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Posts posted by NeilWacaster

  1. Newsworthy nodded. "I've heard all the stories. This is most definitely Discord's work." As the name crossed his lips, a shiver ran down his spine. As if in confirmation of his assertion, a rabbit with extraordinarily long legs went sprinting past the windows. "As far as I know, the only way to stop him is with the Elements of Harmony, and for that we will need to contact some of my friends back in Ponyville."

    He bit his lip, thinking hard. I can hardly think straight, I'm so terrified. Really need something to calm my nerves. Maybe this tea will help. He first sniffed at the strange brew. It smelled like garlic, and was that rosemary? He grimaced. Here goes nothing, he thought, downing the entire cup in a few large gulps.

  2. "Well, now that ya'll mention it, there was one rather ... dis ... dis ..." What in blue blazes is that word? "Er... Discomfitin' stranger that came in about an hour ago. 'E was a sight, that one. Looked like one a them goth types, ya know what I mean? With tha leather jacket, an' black hat an' all? He ordered some o' my strongest vodka and sat by himself, just lookin' around at everythin' and orderin' more booze." She thought for a few seconds. "I was in such a tizzy, with orders left and right, dontcha know. But I recollect that he did put somethin' red in his drink."

  3. Drat. Smooth move. He quickly hid the tickets once more.

    "I wish to Celestia I could remember what he said, but all that stands out to me was ... is ... a feeling of imminent peril." He looked around, as if he would see the wicked spirit smirking at him from a corner of the room. "Something is about to happen. I hoped the chocolate milk rain and pink clouds were just a coincidence, but for me at least, this just got real. We're in grave danger."

  4. With her back turned to the newcomer, Auntie Ju didn't realize the importance of his arrival. "Cain't ya'll give me yer order the reg'lar way?" She was expertly kneading the large pile of dough for her next batch of dinner rolls. "I'm a little busy, as ya'll could see if ..." She glanced up, noticing his mage's cloak emblazoned with the royal sun symbol.

    "Beggin' yer pardon, sir," she began wiping her hooves on a rag, "I ain't had a royal come in here in a blue moon. We can talk in the dinin' room if ya'll need privacy." She led him through the door into the next room.

  5. It was unfortunate that Newsworthy had fallen asleep and completely missed hearing Persnickety say her comment about the shows coming up. It would have been the perfect opportunity to ask her to go with him, but alas, it was not meant to be. Newsworthy jerked his head up, sweating and breathing hard.

    Calm down, it was just a dream... it was just a dream...

    The memory was all mixed up in his head, but he seemed to recall that he had been standing alone in the darkness, when two large, red eyes appeared high above his head. A voice he had only heard of in horror stories began to speak. He wished he could remember what the draconequus had said, as it seemed important. But no. All that was left with him was a feeling of dread.

  6. Auntie Ju began to make tea in a large copper teapot, and simultaneously filled a bowl of water. She handed the water to the Appleoosan, and then turned to Persnickety. "I'll be in one o' your little plays when pigs fly," she said with disgust. "Ah always hated actin'. All those people lookin' atcha. And those ridiculous doodads they make you wear... No siree bob, give me a good set o' work jeans anytime." She sounded cross, but there was that twinkle in her eye again. "Ya know what they say, 'It ain't over till the fat mare sings.' I guess if anythin' I'm destined for the opry."

  7. At first, it hurt when the bag of ice touched the tender wing, but soon the frigidity was dulling the pain. Besides, Persnickety had had to touch his shoulder again while tying the bandage, and that secretly made him quite glad. He quietly tried to thank her for all she had done, but she was already talking to Syd. All the stress of what had transpired so far, coupled with the welcome reduction in pain, suddenly made him feel worn out. He rested his head on the counter and closed his eyes, content for now to listen to the others' chatter.

  8. The barista grinned at the mare with the dog, enjoying the company of someone who shared her taste for food and adventure (as well as that refreshingly uncivilized accent). "Fer you, it's on the house. Just tell those friends o' yourn in Appleoosa to come on by the Cider Cellar when they swing by this way, ya hear?"

