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Posts posted by NeilWacaster

  1. Twilight gasped as Spike flew though the air. "Oh no you don't!" she cried, catching him with magic just inches above the cake. "Will you ever learn to be more cautious?" she said, laughing gleefully as she set Spike back on the ground. "Also, are you sure that you completed everything on that checklist already? Including double-checking to make sure that you checked the checklist?"

  2. Out of Character: Want to play in an RP where you get to be one of the Mane 6 or your favorite background character? Here's your chance! Send me a private message and I will add you to the list below. Also, feel free to play as your original character or a pony not listed here if you want. Please note that if you do sign up for a major character, you are committing to see the RP through until its completion.

    RP begins below the picture.

    Mane 6 (and Spike)

    Twilight Sparkle: NeilWacaster

    Rainbow Dash: SirSilver


    Pinkie Pie: Junebug

    Rarity: theodrixx


    Spike: tacobob

    Background Mane 6

    Derpy Hooves: hyperbrony88

    Doctor Whooves:

    Lyra: princebluemoon1

    Bon Bon: princebluemoon1

    Octavia: Opal

    Vinyl Scratch:

    Other Characters

    Screw Loose: PonyHooves

    Timid Star: SilverSwirl


    Twilight Sparkle trotted briskly to Sugarcube Corner, lost in thought. Pinkie Pie had invited her and a few dozen of her other friends over for a big celebration of Gummy's second birthday. Twilight was certain that the alligator's last party had only been about a month ago, but nopony questioned Pinkie Pie's logic.

    She came to the small icing-covered shop and walked inside. Pinkie had gone all out, with lavish party decorations, an extravagant cake, and upbeat music playing on a record player in the corner. As always, Twilight had arrived early, so nopony else was there yet.

  3. "Of course I do." Twilight Sparkle smiled warmly. "And I think that I know who should write the letter to the princess this week. It sounds like you've learned a very important lesson about friendship. Now you just rest. We should be able to take you back to the hospital as soon as you're fully stable, and in a week or two you'll be as good as ..."

    A scream came from the corner of the room, where a blue unicorn had apparently just awakened. "What have you done? This insolence will not be tolerated!"

    Zecora rushed over to the patient. "Calm down you silly filly, your ..."

    The zebra's rhyme was interrupted. "Silly filly!? Do you not know who you are speaking to? The Great and Powerful Trixie will make you eat your words with a slice of humble pie!"

    She tried to get up, but immediately cried out in pain. "What have you done to Trixie's legs! Trixie is unable to move them!"

    Even Zecora looked annoyed. "A large rock, and the poison joke. Your horn is limp and your legs are broke."

    "You have done this! The Great and Powerful Trixie's vengeance shall be swift and cruel!"

    Twilight sighed heavily. "Remind me again why we didn't just leave her under that boulder?"

    "Zecora cares for all who are sick, whether they are kind or just a ..." The zebra paused. "Enemy."

  4. Twilight walked to Slade's side. "Well, you're alive, aren't you? I think that means you survived." She laughed. "Slade, is it? Nice to meet you. As for Partheus, we aren't sure whether he will wake up or not. But, in any case, it sounds like you saved his life."

    Zecora finished administering the potion, and heard the alchemist stirring. Returning to him, she looked at him with kindness in her eyes. "A burden to me, you are not. You're one of the few true friends I've got."

    Both Twilight and Zecora were startled when Partheus suddenly sat upright.

    "You must lie still, human child. Your injuries are far from mild." She was glad to see him lie back down, and the zebra began again to tend to the alchemist's burns.

    Twilight rushed over to Partheus. "You are in no condition to be sitting up, mister. Just a few hours ago we thought we were going to lose you. I know that your mind won't be at rest until I explain the situation, so just keep still and I'll tell you everything." She relayed the same story she had told to Newsworthy about how she had brought them all here. She also explained that Zecora was a friend and an herbalist, and told how the zebra had done wonders for the burns and bruises of the adventurers.

    "Now, I'm dying to hear your story, but first you have to rest some more. I don't know what happened in there, but you're hurt even worse than Newsworthy, and that's saying something. If you need a painkiller or a sedative, I believe that Zecora can fix you up."

  5. Pain. There was nothing but pain. It consumed his mind, consumed his soul.

    He heard voices around him. They seemed to be familiar, for some reason.

