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Posts posted by daftBLUE

  1. "Green tea?" This was a rare turn of events. Nopony ever asked for green tea from Joe. "Well, I'll see if I have any." Joe said before diving under the counter and rummaging through a box that contained several specialist ingredients. "I think...I have some...here." Joe exclaimed as he pulled out a small packet labled "Green Tea". "This'll take a couple of minutes to prepare. So why don't you have a seat?" Joe set to work cooking up some green tea for this new, strange customer. "I'm honored that you think so highly of my shop." He told the shades-wearing pony. "You sound like a food critic, if you don't mind me saying. Are you some sort of actor?"

  2. As Joe passed Babbles her coffee and donut, and sipped on his own coffee, he noticed Big Time entering the shop. "Welcome to Pony Joe's. We have the...you know what? Forget the intro. Nice shades." he remarked. Looks like a city pony. he thought as he took another sip of his coffee. "What can I get you?"

  3. "One triple espresso soy latte, touch of mocha, no foam." Joe repeated back the order to memorize it. "And one glazed donut. Coming right up." Making the latte took a little longer than usual, as he had to look through a few cabinets to find the soy milk, and almost put foam on it by accident. Eventually, he passed Babbles a hot cup of latte and a donut. "That'll be, uh, 7 bits. Do you want it to take away?"

  4. "Honestly, Misty, I only know rumors. What I hear in the store, see." Joe explained. As far as I know, Prince Blueblood hasn't found a mate yet. He's far too picky, in my opinion. As for the Princess sisters, I don't exactly spend my days at the castle, and I don't think they want to come down here and eat donuts, so I don't know what's going on with them, either." He sighed and made himself a coffee. "Basically, life goes on in Canterlot. The Princesses do...whatever it is they do, and I work here, just as I've done for...I forget how many years."

  5. "Alright, enjoy yourself." Joe said cheerfully as he passed Blade her coffee. "You were doing night patrol? No wonder you're tired." He turned to the next customer. "I'm guessing you want a coffee of some description as well? You look exhausted. Maybe a donut to go with that?" he asked, geniuine concern in his voice.

  6. "Alright, seat yourself down at the bar and enjoy yourself, Misty." Joe grinned at her. He then busied himself at the coffee machine again for the next customer. "Okay then, that's one large coffee for you. That'll be 2 bits. Do you want that to take away?" he asked the pegasus. "What's up? You look really tired."

  7. "One pink donut and coffee comin' up. You want that to go?" Joe smiled and set to work on the coffee machine. "Yeah, I heard about that thing at the Gala. I was working here, though, so I don't know exactly what happened. Here you go. That's, uh, 6 bits." he added, handing a donut and a cup of coffee over the counter. "So...you're a mail pony now?"

  8. Joe noticed his first customer of the day entering and saying that she knew him. Somehow, she was familiar. "Welcome to Pony Joe's. The heart of Canterlot...no, that still sounds cheesy." he greeted the customer. Only when he looked at her properly did he remember who she was. Well, well, Misty Magic. Long time." he smiled. "I haven't seen you in ages!" Joe proceeded to busy himself behind the counter. "What can I get ya?" he asked.

  9. The sun rose over Canterlot, and made a lot of things look nice and pretty. Pony Joe, however, did not see these things. He was too busy fixing his apron and hat on for work. As he trudged downstairs he flicked on the lights in the store. Anypony outside would see the store spring into life as Joe turned the sign on the door to "Open", and headed back behind the counter, where he began to practise what he would say to customers as a greeting.

    "Welcome to Pony Joe's. We're absolutely awesome...No that doesn't sound right....Welcome to Pony Joe's. The finest donuts in Canterlot...maybe." Joe said to himself as he adjusted his hat and waited for any sign of customers to appear.

  10. Oh, you did NOT just make that joke!

    Add one more to your domination plan!

    Name: daftBLUE

    Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: roughly...6 months

    How can you contribute?: Need a hacker?

    Do you have any connections in NASA?: a few that may or may not be high-ranking.

    Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: No...t yet.

    If so, what for?:

    What languages are you fluent in?: I can speak English, German, Japanese and Engrish.

    What do you think of this font?: What font? This? I quite like it. Vintage. :smug:

    Social Security Number: 3359-2580

    Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 2212

    Name on Credit Card/PIN: 2253

  11. (Understandable. That show is funny.)

    "A game store? Well, it's a store that sells...where are you going?" Re-roll galloped after Frostbite and followed him into the store. "I thought we were looking for a place for you to stay." he gasped. He took a minute to look around the store they were in. "Hey, I know this place. My store's not too far from here."

  12. "Ah, right." Re-roll readjusted his mane and returned to the matter at hand. "I don't know about any inns. I haven't lived here that long myself. I think there may be one somewhere. It's most likely going to be where all the bakeries and food stores are. I'll show you if you want." he began to trot toward a small group of stores, hoping that Frostbite would follow.

  13. "No home, eh?" Re-roll considered for a moment, before realizing. "If you're looking for a place to stay, I live in an apartment in that block right over there." he pointed at a tall building with his hoof. "I'm pretty sure that there's at least 1 apartment available. And the rent's not bad, either."

  14. (I'd say it's more of a city.)

    Re-roll almost walked right into the pegasus. That'll teach me for not looking where I'm going. he thought to himself. "Woah, sorry." he hurriedly apologized. "I should have looked where I was going. Speaking of going, you look lost. Need any help?"

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