    Even she knew not to talk about the gender mix up with both ponies who had been the butt of the joke sitting at the counter, so she just looked at the noble and shook her head.

    Turning finally to Persnickety and Newsworthy, she was about to make a rude remark, but when she saw the look of pain in the stallion's eyes, her expression softened somewhat. Being an earth pony, she only had experience with sprained legs, but she could imagine the pain he was feeling.

    "Now let me think a spell ... Yup, I got just the ticket for yer wing, at least until ya can go see ol' Doc Needle. Just hang tight for one minute." She trotted away into a back room, and emerged momentarily with a burlap sack full of ice and a large bath towel. "Here ya are." Leaning in to them, she whispered, "If ya'll need some more quiet, ya'll can go in there." She inclined her head toward a large, stained oak door on the left. "It's the private dinin' room."

  9. Newsworthy looked out with dismay at the gathering storm. He shook his head sadly. "I wish that I could say that I could make it, but there's just no way that I can run with this injury. If I can procure a makeshift sling and some ice, I think that I'll be fine. I just need to sit still and rest." He tried to smile reassuringly, but a sudden stab of pain made him grimace instead.

    At that moment, his heart stopped in his chest. Is that ... no, it can't be ... chocolate rain? Pink clouds? I really, really hope this isn't what it looks like.

  10. Still chuckling, the barista whipped up a hearty meal for the stranger. Taking the customer's accent as a clue, she just chose the foods she herself enjoyed the most: a honey roll, stewed potato greens, and a gigantic slice of apple pie, topped with her very own homemade vanilla ice cream. Pleased with herself, she poured a mug of cider for the newcomer and set the spread before her. "Ya say yer from Appleoosa? I know the adventurin' type when I see one." Her brows furrowed, somewhat ominously. "I git the strangest feelin' that yer gonna get yer fill of adventurin' today. Som'thin's in the air, I can feel it in mah bones. And mah bones ain't never wrong." She drew her face up close to the stranger and whispered chillingly, "Ain't never."

  11. The barista guffawed uproariously, doubling over with laughter. Once she could breathe again, she wiped her eyes with a hoof, and said while still chuckling, "Did I hear ya right, or did you just call that blue one 'she?' I took *him*" she emphasized, with a twinkle in her eye, "to be a mite feminine, and I can see where ya tripped over yer hooves. But no, that blue one is a male, for sure." Under her breath, she added, "his saucy attitude proves as much."

  12. "I would be most grateful, Miss Persnickety, I believe that my wing is worse than I thought. As long as you're sure it's no trouble..." His speech became muffled as he gripped the briefcase with his teeth. There was no way in hay that he was going to strap that thing on his back with his wing in this condition. "I've no idea where this doctor is, so your guidance would be greatly appreciated."

    Why in the world was that stallion looking at me like that? That actually was kind of creepy.

  13. The barista, as brash as ever, raised an eyebrow at Pocket. "You city folk always look silly ta me, but that leaf in yer mane ain't helpin' anythin'." As she plucked the wayward oak leaf from behind his ear, she noticed the look he was giving Newsworthy, and her eyebrow raised further. "Oh, I see how it is. You're that colt's boyfriend. That's gonna be a mite awkward fer Persnickety when she finds out."

  14. Again, Persnickety's words gave him pause to think. It's true, even though I would have rather not had these years of pain, I would be nothing like the stallion I am today without that experience. I do still wonder what would have transpired.

    Upon her mentioning that she had left her belongings in the café, Newsworthy realized he had made the same mistake. "I neglected to grab my briefcase, I'd better head back as well." He hurried after her, as fast as his injured wing would allow him to trot. Every step jostled the joint painfully. He really needed to get a sling soon.

  15. The barista was right in the middle of making three lattes when, who should appear but ANOTHER customer. Normally, she would be glad for all the business she could get, but it seemed all the ponies in Stalliongrad had picked this precise afternoon to show up at her little shop. "Can't y'all see I'm busy?" she responded, obviously frazzled. "As long as y'all can find a spot ta sit, you and the critter are welcome."

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