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Doc Hoof MD

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Posts posted by Doc Hoof MD

  1. It certainly wasn’t a situation that he wanted to be in; deep in the woods with two injured pegasi with the potential threat of a Hydra bearing down on them. To top it all off, the temperature was dropping. Whatever they were going to do, they needed to do it fast. What if this newcomer was bad off? What if he couldn't move?

    "I've had worse. I'll be okay in a moment. My name is Silverbolt and I was just setting up my campsite when a Hydra attacked! I was fleeing from it when I crashed into this tree." groaned the injured newcomer. Ember Heart gave a sigh of relief and took a couple steps back as Silverbolt got up and dusted himself off. "uh, I didn't get your name and thanks for coming to see if I was alright."

    Ember Heart smiled and nodded. “The name’s Ember Heart. I am volunteer member of the Fillydelphia Disaster Response; F.D.R. works too.” he said quietly.

    Starscape finished putting out the bonfire and ran up to join them. The absence of light left Ember Heart feeling slightly uneasy."That looks like it hurt. Which is probably right as I flew into that tree over there a while ago and that hurt and Ember found me and helped me up which was good ebcause it was getting cold and I needed my cloak and it was dark as well, but I love the night sky, and my name's Starscape Quill, what's yours?"

    Ember Heart turned his attention away from the two while they had an exchange. His instincts were telling him that they should move but he wasn’t really sure where they should go. He didn’t want them to get trapped near the river, but he also didn’t want to lead the two potentially injured ponies through the thicker part of the woods.

    "Do you have flint and steel?" Ember Heart’s attention returned to the two pegasi. “No time. Sorry. Starscape’s lantern should be enough for now. We can decide on our next plan of action once we are a safe distance away from the hydra. What details can you give me on the hydra, Silverbolt?”

  2. Ember Heart watched as the mare shuffled through her belongings once more. She pulled out box that seem to be filled with something which she set near him. "There are muffins in the box from this really nice bakery in town. I found it when I first came to Fillydelphia and it was such a nice looking bakery that I had to buy something, and then I saw they had muffins and I love muffins so I bought loads and now I buy a small box every day, because I always seem to miss dinner time at my hotel and..." He expectantly waited for her to finish. The mention of a bakery peaked his curiosity. Which bakery? It was a question that could be answered later. Besides, he was hungry. The mare finished and nudged the food closer to him."Have as much as you like!" said the mare with a smile.

    He pulled a muffin over to him and brought it up to his mouth before pausing. How could he have forgotten his manners. He must have been hungrier than he thought. "Thanks. These look great!" Without further hesitation he took a small bite from the muffin. The texture was amazing. Strangely familiar. Moist. It certainly was well baked.

    "It's the least I could do for rescuing me, and I ate a small picnic before I set back off and I have a little food left and some more water because I always pack lots." The mare sat down by the fire before answering his question. "Oh, yes. I love the night time an the stars and all of the things up there. My observatory is between Cloudsdale and Trottingham and is in a nice little town. I don't know if it's very obvious but because I'm mostly awake at night I don't tend to speak to many ponies, but it's okay because I love the night sky and drawing star charts and painting night scenes and..." The mare paused and pulled out a small book. It appeared to be a sketchbook of some kind. She held it out to him. "Here, have a look if you want!" He pulled it towards him and levitated it before him. He took another bite out of the muffin before he started to carefully flip through the pages. "Oh, and the moon! The moon is very lovely too, but It wasn't very fun when the Mare in the Moon disappeared and I had to redraw all of my charts. That took a long time to do! Still, it's very nice and I love my work." He understood what she meant about the Mare in the Moon. He used to spend hours staring at it. He didn't actually believe that the Princess of the Night could have been imprisoned there. It must have been shock to everypony once the story broke.

    He flipped through a few more pages. The detail in each sketch was amazing. Some of them were even better than the ones in his old school books. "These are really well done!" His horn glowed a brighter blue as he gave the book back to her. He quickly looked around for his muffin and chuckled when he saw it floating above him.

    "What do you do? Besides rescuing silly pegasi, I mean?"

    Ember Heart finished off the last bite of his muffin before responding. "Aside from rescuing silly pegasi, eh? Not much really. I work in my mother's jointly owned bakery for bits. I spend some of my downtime practicing my magic. Most of my spare time is spent with my friends. They always seem so pull me away from something." He chuckled a bit at the thought of it. "I really wouldn't have any fun if they weren't there to pull me away from whatever I am doing. Then again, there is always something fun to do in Fillydelphia!" He paused to pull another muffin out of the box. "My real goal is to st-"


    Tossing the muffin aside, Ember Heart jumped up and peered into the darkness outside of the light of the bonfire, trying to identify the source of the cry. Without any warning another pegasus smashed into a tree not far from the two ponies. "HELP!" shouted the stunned pony.

    "Starscape, kill the fire if you can. Leave your things. We can fetch them later." Ember Heart turned and rushed over to the fallen pegasus. He knew putting out the fire wouldn't do much to help them against something like a hydra, but this thing definitely wasn't in any of his manuals. There weren't any procedures that he knew about. He stopped next to the downed pony and did a quick look over to see if the pony was severely injured. "Are you ok? What is going on?" He desperately looked into the treeline searching for any sign of an impending danger.

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