existence of specialized branches of the Equestrian military... to be honest, she hadn't even known that they had a practical purpose to this day. Swan had to suppose that it went to show, one could be very unaware of anything outside the range of their own existence. She would definitely have to get to know the good doctor here. As long as he wasn't too detailed about the things she didn't need to know. It was he that was the subject, not the military of Equestria or it's history.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan Dive's eyes finally returned to burning eagerly, she stepped back a bit, perhaps now aware of the lack of space between the both of them. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Mmm... fascinating. And yes, questions! About you, however, not so much about the museum, unless it does come up..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive paused for a moment, allowed Spin Tale to consider that. [/colour]

  2. Penumbra groaned internally. There was a witness to her faux pas. As he trotted over and asked about their state of being, she had to look away, stuttering slightly in her own humiliation:

    [colour=#808080]"I'm fine. Just fine. Miss, I am so sorry for that, I was just..." [/colour][colour=#000000]A cane... had that been the thing she had seen flash into her vision, falling off the bridge? Penumbra's speech trailed off, she was suddenly sure of it. Reina sounded nervous, and Penumbra supposed that asking for help from two strangers, especially when one had just screamed at you, was difficult to do. Penumbra knew that this would be a good chance to make up for her rudeness. Besides, a cold swim would wake her up nicely. [/colour][colour=#808080]"Leave it to me..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra yawned, her sleep deprivation kicking in at that moment. [/colour][colour=#808080]"Be right back." [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra's wings flared; though they seemed a bit weak, the motion a bit smaller than it should have been. She gave herself a flap of her wings or two, gained a bit of altitude to clear the bridge railing, then in a flash she was gone.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]The huge splash that followed was probably more of a shock for Penumbra than it would have been for the other two. Her coat was suddenly screaming in pain, the icy shock of the water forcing her eyes more than wide open. Her breath was stolen from her. But she was a pegasus, swimming was a physical activity that came naturally to her. All of them did, really. It only took a moment for her to recover. Then she actually felt better than she had on the bridge, the cold water forcing her to wakefulness, clearing some of the cobwebs from her mind. [/colour][colour=#000000]She breached, took a breath, then dove back under. [/colour][colour=#000000]She pushed herself through the water with strong kicks, her motion under the water kicking up a frenzy of bubbling on it's surface, going away from the bridge. Bright red was easy to see under the water, fortunately Canterlot had clean waterways, and Penumbra spotted the place where the cane had lodged, between a collection of rocks. She made it over, managed to gingerly mouth the cane out of it's hiding place, careful not to exhale too much of her breath.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Then she broke the surface, cane in mouth. But she was wet, she wouldn't be able to fly soaked like this. So she floated back with the current a bit, to a point where some stairs led back onto the streets placed exactly for mares like her who had fallen in. She trudged out, trying to shake her coat clean. Celestia it was suddenly cold out. A breeze that would otherwise have been light bit into her harshly, she had to put down the cane and call out to the two she had left atop the bridge, teeth chattering.[/colour]

    [colour=#808080]"I-I-I-I g-g-g-got it!" [/colour]

  3. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"I'm very good at running into things. Ponies, and distressingly solid objects. I only really enjoy running into the former."[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Whoop!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive rolled into Flying's hoof, preventing either of them from being really jerked about by the sudden shift in momentum of their bodies by using torque to absorb the majority of both of their movement force. Of course, Swan was not a physicist and did not understand the mechanics of her motion. But she was grateful to Flying for having caught her, warned her of her mistake. Swan was prone to doing things unconsciously without really thinking of the repercussion. She was glad that ponies were always willing to help her out in her moments where she was short of clarity. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Thank you so much, darling! I'm afraid I'm oft prone to doing things without thinking of my circumstances." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan sprung off Flying's hoof, picked up their trot at an easy pace.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oh my. You are very talented, Brick! To be honest, I think you are deserving of a very high salary. Is there any reason you cannot be payed well?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan said it earnestly, she really believed it. The demonstration she had received on the street was absolutely fantastic. Non-formal performances were so rare in Canterlot, Swan was sure the story would be well received just for that detail alone. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh, Flying, do allow me to speak with your mother. I am sure she will be willing, I will not be a bother!"[/colour]

