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Posts posted by Ayashe

  1. @Dunder: Haha, thank you! ^^ Gaming and ponies seem to go hand in hand around here.

    @hobbes574: Oh yay! Another AC fan! :3 Yes, Revelations was quite to my liking. Assassin's Creed III, however, seems like it will be my favorite installement to the series!

    @Volt: No worries about the creativity. :3 It's the thought that counts, no?

  2. About Myself: I, unfortunately, don't have anything amazing to put here, so I'll just throw out some random tidbits about me.

    I'm from the US of A, and I'm still stuck here, but I really don't plan to stay all my life!

    I like to draw, mainly canines because I'm a dog person. I also love gaming and I'm a huge fan ('Huge fan' is a very light way to put it.) of Assassin's Creed. Apart from AC, I enjoy many other games out there like Skyrim, The Sims, and Red Dead Redemption. (I'm such a geek. |D) Aside from those things, I of course love to Roleplay! Not sure how long I've been doing so, maybe around two or three years. Most of that time was spent using canine characters, so I'm quite new to the pony roleplaying side of the internet!

    How I found Canterlot.com: Ehm, searching 'my little pony roleplay' because I was bored out of my mind!

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My boyfriend actually got me into it, along with some of our friends. They kept talking about it so I decided to give it a try. I was skeptical at first, but hey, aren't we all? :3

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash
    I think I've said enough, so I'll bring this post to a close now. :D Hope to meet some other cool roleplayers and maybe make a few memories here! Toodles~

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