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Posts posted by bkbusters

  1. What is your Steam name?


    What game do you play the most via Steam?

    Garry's Mod :D

    What is your favorite game?

    Portal 2!

    Do you have a group?

    I'm currently in 5 groups with the [OFFICIAL] Minecraft group as my primary. I would be in a MLP group but all but one of my friends are actually bronies :/

    Do you play on Mac or Windows?

    Mac, and I appear to be the only person who uses a Mac here. :wail:

  2. Finally! I've been following introductions for so long already! And it took countless threads to find that sentence. Was beginning to lose hope...

    Welcome to the fabulous Canterlot! Enjoy every minute of your precious time spent here!

    I know very few people on MLP forums who's favourite pony is Rarity. Makes me feel out of place somehow.

  3. MST3K Fan. Yeeeees. And I can't wait to hear your voice work and sketches! You sound like a pretty fun person. c:

    Ohyeah-- Welcome to Canterlot! :D If you have any questions, let us know - everyone's usually pretty happy to help!

    I should have a sketch up in a week or so. As for the voice work, I'm still looking for something I'd be interested to audition for. I may upload a video of impressions or internet song covers.

  4. On 03/04/2012 at 5:22 PM, hobbes574 said:

    Is any of your work online? I'd love to check it out. Also, the only MST thing I'm familiar with is The Eye of Argon... which would be unreadable if it wasn't for the commentary. Anyway, I hope to see you around. Welcome to the site! :)

    I host a podcast over on my website and I have a YouTube account as well. I am hoping to bring out some sketches or voice work in the next few months.

  5. About Myself: I am from the UK. I'm quite an avid gamer and I like to play games like Mario, Zelda and Halo.


    How I found Canterlot.com: While Googling for MLP forums to join.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I had seen the pony captions all over the internet and thought it was quite funny and ignored it for the best part of a year. Recently, a friend of mine made me take a look at some episodes, I went along with it and here I am. I've been a 'full-time' brony for just over two months now and I really enjoy being part of this community.

    Hello everypony! I don't know what else I can put here apart from what's above. So, I look forward to joining in on the forums!

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