  4. [colour=#40e0d0]"I shall be glad to ground you, Psmith. Time out, two hours in your room. Whoops, I mean your house lounge." [/colour]Wordplay rolled her eyes, but she was smiling happily all the same. It was strange, meeting someone who was so extremely diametric to her in many ways yet still finding that person a perfect match for her wit with his own, different as their methods of expression were. [colour=#40e0d0]"I suppose it would behoove me to hang out in Civics, then. Sorry Beats, unless you think we should evenly distribute the manpower of our group, as we intend to evenly distribute everything else in existence." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay turned her head toward Alabaster as she called out, as Ria noticed.[/colour]

    [colour=#40e0d0]"The uh, second one. Professor...?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay hadn't seen this particular teacher around before, and Wordplay was well acquainted with most of the teacher stallions and mares on the campus, because she was considered a good conversationalist and easy to talk to for students and faculty alike. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]​"Honestly, I'm not sure how we ended up here. We were just trotting." [/colour]

  5. Pupil nodded curtly. [colour=#008000]"Then we shall be one of those exceptions. It is written in the stars." [/colour][colour=#000000]Pupil's visions spoke of acceleration, movement, winds through the mountains. Theirs would be the time of change, of growth, of loss. Pupil supposed she was blessed to be one of the number destined to bring it about. She just wished she could understand more. So much time, so much time she needed. And yet, her own reality beckoned.[/colour]


    [colour=#008000]"Silly." [/colour][colour=#000000]Pupil giggled, and equally curt and abrupt, and followed suit after Reina, slower and calmer in her own gait.[/colour]

  6. Pupil perhaps had the unique ability to ignore the very powerful sensation of power flowing into her, for the sole fact that she happened to have not been paying attention once more when the oaths were made. She just stood there, staring out into space, for the longest of moments as the rainbow-colored aura descended upon her and made accurate the first of her many self prophecies. She came to just as they were preparing to teleport. In contrast to the mundane questions the others had- perfectly understandable of course, as they were still creatures of the body versus a creature of the mind as she had become over time- Pupil had other questions to ask:

    [colour=#008000]"What do you think we shall be called upon to do? In our tenure as Scalehearts?" [/colour]

  7. Penumbra was tired as she was unwillingly always tired, having worked a long night and now waiting for some friends who seemed to have stood her up. They'd have their good reasons, their perfectly acceptable reasons, she was sure, but the sleep deprived mare was right now in no mood to hear any of it. She lingered on an overpass overlooking one of Canterlot's smaller rivers, one of Canterlot's more ignored picturesque locations, where on the right days the moon set perfectly aligned with the river body, casting it's melancholy glow over another lonely nigh- wait, what was that dropping into the water now?

    [colour=#808080]"Mmph?!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra was jostled by something just as quickly as her vision registered something having fallen into the water, she was almost toppled right over the edge in her surprise. Thankfully the bridge had good guard rails and she narrowly averted a tumble into the water. Cranky, annoyed, Penumbra's famous temper ignited and she whirled onto Reina. [/colour][colour=#808080]"Watch where you're going, you bucking dolt! Can't you see-...?" [/colour][colour=#000000]The mare before Penumbra was two things. First, an eyesore for Penumbra's tired eyes, thanks to the bright coloration. Second, blind, by the dullness of her eyes. Penumbra trailed off.[/colour]

    [colour=#808080]"Uh... sorry." [/colour][colour=#000000]Was that all Penumbra could say? She felt humiliated, having snapped like that. She'd have avoided Reina's gaze sheepishly, but that was pretty obviously redundant. [/colour]

  8. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"I always fail to see the obvious. That is why I am a journalist."[/colour]

