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Posts posted by daftBLUE

  1. Joe looked up from the brewing tea and over at Sherlock and Misty. "Now wait just a minute, sir." He said, trotting over and standing beside Sherlock. "If you're from the Magic Patrol, and I don't think you are..." He added, looking Sherlock up and down. "Misty just lost control, is all. So what if she made a table turn into a crab? She's a good friend and a loyal customer. Speaking of which," the rest of his sentence was drowned out by a whistling from the counter. "Your tea is done!"

  2. "Misty, calm down." Joe reassured Misty. "This guy doesn't really look like a Magic Patrol guy. They wear uniforms. I think you're safe. Maybe this guy just wants breakfast. I'll be back in just a minute." He trotted over to the counter and began to prepare Sherlock's order. "The tea'll take a few minutes to prepare, and here's your croissant. That'll be 11 bits, sir."

  3. "If that's okay, I suppose I could join you." Joe replied, trotting over. "Business is slow for this time anyway. I suppose it would keep me busy for now." He parked himself in the booth next to Misty. "But...isn't this more of a private discussion, not for my ears and all of that?" Joe asked, now trying to work out what was going on behind Big Time's expensive-looking shades.

  4. "Sure thing, Misty. Another Hayburger and iced tea coming up." Joe walked back behind the counter and madde another hayburger and iced tea for Misty, all the while thinking about what the two were discussing in the booth. But a pony like Joe knew that this wasn't a time for eavesdropping, so instead, he delivered the Hayburger and iced tea to Misty and Big Time's booth. "Anything else, you know where to find me." Joe walked back over to the counter and began cleaning it.

  5. "Right away, Big Time. One hayburger and iced tea to eat in." Joe made a verbal note of the order. "If you want a booth, you can find them just over there." He pointed to the immediate left of the store where a row of private dining booths sat. "Let me know if you want anything else."

    Joe returned a few seconds later with a hayburger and some iced tea propped on a serving dish. "Here we are. Hayburger and iced tea, just like you asked. Will that be all"

  6. "I'm Re-Roll. I guess we're roommates now." Re-Roll smiled. He flicked his mane out of his face. "Hey, Beat Match, do you mind giving me a hand with some of my stuff? It's just out here." He walked back through the door and faced a veritable mountain of trunks and suitcases. "Sorry if it seems a bit much." he apologized. "I used to live on my own, see. Which is why I have so much stuff."

  7. Re-Roll had been evicted from his old apartment. He had failed to pay the rent for the...possibly fifth time, and had now been kicked out. As he had been wandering the streets of Fillydelphia, he had found an advert for another apartment, apartment 40 at the Grand Mare. After a little bit of research, he had found the Grand Mare and agreed to rent the apartment, along with possible roommates.

    As Re-Roll entered the apartment, he took a quick look around and cautiously proceeded further in. "Anypony home?" he asked aloud to the room in general.

  8. "Enjoy your day!" Joe called over to Babbles as she left. "You ponies aren't going to be wanting anything over there, are you?" He said, trotting up to Misty and Big Time. "I could easily fix you up with something, if you wanted it." He took a sip from his own coffee. "Gah, it's gone cold. Better brew up some more." Joe walked back to behind the counter and set himself to work, making another coffee. Best thing about this job is you can never really get too hungry. Joe thought to himself.

  9. "Hey, hey, Misty." Joe walked over to the door and held himself across it, barring Misty from leaving. "It's okay. So what if you can't control your magic? You couldn't control it when you were a filly, and the store's still standing." He attempted a grin. "You don't need to be so negative about yourself. Besides, you seemed to be able to control it just then." Then he noticed Argent Aegis had walked in. "Sorry for the wait, sir. Black coffee coming right up." He busied himself at the coffee maker. "Night watch, again? We seem to be getting a lot of night watch ponies. Not tht I'm complaining."

  10. "Better finish the donut and coffee first." Joe smiled. "Let's just say that the doctor's ideas on health and my donuts don't exactly agree with each other. Know what I mean?" He picked up Saddlesore's payment and dropped them into the till. "Enjoy yourself, ya hear?" he grinned at Saddlesore. Then he heard Misty practically yelling at Big Time to apologize. "No need to apologize. You expressed your opinion, and I'm open to criticism." he said, dropping Big Tme's money into the till.

  11. (Gah, completely forgot about this :oops: )

    At Big Time's comment about his donuts not being very filling, Joe raised his eyebrows. Then Saddlesore came over and ordered a donut and coffee, which Joe set to work on. "Not very often." Joe said to respond to Saddlesore's question. "Though there was this one pony, a pegasus No idea what happened to him, but he kept rambling about how he was a zebra. And here's your coffee and donut. You want this to take away?" he asked Saddlesore.


    "I've lived here all my life." Joe replied. Then Saddlesore came in and began insulting people, and his store to boot. "Excuse me, sir. Kindly keep your yap shut if you got nothing good to say." he said sternly. When Misty's magic broke, turning Saddlesore into a crab, a mule, and a donut, Joe was laughing his hooves off at Saddlesore. He laughed so hard, he almost spilled his own coffee over his apron. He saw Misty retreat into a corner, looking scared, and went over to console her, telling Saddlesore "You should go wash that off in the bathroom." He went over to Misty with her donut. "Here." he pushed the plate towards Misty, smiling.

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