    " ... appears to be breathing more regularly now, thank Celestia."

    "These adventurers will soon be well. I'm sure they have a great tale to tell."

    "No kidding! I, for one, can't wait to hear about everything that happened. Especially from the human who was using those mega-spells. I've never seen such destruction."

    Opening his eyes, Newsworthy squinted, trying to clear his vision. The sparse light from a few candles revealed that he was in Zecora's cottage. He recognized several of the other people and ponies who had fought in the battle. The more seriously wounded members, like himself, were lying on mossy makeshift cots. The zebra was administering some type of salve on the alchemist's wounds, and Twilight Sparkle appeared to be using a healing spell on Partheus. His unconscious form was bathed in a pink glow as the unicorn tried to repair his injuries.

    Looking down at himself, Newsworthy saw he too had been cared for. Most of his body was wrapped bandages, some of them bloody. A splint held his left foreleg still, and a large bag of ice was propped against his head. A sudden wave of pain swept over him, and he couldn't keep from groaning pitifully.

    Twilight glanced over. "Oh! Newsworthy! You're awake! Praise the merciful Sun Goddess. Hold tight, I'll be right there."

    After another minute, the glow faded around Partheus. "That's all I can do for him for now." She looked down at him, sadly. "I just hope that he wakes up soon. If not ..."

    She shook her head, trotting over to where Newsworthy lay. "Well, hello, Mister Misadventure. What in the world did you do to yourself?"

    The blue pegasus managed a slight grin. "Oh, you know me. Anywhere there's news, I have to be there. But I'm not usually part of the story." His expression turned grave. "Is everypony going to be alright?"

    Twilight looked a little doubtful. "I don't know. You, Partheus and that human with the gas mask are the ones I'm really concerned about. I don't think any of you are in mortal danger any longer, but that blasted messenger still has me worried. Earlier, he was so weak that he was barely even breathing. And you ..." She sighed deeply. "I have no idea how you managed to get so many rocks embedded in you, but Zecora spent most of the night picking them out. I did my best to heal your wounds after she finished, but magic can only do so much. The fact still remains that you've lost a lot of blood, and the tissue damage is extensive. You and several of the others are going to need more expert care from the hospital ponies once we can get you back to Ponyville."

    Newsworthy tried to nod, but it was too painful. "I see," he said. "How did you find us? And how did you get us back here?"

    She looked down at him, smiling. "I've only heard bits and pieces of what happened, but apparently that Partheus is even more powerful than I thought. Something that he did made a giant mushroom cloud of red magic. The only time such things have happened in Equestria before have been mega-spells during war time. I saw the explosion from my window, and feared that we were being attacked, so I ran into the forest to try to stop the invaders. It was a small matter to find where the explosion had happened."

    Newsworthy looked quizzical. "Did you use some type of navigation spell?"

    "No, silly," the unicorn laughed, "I used a compass. On the way, I met that ninja, who was carrying Partheus. They both were in really bad shape, but he was at least able to assure me that we weren't being invaded, and tell me where the rest of you were. I cleared a path through the landslide with magic, and we all made our way back here. You and your alchemist friend I had to levitate, but the rest could come on their own."

    Zecora briskly walked over to join the conversation. "A pony as smart as you should know, that too much talk makes healing slow."

    Twilight blushed. "I'm sorry, Zecora. I was so happy that Newsworthy finally woke up that I just chattered away like a little school filly." She turned back to him. "She's right, you need to try to get some more sleep."

    The zebra held up a small ceramic bottle. " 'Painless Slumber' is the name of this drink. It is just the thing you need, I think."

    She poured the vile brew down his throat. Almost immediately, his pain faded away, and his mind was overwhelmed by a pressing drowsiness. He passed into drugged, disturbed dreams.

  6. After being knocked off course by the MIstress, Newsworthy was barely able to keep himself from being dashed to pieces on the ground. Fortunately, he was able to crash-land with only minor injury. He opened his eyes to see that he was lying just feet away from her. Her palm glowed with magical energy as she prepared to wipe him from existence.

    So this is what it is like to die. Huh. Never thought I'd be leaving this world today. There's so much that I left undone ...

