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Posts posted by ToothpastePony

  1. my april fools day suck! it wasnt even a funny joke! it was that joke that mde you pissed if anything. i was in ponyville forums and one of the mods thought it be really funny to accounced that the forums will be closing and tribes will take over and that got most of mad and only few ppl thought it was funny but a good majority of the members were furious because who makes a joke like that? not cool..and nopony likes hiim because he makes rude comments and acts like a dillhole

  2. What do you draw? If you're comfortable enough to share, I'd love to see some of your work. Welcome to the site!

    i would love for you lovely fillys to look at my art i draw alot of anime and ponys!! heres one that i did

    [/417221_350787584959882_350770344961606_994753_1119065943_a.jpgspoiler] that one is mine.you wont find that in the show or in another fan art because i drew that by creating a struture and also i am doing a DJ derpy and that is looking nice i will post it once i finished it


    Welcome! Sorry I can't help with the tablet, I'm actually looking into getting one soon. I have heard that it takes some practice to be able to look at the screen and draw on the tablet, unless you have one with a built in display. Of course, those are insanely expensive...

    At any rate, welcome to the forums and I hope you will share your art with us!

    it really isnt hard but i just cant get the lines to go so smooth and im having trouble with that :/

    Brushie brushie brushie!

    thats right! brush yo mtherbuckin teeth!!



    :blah: HAAAAAIIII!!!!!

  3. hello guys! i am new here and i want to make new friends with everpony here! :P

    i already know how this site is considering how i came form ponyville forums and how they are pretty much the same :P i am the actually derpy from there but seeing how somepony already took that name :shifty: i picked a name from my second fav pony :) i am a huge anime fan and game fan so if any pony wanna talk about that hit me up! i am a ver talkative pony so please say hi also i had over 1,491 post in ponyville forums but i can start again here also i draw! and i am very good with a pencil but with my tablet i suck so if anypony here can draw with a tablet i very much like lessons

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