    [colour=#9900ff]"In that case, I believe you may be looking for yours truly."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan Dive took a full silent second to actually have that idea register in her head, and as she occasionally had to contemplate, it was possible that she was actually a bit lacking in proper mental faculty. To be fair, she was distracted by Rarity's sheer beauty, one she had not seen even on the mares of Canterlot, that mane toss had drawn Swan's eye- some sarcastic individuals might have gone so far as to say that it lit up Swan's world like nopony else and it got her overwhelmed- but Swan was able to recover before she actually started gaping or anything else silly.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Rarity... yes, yes! I remember you, my darling fashionista! You were the toast of all of Canterlot for one glorious day, then you were gone." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan pouted at that, theatrically exaggerated to a degree, but she was genuinely upset by the mere recollection of the distress she had suffered that day Rarity had dropped off the social map. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"But that is all in the past." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan recovered as she was wont to, returned to her cheerful and bright disposition and smiling face. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"So you ran a- no, let me rephrase- the boutique in Ponyville? I was always wondering what Upper Crust and Jet Set were harping on you on, forgive me if that is an unpleasant memory. But enough of the past, yes? Rarity, I must ask you to introduce me to your friend here," [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan pointed out Aloe, [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"and allow me to speak with the both of you for a while. If you two do not mind."[/colour]

  9. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"I do not cover, I like to think. I listen."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan Dive took an eager step forward to match Spin Tale's step back, her natural bubbly enthusiasm overriding her sense of personal space as usual, so they maintained the same lack of distance as before. She looked up at her precious hat, Ellie as had named it, and smiled. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh, yes. Ellie here is of excellent design, I find. I am never without her." [/colour][colour=#000000]She patted her hat lovingly with a hoof, the swan atop it perhaps smiled back at her, or at least it would have in an ideal world of Swan's fantasy. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Mmm!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan loved well read ponies, even if they didn't subscribe to her own paper. Stories deserved readers, always, no matter what their content.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"We publish the stories of individual stallions, mares, griffons, dragons, anypony willing to grant us a word. I personally find that many ponies will find the stories of others interesting. A way to find new friends, no? I know of the Canterlot Times of course, we all do. I try to follow their strict standards on the quality of writing, in my own way." [/colour][colour=#000000]Perhaps it was a bit dissonant that a mare who had reading issues tried to write to the standard of one of the best newspapers in Equestria. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"But I can't say I've heard of the other two. Do tell, what are they?"[/colour]

  10. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"Turn for turn, the world turns on the turn of a turn."[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Excellent!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive followed along quickly, a brisk trot, not because she was cold but rather because she was warming rapidly toward this Stalliongrad mare as Flying in turn warmed toward her. Swan knew that all ponies loved to talk when given the right subjects to talk about, though she wouldn't say that it was a 'tool' for her to get other ponies interested in her interviews. She loved hearing them out, truly. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oooh, a father in industry you say?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive had no notes, no notepad, no writing utensil. Her memory was the method by which she transcribed, so detailed could it paint mental portraits of others. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"I daresay I would love to see your house."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Now Swan Dive was very susceptible to the adage 'pony see, pony do', and Flying's energetic position changing as the trotted along was infectious, it put energy into Swan Dive's step as well. She began to mirror Flying, now Swan Dive was trotting backwards as Flying trotted forward. Swan giggled playfully, amused by her own actions. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Tell me, mare whose name I hope you tell me," [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan said as she trotted backward with the ease born of her own dance skill. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"You are a professional dancer? Acrobat?"[/colour]

  11. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"The fashion that never goes out of fashion is the fashionable personality."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan had warned that she'd blush, and she was indeed blushing now, her cheeks becoming a slight red as she withered under the impressively cute demeanor of Twilight Shine. Swan couldn't help it, she was used to receiving compliments, but never this earnest, this eager. This little foal had a winning personality, and a winning smile for that manner. Swan predicted that this mare would perhaps go far someday.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oh, well if you have an eye for fashion, you must pursue it!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan patted at her clothes with a hoof, trying to iron out wrinkles she imagined existed, suddenly self-conscious as attention was brought to her attire. Ellie could well have been smiling atop her head. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh, darling Twilight, I am but a beneficiary of mares and stallions with true taste. I don't know if I could say that I have good taste. Oh, but I am sure you will, if only you put all your heart into it, yes?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan's keen eye was especially sharp when it came to other ponies. She had seen Twilight's blank flank. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"I encourage you to do so, and to then find me and talk to me about the experience! I love hearing the stories of other ponies." [/colour]

