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Posts posted by CookieJam

  1. HEllO I'm Cookie JAM aka Cookie either is fine with me. I love my little pony not so much I'd marry it but yeah lame joke I know anyway I kind of got addicted to the show. I saw it on youtube once cause it was under "Recommended For your". After that first episode I just couldn't help myself I had to watch more and more and now I find myself drawing it in class and on my hands it had CONSUMED ME!! and heck I love it. My favorite Characters are Rainbow dash and Big Macintosh. Rainbow dash is just awesome and I like that she's not very "girly" and she's more of a tomboy though why people always pair her with girls eh...idk. BIg Macintosh even though he's not one of the main characters is the coolest pony even though technically he isn't a pony....whatever I just love those two and I do ship them quite often.

    Oh and About me I'm 15 years old aka a high school student from Manhattan new york :D . I love music art video games sports (playing them not watching them). I draw every day and go to Art and Design High school in Manhattan. I hope to become a cartoonist when I get older. Hmm well there ain't much to tell for now but if you wanna know something about me you can just ask me OH! and I'm friendly and inviting to everyone I love to RP and talk about anything really.

    P.s. My FAVORITE color is BLUE I had to throw that in

    Anyway that's all ;)

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