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Posts posted by Twimsy

  1. A small shard of relief had formed a gaping crack in her guilt. Newsworthy did seem much happier, now. "I'm glad, then," she said to him, slipping from her spot on the bench to stand. "Nothing says you ever have to forget what happened - it is the bad that makes us stronger and allows us to appreciate the good - but, it seems that the both of you also had a wonderful time while you were together. You should hold onto those feelings and memories. Not all ponies can boast experiencing such happiness." She grinned at him. "If you'd known this ages ago, I wonder if we ever would've met. The final draft of life's script holds mysterious twists and turns, indeed."

    Speaking of scripts, however, she reached up to adjust her saddlebag...and realized that it was not there. Horsefeathers, she probably left it at the Cellar. "Blasted...I have to head back quickly, I think I've left my things back at the cafe. Hopefully nobody's seen fit to pilfer through my them." Even if they did, they wouldn't be finding much: some miscellaneous notes about pirates, a half finished script on them, some inks and a book from the library. Exciting stuff.

  2. Emotional bouts certainly had a way of making ponies who were complete strangers into individuals who were much closer to one another, whether they liked it or not. It was a clumsy and awkward sort of bonding, in a way. She didn't know how or why, but for the first time in a long time, Persnickety was starting to feel connected in some way with the pony sitting beside her. Their reasons for depression seemed so different, but perhaps they were more similar than either of them even knew.

    When he smiled at her, she couldn't help but return the gesture, if a bit meekly. It was contagious all the same. Maybe she'd finally done something right. "If I may, that expression looks much better on you than tears." She adjusted her spectacles, "Are you feeling a bit better, now?"

  3. Persnickety crinkled her nose as she cast her glance elsewhere. She didn't know why, but the more and more he poured his broken little heart out to her with the tears and cracked voice, the more she felt totally responsible. Wonderful.

    "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have pried. I shouldn't have said anything, really..." Why does this always happen when I try to talk to ponies, anymore? It always happens. What's wrong with me? I'm such a fool. Now was not the time for how she was feeling, though. She did her best to swallow her guilt - a process made easier by the last statement he made.

    "Now, that's just silliness. You are a pony. A living, breathing, feeling being. I cannot speak from experience on romantic matters, but what I can say is that you will never truly be able to hamper your feelings for good. And why in Canterlot you'd ever want to hamper the good feelings is...well...puzzling. From an acting point of view, I can sympathize. Losing someone close to you is will-breaking. It's...it's utterly crushing, and nothing says that you have to throw yourself back out there and risk it again so soon." Careful, Persnickety. You're rambling, again. "...I suppose what I'm simply trying to say, is that you should not build up walls. That is the recipe for a very lonely life." Her own heart was starting to feel worlds heavier.

    ...If anyone knows that, it's me.

  4. The pegasus let out a grand sigh of relief as the hustle and bustle of the Cider Cellar died down, the farther they walked away from it. Occasionally she glanced at her fretting acquaintance, but as far as being vocal went, the mare said nothing. She didn't really know what to say. She wasn't particularly good at cheering people up, but at least getting away from the stress of a crowded social situation was something she knew could help to calm one down. One of her many antisocial tricks.

    The park itself was quite an odd, if not pleasant sight amidst the otherwise steam and smoke-billowing city. She sat beside Newsworthy on the bench, brow knitting when he looked up at her with those glassy eyes. She'd just met him, but he was doing a good job of making her feel guilty.

    "You don't have to speak on such a sensitive matter any further, if you do not wish to," she said, "I...cannot say that everything will be alright, because I do not know the gravity of the matter, and...I know that it's not, erm...a pleasant memory. That much I am certain of. The world can be a cruel and unfair place, at times." Her hoof hovered mid-air before it finally came to rest on his shoulder, giving it a ginger pat. "Some wounds take a very long time to heal...but they can heal. They do." Oh, yes. She was turning into a veritable pep-talker, this one.

  5. Oh, for pete moss's sake, now she was seeing things. Maybe that lack of sleep was getting to her more than she'd formerly thought. She nudged her glasses up for a moment to rub at her eyes once more, though ears paid attention as Newsworthy explained his relationship with the unicorn in the picture. Cliche though it may have been, it was the perfect love story, with an ironically tragic ending. And-...oh. Oh, good. Now he was crying. Persnickety, look what you did. She just sat there for a moment, blinking and glancing around at the other patrons.

