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Fluttershy vi Britannia

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Posts posted by Fluttershy vi Britannia

  1. I gotta be honest, I think it's a bit TOO good of a coincidence to be one, it would be impossible for Lauren Faust to have not heard of Twilight and the fact the vampires in it sparkle, even if she'd never read or watched a single book or film from the franchise even once.

    It may have been one of those deals where you come up with something without realizing that you're subconsciously basing it off something you've seen or heard before, if that makes any sense.

  2. It's an ignorant stereotype that goes both ways. Males that like frilly things (or like feminine colors, or rather what the ignorance of society has deemed as feminine) are seen as homosexuals. People can't accept the fact that someone acts outside of what they think is 'right', and it's silly.

    I feel so bad for male bronies for this reason. Liking ponies has nothing to do with one's sexuality, but people tend to assume things without any actual knowledge. It's awful.

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