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Posts posted by hobbes574

  1. Welcome to the site! Don't worry if you say something stupid. We all do from time to time. But don't let it get to you. We're all friendly here... as far as I know. I'm still pretty new myself, but everyone I've seen has been awesome. :)

  2. Oh gosh, all that sounds familiar. My sister is in vet school, and my dad is a vet himself. My parents had horses, but they recently passed away. I too enjoy camping/climbing (though I do more hiking than climbing), and gaming/cartoons are the best. :D

    Taekwondo? Awesome! I got my black belt in high school. I haven't kept up with learning the new stuff (too expensive), but I still keep up with my sparring and endurance training. What are you learning now?

    Welcome to the site. :)

  3. Welcome to the site! I've been meaning to try TF2, since another brony pointed out to me that it was free to play on Steam, but I haven't yet gotten into it. I also can't comment on the RPing here, as I've never done here or anywhere before, but I've heard it's a lot of fun. I think the stuff on this site is safe for all audiences, though. Maybe I'll have to give it a try too. :)

  4. Welcome from a fellow newbie! I just joined recently myself, and I also found the site from a stranger on Omegle (who's actually Winter). :D I'm not the best to ask what all is going on here, cause I've only been here a day, but I can say that everyone here has been incredibly nice and friendly. I hope to see you around! :)

  5. I always use Rainbow Dash or Dash when I'm talking, and I'll also use RD when typing. I suppose Rainbow makes sense, but I agree with Mecha. She is rainbow coloured, but she loves to race and we really identify her with her speed. Even thinking about the sonic rainboom gives me an image of incredible speed.

    As for the other two, I think saying Pinkie is a lot less ambiguous than Pie, and it also suits her better (she's always happy and cheerful, and pink is a very vibrant colour). Twilight makes more sense to me than Sparkle because she looks more like a twilight-ish colour; if you think of her as being Celestia's student, and her being between Celestia and Luna on the spectrum... I dunno, maybe it's only me. :D

  6. Hay! I just wanted to stop by and say hi to a fellow newcomer. If you ever get comfortable enough to post some of your art, I'd love to see some. I've never been a good artist myself, but I'm always thrilled to see what others can do. Looking forward to seeing you around! :)

  7. About Myself: Hi, everypony! I'm a 20 year old engineering major. Currently, I'm in electrical and computer (after switching from aerospace), but I'm going to switch to software before next year. Thankfully, all of that switching only added on one year (Thank Celestia!).

    I'm interested in martial arts (specifically Taekwondo), gaming, hiking/camping, and cartoons. My interests tend to be all over the place.

    How I found Canterlot.com: I was introduced to the site by a fellow brony I met on omegle.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I first heard about bronies and MLP:FiM in mid January, after someone posted on another forum that I go to asking if he was becoming a brony. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I decided to look into it, and I was surprised by the number of people who seemed to like the show. I figured that I might as well give it a shot.

    So, the next day when I had some free time, I sat down in front of my laptop, opened up YouTube, and searched for the first episode of season one. I watched the first two episodes and was surprised by the quality, but I didn't really get why people liked it so much. I had some more free time, so I figured I'd watch the next one.

    By the time I got through Dragonshy, I finally admitted that I liked the show. So I watched more. When I finally checked the time, it was four in the morning, and I was halfway through the first season... and that's how Equestria was made! Class was awful the next day, but it was worth it.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle
    I like Twilight Sparkle for her adorable geeky ways, and Rainbow Dash because she's so awesome!

    Anyway, that's about it for me. I look forward to meeting everypony!

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