    "...E-Erm...-- how about a bit of fresh air? I know that I could use some. Let's let the other patrons converse for the time being, we can come back in after a few moments, mm?" She'd already gotten up, muttering a, "Please, do excuse us. We won't be long." to any that may have been a part of their steadily growing conversation circle. With that, she all but began nudging the light blue stallion along with her (if he'd let her do so, of course), and out into the crisp afternoon air. A few minutes away from the growing crowd would probably do the both of their frazzled little minds some good.

  6. Persnickety smiled as Klutz elaborated on her more musically-inclined profession. "Well you must at least be a little good, if you're teaching the newer generations the joys and value of music." To her, it was an important job, all the same. "It seems that all of the musicians have come out, today. This is rather intriguing - I don't usually see so many around the Cider Cellar."

    The conversations seemed to wind on for quite some time, after that, and of course the deeper conversation between she and Newsworthy didn't get any less deep. He must've said something right, though, for when he spoke about the inspiration in his own calling, the gloominess in her expression seemed to dissipate, if only a little bit. Such conviction. Such passion for the things he loves to do. "Your muse is kind to you. It's...refreshing to see. Mine seems to be a bit more spontaneous and fickle, only popping about when it sees just the right moment to do so." It definitely lived up to her namesake. "But, all of that...that is something that you seem like you deeply enjoy doing. It's very nice to see..." She could feel her cheeks burn with the slight prickle of heat, for one reason or another, and she cleared her throat. That had been from what she'd said, right? Confounded voices all about in the tavern... "Actually, if you'll believe such a thing, it feels somewhat inspiring to me, in turn."

    Between that giant mess of thoughts in her head and the sudden shrieking of another new patron, pestering the one across the room, the headache medicine actually was starting to sound like a good idea. "It's not too much of a problem, really. I wouldn't want to be even more a bother--" Humbleness was cut short at the picture that fell to the table. She wouldn't have bothered being nosey about such a thing, but it did fall quite close to her, and she did recognize at least one of the two ponies as the one sitting next to her at the table. She held it up, inspected it briefly once more, then held it out to him to give it back, "A dear friend of yours, Sir Newsworthy? She's quite lovely--" Wait. Persnickety senses tingling. She thought she'd just heard somepony call her name. Oh...Celestia. Were the voices because she didn't get all that much sleep the previous night? Thrice-accursed pirates...oh. No. Perhaps it was the mare who was walking towards them...but, she didn't look familiar at all.

    Holy haystacks, why am I so popular, today? This is...uncomfortable.

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  7. Well, at least they both enjoyed the sound of each other's voices, for as gloomy as she might have been feeling, she did like hearing him talk, and listening to what he had to say. He spoke with conviction, as if he truly did know and understand the situation. It was...admirable, in its own way.

    "You are most kind, sir. And I believe I am grateful to have such good company, rather than lurking back off to my flat for the rest of the afternoon." Indeed - dull though conversation may get, it was always better than being alone, stewing in one's own misery. "I am trying not to force things to come to me, be they inspiration or anything involving my motivation. I take it as it...comes to me..."

    The dull rumble of something that sounded like a chuckle (and a rather unfriendly one, at that) caused her to swallow the antisocial lump in her throat. Eugh. "A-Anyway. As it is said - good things come to those who wait." I suppose I just have to keep on waiting. Just a little longer...right...?

  8. Tch. *Flicks the blue pony with the tip of her tail in typical, snarky fashion.* You'll not get a single bit with crummy form like that. You could at least act like you know what you're doing.

    *She whirls around to leer at Discord.* And YOU! That laugh is atrocious! You must work on your maniacal laughter, post haste. You sound like a blasted kazoo at the moment. Were I not such an esteemed professional, perhaps I'd help a talentless worm like you.

  9. OH, LIKE WE HAVEN'T HEARD THAT ONE BEFORE, NEWSWORTHLESS. Here's a little pointer for you. Your jokes? They stink. You might want to throw them out and get some fresh ones, instead. *Cue synchronized pony and owl terrior cackling...hooting...barking? Amused noises. Yes.*

    ...But no seriously that is the best reaction face and I lol'd.

  10. ...What...was that...?

    Persnickety's ears folded back, brow furrowing in mild befuddlement. Had that been a whisper? But, from where...? Maybe the claustrophobia was getting to her, making her hear things. She gently gave a shake of her head and glanced back to Newsworthy, "Er...no, no. You're still making quite valid points. It's all just terribly dizzying, sometimes. I get like this when I have a million hazy ideas in my head..." She rubbed at the side of her head with her hoof, as if she could feel each and every one of them jumbling about in there.

