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Posts posted by DreamBaker

  1. It always makes me smile to read somepony else likes Rarity :) And although at first I couldn't comprehend connecting her with PP, I remembered fairly soon how wicked duet those two create together ;-)

    Welcome to Canterlot! Enjoy your stay, nopony's going to deny you that!

    I love Rarity, I want to embody her. I also love Pinkie, but I really identify with her. I think they would make a good team though as well.

  2. Only here for roleplaying? Why not friends? :'( I wanted to be your friend... Anyways, welcome to Canterlot, have a great time, and I look forward to seeing you out there roleplaying like a boss! ^_^

    Haha, friends are great too! I just meant I'm not really here to post art, or argue with people.

  3. About Myself: I am a pony artist from the USA, and am here for role playing

    How I found Canterlot.com: user

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I have been a fan since I was a child and the new series just revived my love for colorful equines

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Hello, I am Dream of http://askdreambaker.tumblr.com/ and I am here looking for some role playing and that is about it.

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