    In an instant, she was engulfed by flame and the death blow was averted, at least for a moment. His body was screaming at him, but adrenaline and desperation drove him. He leapt back into the air. He knew it was madness, but he had to try once more. He readied himself for a deadly dive.

    But just then, he was knocked out of the air by a massive blast of energy emanating from Partheus' person. He tried to fly, but it was as if his wings had been severed. Panic overcame him as he dropped like a stone.

  7. With the smoke billowing around him, Newsworthy again jumped back to regain visibility. He saw with horror the bursts of red lightning spewing forth from the cloud in all directions. However, their effects were much more deadly than the bolts themselves. He narrowly missed being crushed by a huge stalactite which fell from the ceiling. Splinters of the exploding rock cut into his flesh. He cowered, covering his head with the shield, praying that this wasn't his last breath.

    He peered from under the shield and saw Partheus and Slade running for their lives. This left him to face the most powerful force of evil in Equestria.


    But then, the ninja turned and began flinging throwing knives back at the Mistress. She had her back turned to the reporter, and her attention was diverted. Newsworthy knew what he had to do.

    Jumping into the air, he dove at her. A few of the shuriken and kunai stuck in his shield, but did not impede him. He brandished the sword, aiming the point directly at her heart.

  8. Newsworthy, being unarmed, had cowered behind a large boulder. However, a sinister cackle echoing down the hallway made him jerk up and look around. At the end of the hallway, he saw a human female glowing with some type of magical energy. Before her, he recognized the figure of Partheus. It was hard to tell what was going on from this distance, but his mind was resolved. Regardless of the danger to himself, he had to go help his friend.

    There was no time to think, only to act.

    He leapt into the air, and burst forward in a blue streak. There was one guard blocking his path. The brute looked up at the pegasus in surprise, raising his rifle. Newsworthy flipped in midair, pointing a sharp back hoof at the pony's skull. The guard took aim.

    A deafening gunshot. Newsworthy cried out in pain as he crashed into his attacker. There was a sickening crunch as the pegasus' hoof connected.

    Newsworthy knew that he was dead if he stayed on the ground, even for an instant, so he willed himself to keep flying. The other two guards turned their attention to the new threat, but he was already streaking away, purposely weaving to deter any further attempts to shoot him out of the air. Glancing back, he saw that the bullet had, mercifully, only grazed his flank. Blood trickled from the wound and streamed down his leg.

    As he sped around the dying flames of the alchemical fire, he noticed a fallen guard. Diving, Newsworthy alighted briefly, grabbing his sword and shield. With that, he was back in the air. He could see Partheus just ahead. Hang on, just a little bit longer ...

  9. "You fool. Trixie has been all too kind with you human scum. She will enjoy seeing your entrails spattered in a fifty foot radius. Behold the awesome might of The Great and Powerful Trixie!" Ordinarily, a huge burst of magic would have exploded from her horn and the human would have been no more. However, nothing happened at all.

    "What have you done? Trixie screamed, pawing at her horn. It wobbled back and forth, utterly useless. "Trixie is nothing without her magic, nothing!" Seething with rage, she jumped up and bucked a hoof across the back of the alchemist's skull. "This has gone on long enough. Trixie is in charge here, and nopony is going to stop her." A group of about a dozen guards was galloping down the hallway, skirting around the alchemical fire, their weapons drawn.

    "Guards!" she yelled. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has brought these prisoners here for interrogation. Keep them alive, but other than that ..." She glanced back at them, her nose upturned. "Do with them as you will."

  10. Newsworthy tied up the alchemist's wounds as best he could. It appeared that the bleeding was staunched, but he would need attention from a magic user soon to avoid further injury.

    He nearly had a heart attack when the lightning bolt struck the entrance to the cave. Looking back, he was disheartened to see that the weather pony had closed off their only known way of escape. "What the hay did you do?" he hissed, trying to keep his voice down. "How in the name of Celestia are we going to get out now?"


    Trixie sniffed haughtily. "There's no need to try to hide your feelings. Trixie knows that every stallion in Equestria falls head over hooves to get at her. Now, release me. You realize that Trixie can just command these guards to let us pass, do you not? As much as she enjoys watching your friends die, her Mistress prefers live prisoners."

    She smiled spookily. "The torture is much more effective that way."

