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Posts posted by GirlBrony

  1. So I'm obviously new here. Yes, I am a female brony, and I started watching after the first season was over during the summer. The first episode I saw was the Cutie Mark Chronicles, and I immediately fell in love. I think I'm decent at RPing, but on the site I usually RP on there aren't any interesting ones to join, so I looked up forums on Google and here I am!

    I'd like to give a few warnings, though.

    ~My mouse is really messed up, and sometimes it double clicks when I only click once. Please excuse the annoyance! >.<

    ~I BLOW UP when you try to pick a fight with me. So don't try.

    ~As ironic as it is, I am usually not available on weekends. I barely have time to get on the Internet those days.

    ~Please forgive my typos.

    ~I can't classify my RPing style. I think I'm somewhere in between illiterate and semi-literate. It depends on my writer's block.

    Anyways, here are a few things about myself:

    ~I LOVE Twilight Sparkle.

    ~I used to be on a swim team (I didn't like it so I quit)

    ~I play the piano and flute.

    ~I can memorize at least 99 digits of pi

    ~I start a lot of sentences with 'I'

    ~I am teaching myself to draw

    And that's all I'd like to say ^.^ Thanks for putting up with my long post.

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