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Posts posted by MrAnthology

  1. Every sport has the potential to be exciting, even if it's normally super dull (Nascar...)

    Nascar isn't that bad... Well, at least not all the time. Not as exciting as the tracks I go to, but it can get pretty good.

    Can't it?


  2. It all depends on your definition of "sports". Possession sports are boring to me, especially football and soccer. Hockey is a bit better, and I do go to see a game every now and then. I'm more a fan of sports that don't involve massive teams of players, like motorsports. I'm personally involved in stock car racing as part of a pit crew.

    inb4 driving in circles isn't a sport >>

    EDIT: Oops, ninja'd. lol.

  3. There are a few fanmade games being created. The two I'm looking forward to are:

    - Equestria Chronicles, 3D MMO: http://www.equestriachronicles.com/

    - MLP Online, 2D MMO: http://mlpfimonline.deviantart.com/

    Quite seriously, anyone with a basic grapes of LWJGL and Java can do this fairly easily. Just a bunch of booleans for the appearance bit (if you understand :D). The terrain might have been more difficult. But anyway. Simple enough.

    I don't think booleans are the best for character creation, honestly. Just some simple integer ID's would work the best. :blah:

  4. There needs to be something like this for the fandom. The only thing we have like this is SecondLife, and that's pretty crappy anyway. This does sound like a pretty big project though. I know Java, but what sucks is that my Java class only taught me Java 2 1.4.2, which is pretty old. I could certainly learn the more modern versions, though.

    As for different skills or strengths for different pony types, it should be something like...

    Pegasus: Fastest

    Earth Pony: Strongest

    Unicorn: Magic!

    EDIT: LWJGL is more than just graphics, and it's not really an engine. It's just a library of useful stuff :D

  5. I'm similar to you, PaintedWings. Any form of group or community is intimidating to me, both online and offline. I have some sort of expectation - or fear - that I'm going to make myself look like an idiot in front of everybody... And I stay away from most social interactions because of that. Even my closest friends sort of ignore me at times. I really only have like 2 or 3 friends that actually care about me.

    This fandom is different, though. Mostly everybody involved is nice, kind-hearted, or generous. It's certainly different than, say, the furry fandom; sure, they look like a friendly bunch, but really, the communities are filled with arrogance and generally just really weird people, for the most part.

    In short, life's sometimes not fair; you just have to make good of what you have, and you'll be fine. :D

  6. To be completely honest, I found it on 4chan's /b/. I remember being drawn into the thread while thinking "woah, this is too colourful for 4chan..." From there I started looking into it a little more, and eventually I found a bunch of FiM-sites. It took off from there, and now I'm spreading the friendship throughout my circle of friends. -_-

  7. Consider for a moment everypony the difference between this:

    *fan clip*

    And this:

    *other clip*

    Y'know, the first one is worse than the second one to me, not sure why. I think it's just that Luna's so happy up until that point, and it just seems like a really low blow. The second one is completely different to me.

  8. You came here from KYM? That's where I found this site as well! Although I did see it on Equestria Daily a while ago, I just never really thought about joining. Anyway, here's another new guy welcoming you to this forum!

  9. I already read the rules section, but thanks for directing me anyway. As for pony music on my guitar, I have tried. See, I can't learn by ear very well, and there are very few tabs that I have seen floating around. If you know of any places or have any tabs for Art of the Dress, I'd be a very happy pony. ;)

  10. Let's see, let's see... Gah, Im never good at introducing myself on forums...

    Anyway; here I am, MrAnthology. I got into the Friendship is Magic fandom in February-ish, maybe early March, and it now makes up the bulk of my daily internet-surfing, which is pretty much the only thing I do in my free time. You could even go as far as calling me a basement dweller if you wanted, haha. The reason I find FiM so appealing is probably the cuteness-factor: I have yet to watch an episode where I didn't "d'awww". That, and it's just so colourful and happy. If I'm angry or down, I just watch an episode of FiM and I'm happy the rest of the day. Oh, and my favourite episode would have to be Sonic Rainboom, because Rainbow Dash is just that awesome. I totally just injected that sentence to end the paragraph a little less abruptly...

    I am a 16 year old male high school student from New Brunswick, Canada. I love listening to music, and I love playing it. There's a lot on genres I like, but I tend to listen mostly to classic rock, metal (NORMAL metal...), and dubstep. That said, I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to music and I will try any genre at least once. I do play guitar, I've been playing for about 3 years now. I am aspiring to become a video game programmer, and have already established a "company", so to speak, with a few friends who I will be going to college with in the next 2-3 years' time.. I know it seems a little outlandish, but I am serious about going further with that goal (in other words, I'm not like some people who are like "I wana be a game maker lolz"). I'm decently proficient in Java and Visual Basic, though I am aware I have a lot to learn in the world of game development, by no means do I call myself "skilled". I do basic html/css website coding as well, but I suck at it.

    I also play video games pretty often, mostly on my PS3. My PSN is MrAnthology, like my username, if anypony feels like adding me. I have a few online games like GT5, Black Ops, LittleBigPlanet, Red Dead Redemption, NHL11, GTA4, and MGS4. I have my Wii for online play as well, but I haven't touched it in months. I only have 4 games anyway, so no big deal.

    As for this forum, I'm much more interested in the community rather than the RPing. Reason being, I'm just not big into roleplaying. I've done it before and while it was fun, it just wan't my favourite thing to do. I don't know, it made me feel like I was doing something I should be, and I don't know where that feeling came from. I may try it out again, though. Maybe my views on RPing will change if I try in a brand new setting/fandom.

    And now I think is a good time to end my introduction, I'm getting too long-winded. Sorry about that! If you didn't read it all, that's fine haha.

    tl;dr: Hello, fellow bronies!

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