  11. Startled and blinded by the explosion, the next thing Trixie knew she was being held down by the disgusting pony with a skull for a head. "Unhoof Trixie, you cad!" she gasped, trying to break free. "Trixie is not in the mood for your advances. Can't you see that we are in the middle of a battle?"


    Newsworthy jumped into hiding as soon as the battle began. Peeking around a large boulder, he was appalled to see the human with the strange accent fall to the ground. While it appeared they were safe for the moment, he could hear a commotion a ways down the hall, portending more foes on the way.

    The reporter jumped into the air and glided down beside the alchemist. "Are you alright?" he asked anxiously.

  12. "Madame Mist is a dealer and collector of fine art, primarily from the early classical period. Perhaps you've heard of it? Most art from that time is clay pottery, and some of the creativity with their glazes is simply remarkable, even today." He smiled at the lady.

  13. The magician's gaze at the ninja was venomous. "Do not tempt Trixie," she said haughtily, using a spell to heal the wound in her knee. "One more such threat and she shall be forced to turn you into a toadstool."

    Trixie, being experienced in the arts of deception, knew not to take her charges directly to the hideout. It was only about ten minutes walk away, but she took several long loops. This had several advantages: one, the ponies would not be able to find their way back out without help, and two, they would be tired when they arrived.

    After nearly an hour of traversing difficult terrain, they came to a large cave entrance. She knew something was wrong when she noticed that the guards were absent.

    "The Great and Powerful Trixie has led you to your destination. Now, she must ensure that you make it to the Mistress alive. Follow her inside, all who have the bravery and foolishness to enter."

  14. "Thank Celestia," Newsworthy looked relieved. "These blasted Dwellers move through the forest leaving naught a trace. We would be hopelessly lost without her help." After a minute or two, Trixie appeared, looking as cocky as ever. Her mane and robe looked a bit burnt from the electric shock.

    "Well, come along then. The Great and Powerful Trixie does not have all day." She began lead them rapidly through the forest, occasionally consulting a worn map which she drew from her saddlebag.

  15. Should Trixie kill them now? She thought to herself. It would take less than a second for the spell to suck their life away. Just imagine: all these pitiful little bodies, lost in the Everfree. Never to be found, except by a hungry manticore. Their blood staining the forest leaves ... but ... no. Trixie would much rather see the Mistress deal with them. Alive. A handsome reward will be received by her. Yes. This pleases Trixie.

    Screwing up her face into a pout, she pined dramatically, "You dashing, valiant human! Trixie is no match for your cunning." Smiling sadistically, "She will take you to the Mistress, and she is sure that you will meet the same fate as the other human. Yes, she is certain of it."


    Safely out of Trixie's range, Newsworthy alighted on the ground a ways ahead of the others, looking for any clue as to where the bandits had gone. The dwellers were known for being able to melt into the shadows, and thus it would be difficult to find any trail. He sniffed the ground, smelling nothing but leaves.

  16. Losing no time, Newsworthy leapt into the air and with one powerful flap of his wings was speeding through the trees in the direction the bandits had gone. "Come on!" he called to the others.


    Trixie's concentration was broken by the bite of the steel at her throat. The spell fizzled, and she looked back at her attacker with a fierce glare. "You dare threaten the Great and Powerful Trixie? Be forewarned, she never forgives those who get in her way. Now, barbarian, what would you have with Trixie?"

  17. "It's Newsworthy ..." the pegasus muttered, walking over to Trixie's prone form. He looked down at the magician with not a little apprehension. "She's no Twilight Sparkle, but Trixie's magic is quite potent." The unicorn began to stir, awakening from her 'shocking' little nap. "We must use the utmost caution. Anypony who can use magic, please, be ready to counter if she attacks."

    Trixie's eyes flew open, and she looked from side to side, panicked. "Stay back! The Great and Powerful Trixie will not allow you to take her alive!"

    Putting on an air of confidence, he pointed a hoof threateningly at the magician. "Trixie, where have your 'friends' taken Partheus? Tell us, or be prepared to suffer the consequences!"

    "What 'consequences' could possibly harm the Great and Powerful Trixie?" she scoffed. "Your piddling magicks stand no chance at disarming her now. In fact, it is you who should be afraid for his life. Insignificant as it is." Her horn began to glow, portending a powerful spell.

    There was no time to react. Newsworthy braced himself for impact, hoping that one of the others could stop the crazed magician.

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