    "They say that the pursuit of happiness is almost the best part of it all. I just feel like I'm galloping about in circles. When I got my cutie mark that long while ago, it was the night in which I'd played the lead role in my school's spring recital. I'd never been happier." She glanced up at the trio sitting at the table, her gaze quickly dipping back downward and the volume of her voice lowering to naught but a mumble. "...I don't think I've been as happy, since." What a downer she was starting to feel like. This was no place and no company in which to feel so heavy-hearted. "Perhaps I need to find a new direction to take...I don't know. Mmh...I feel so very silly for blathering on and on about this, though. I'm being a rather gloomy conversationalist. Again, I apologize."

  11. :20: *flexes, as he in second life is body builder discord. And his domain is in teh wastelands. A lovely lot of chaos that place* Good pony. He stares into her eyes sipping some tea himself, his eyes spiraling with colours as he trys to discord her like he did the blue pony.* So what do to hmmm?

    I actually decided to get off of my lazy flank and wash my hair today! You horrible haybail of a-- *NOPE. Hypnotized discordia time. Cue the most snobbish, pompous and prideful pain in the patoot there ever was.* What to do? What to do? Let me be the first to say that you make a miserable comedian. I could joke circles around you, dear draconequus. Perhaps what you should do is get yourself some acting lessons. Hmph!

    Since when did this turn into RP oh gosh. I am afraid but equally enthralled.

  12. Seriously, this is just pure insanity. No doubt some crazed lunatic of a popinjay is behind iiiiiOH HELLOOO, HOW ARE YOU, YOU WONDERFUL, GOLDEN APPLE OF AN INDIVIDUAL WHO IS MOST CERTAINLY NOT GOING TO MESS WITH ME IN ANY FASHIONplease. :oops: *Le wince.*

  13. As far as truly being social went, if she were any more aloof, Persnickety could probably pass as a veritable alley cat - scrawny appearance and all. Speaking of felines, the little game of "cat-and-mouse" that she and the reporter were currently playing would no doubt be an arduous one. Aloof as a cat and evasive as a mouse. Phew.

    When N.W. made his small speech, though, she did listen. The mention of Discord earned him a roll of her eyes and a small, scoffed "tch." She removed her glasses for a moment, rubbing gently at her tired eyes. "Indeed, I believe I'd read the article. Miserable monster of a draconequus... I recall that it was quite eloquently written, indeed." Glasses replaced along her muzzle, she folded her arms upon the edge of the table. "To address the point, though, because you do have one...it is very had to believe that your best is the best you can do when it is met time and time again with rejection." Her expression had soured, and she must've noticed such, because it quickly softened amongst her pause in talking. "...Your attempt at consolation is appreciated, Sir Newsworthy, and I apologize if I sound so bitter over the whole thing. I suppose I just have a ways to go until I--"

    Her ramblings had been cut short by the thunk of yet another of the newer customers, landing on the floor. Wonderful. At least it had just been his own drowsiness and not whatever that gray stallion might have done. Now, that's no way to think. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Her attention turning back to the group at her own table, she caught sight of the white-pelted pegasus across the room, eyeing them over. Blinking, she managed another smile - forced though it was. Perhaps her snippy bout had drawn attention. Oh, Celestia. Too many ponies. Too much going on. Must...resist...urge...to find an excuse...to go back home...and hide amidst all the bad plays...and poorly-dabbled-in musicals...

  14. Not receiving a response from the unsettling newcomer disturbed her, somewhat. Way to put your hoof in your mouth, Persnick'. Thank goodness Newsworthy piped up to try and prod some more life into the conversation. Even though the topic was a bit like prodding at a sore spot, for her.

    "Not-...not really, actually. Uhm...I haven't been in a play in quite some time, you see. More time than I'd like." Her nose crinkled, briefly. "I suppose my acting is still mediocre in comparison to my writings. Even though they're not truly the best, either. I have a lot of work ahead of me...!" She forced a chuckle, giving a small sidelong glance towards the mysterious stallion, who seemed to have situated himself comfortably near their table. Something about him still felt amiss...

  15. It almost sounds like one of the old G1's to me - a pony called Brilliant Blossoms, from the Merry Go Round collection at the time.


    That's the only one I could think of that was the closest to the description you gave, only her body's more of a gray-blue. I'll keep doing a bit of research if this isn't the one, see if I can't come up with anything more accurate.

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