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Posts posted by Twimsy

  1. The pegasus tilted her head, expression brightening, "Daring Do? I haven't heard that name in a long time - I started reading the books when I was a filly!" She adjusted her glasses and glanced down at the papers, reading them silently, taking a moment or two to sneak a small sip of cider. She smiled once or twice as her eyes darted from margin to margin - an expression of pure nostalgia. When she looked back up at him, it was with an even broader grin.

    "That's really quite awesome, I have to say. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it reads like a part of the actual series! Daring Do was always one of my favorites, growing up. I also liked Sherlock Hooves, when I was in the mood for some mystery."

  2. "I haven't had much time to write yet, but I've had a load of ideas I've been scribbling down. I'll have to rewrite some parts, but I think I've got the ending for it." She crossed her hooves on the bar top, "It's always a good feeling when you finish something, or write a great deal."

    She was inwardly surprised at how smoothly the whole date had been going, thus far. She was always so awkward at making friends, but for whatever reason, it was easy to talk to Newsworthy. "What sort of story would you write, do you think? What types do you like?"

  3. Persnickety couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm. It was cute. "I think I'm just far more used to musicals and classical. I did enjoy it, though! I believe I'm just not used to concerts," she said, "But, it is admirable, watching another artist at work on stage, listening to the fruits of their labor. It's inspiring, in a way."

  4. "Two mugs aff cider, coming right up," Gavril replied. He set about filling two tall mugs from one of the many barrels that lined the walls. Then he set them in front of the two pegasi.

    Persnickety thanked him, and before the griffin could even give a you're-welcome, the small group at the other end of the bar were beckoning him over.

    "People say that he once drop-kicked a hydra," the mare said in passing, crinkling her nose in amusement before sipping on her cider. It was good. Just the thing to warm one's bones after a small jaunt in the cold. She let out a small sigh of refreshment, then waggled her hoof at Newsworthy, "But, you! I might finally get the chance to talk with you again without the threat of discorded tricksters and mosh pits! Speaking of which, what did you think of the concert?"

  5. For all the chilliness of the night, it certainly was beautiful - clear, starry and surprisingly active, although that part of the city always seemed to be busy at all hours.

    A small walk lead them to a small establishment, its humble glow from within nestled between the towering buildings. A sign hung above the doorway, labeled in a native cyrillic. Upon entering, the lively hum of chatter filled the warm air. Patrons looked to be from all walks of life, sharing drink and food and story and company. A graying griffin behind the bar looked up, smiling at the pair of newcomers.

    "Zdravstvujte! Velcome to the Hoof and Talon!" He squinted. "I at least know half of you. How are you, Mees Peersnicketii?"

    The pegasus took a seat in the more vacant corner, patting the wooden-backed stool next to her as an invitation to her date, "I'm doing well, thank you! What of yourself, Gavril?"

    "Busy as ever! You heff brought new friend this time though, eh?" He leaned an elbow on the counter, grinning at Newsworthy with a somewhat knowing glint in his eye. "You heff got a name, pegasus?"

  6. "Eheh...what?"

    Persnickety gently flopped an ear with her hoof, grinning. Entertaining and fun though it had been, her hearing had gone all crazy from the concert's powerful volume - plays, she was used to. Rock, she was not.

    "A place to go to from here? Let's see..." The pegasus glanced around the hustle and bustle outside of the concert hall to gain her bearings, examining rooftops. "I think there is a small tavern not too far from here. Traditional to the northern culture, but it's cozy. We could get a drink and a bite to eat...?" She tilted her head to glance at Newsworthy. Between the excitement of the previous day and the rowdiness of Sydphony's concert, she figured the both of them could use a small break of downtime to just talk and get better acquainted.

  7. "Whether you speak of your problems or not is solely your choice. I am merely inviting you to sit and have some tea. The forest is not an easy thing to trek." She smiled and turned, stepping back to the small cottage she called her home. She could tell right away that her dear daughter was tense from all of the visitors, and she gently gave the filly a reassuring nuzzle to the top of her head. "If you please, dear heart."

  8. Persnickety winced. Her window and piano were ruined, the culprit was bleeding everywhere while one concerned individual tended to him and the other now holed himself up in her bathroom to toss his cookies. She wished to find a stone wall upon which to clonk her head several times over. Instead she just dealt with the matter at hand, nudging the pot of water closer to Quantum and Cloud.

    She could gripe 'til the cows came home when health measures had been sorted out.

  9. OhmanyougotWickedsignedbyGregoryMaguireI'msojellyyyyy.

    Lesson Zero would definitely be on that list, or Party of One if we're going the "these ponies are off their rockers" route. Winter Wrap-Up would be on the must-watch list too, as that's sort've the one that really got me watching the rest of the series. Possibly The Show Stoppers, just because CMC is made of cute and win.

  10. I haven't gotten an e-book reader yet, really. I don't know if I'm too interested. It'd probably be nice if I traveled more, but I still like good old books. They don't need to be recharged, and I love old book smell. <3

    I always sort've headcanonned that Twilight runs the library in exchange for living there, or something like that.

  11. Clairvoyance pursed her mouth into a small frown, looking between them, then to the Knight and her ghostly daughter near the stoop.

    "Clearly, the both of you are quite shaken. You are welcome to come inside and sit for a spell. I could brew some tea for the lot of us..." She wasn't sure if there was enough space for it to be comfortable in her little shack, but she didn't really like to see so many ponies stressed in or around the forest. It attracted more negative energy than she'd like.

  12. So I just downloaded this program and let 'er rip.


    I literally screamed you guys. It was an explosion of pony. It was a ponypocalypse.

    But the dust settled and now I've got the mane six bouncing about quite happily for the time being. This program is so cute. ;u;

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