  12. The circle darkened. She was there. Well, if Pupil bothered taking any account of her surroundings, she'd know that anyways. The circle grew, it surrounded herself. They would be unified, shadows of power, shadows of their great wings soaring through the sky and smiting the enemies of the sun. Words came to her, pictograms burnt across her mentalscape. The scales, symbol of law, of balance, of harmony. The dove, the bird of peace, taking nest in the thick of their shadows. The scales would be weighted between them, would tip and turn, but would never fall to one side.

    The scale. [colour=#008000]"I take upon myself the law of this world, grant it to myself and my comrades as the fist of our shadow." [/colour][colour=#000000]The dove. [/colour][colour=#008000]"I take upon myself the peace of this world, grant it to myself and my comrades as the heart of our shadow. Our shadow shall never be split, never be divided, our wings will take flight through Equestria and protect all equally before us." [/colour][colour=#000000]With that, Pupil for the first time actually took a look at her fellow novices, her strange eyes sweeping over their own.[/colour]

  13. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"Home is where we are from, and home is where we always long to go."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan Dive's excitement was taken down a noticeable peg, her smile faded a bit. Swan Dive was good at reading others even when she didn't know them- was a master of it when she did know them- so she could tell that there existed between them a natural barrier as it stood. The division between classes of society, all too painfully present in Canterlot as was, seemed to apply here as well. Swan had never cared for it, and she had to rally to make sure that she did not lose this mare to anything as silly as difference in style of living.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"I am not from here, but... Oh!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan perked right up again when Flying did, Swan could read the excitement in the lightness of her steps, which Swan's dancer's instincts picked up easily. Swan waited for her patiently, nodded when she came back with a jacket. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"So, you'll give me a few words? Great, great! Trot with me for a while, perhaps. You could show me around and we could talk." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan was the type to socialize along with doing her job, easy when her job was talking to ponies and taking down their stories. [/colour]

  14. Penumbra could tell he had been a bit thrown, or perhaps a lot thrown, by their exchange. He was twiddling his hooves about in a rather unmanly fashion. She smiled a bit when she had his eye, hard since he was looking around so much, she reached over and put one of her own hooves, a bit rough from her workload of physical labor, onto his shoulder.

    [colour=#808080]"Relax, Bridge. I'm only amused, nothing else. Hey, you can still make a comeback. Come on, take any shot you want at me. I'm wide open."[/colour]

  15. ((I don't know, I hadn't even considered such a move. Who plays the floormates though?))

    Wordplay rolled her eyes greatly, an exaggerated flick right up to Celestia's sun. [colour=#40e0d0]"Shall I remind you that you were the one who put yourself in a position to be locked out of your own restroom in the first place? How does the moral go? That no bad deed goes unpunished? Or is it good?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay wasn't really sure of what she was trying to reference here, so she shrugged and let the comparison go. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"You get what I'm saying? Your theft is not justified in that it was made necessary by an action of your own doing." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay magically put her shades back over her eye as they exited.[/colour]

    [colour=#40e0d0]"Bye Beats, bye Ria." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay waved them off when they departed. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Hm. Let me think about that for a moment. Could you say that your ego, along with your head, graces the clouds with it's presence? Being that it is not of this earth... Oh. Perhaps you are alien to our ways. You're an alien, your touch so strange, your words perhaps a different language, which is why they fly over the heads of others. Or perhaps they fly over the heads of others because they, like your ego, are airborne?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay's stride ended just as Beats and Ria returned, with no change in her own impeccable flow she welcomed them back[/colour]:

    [colour=#40e0d0]"Hey you two. What classes do you two take now?"[/colour]

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