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Doc Hoof MD

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Posts posted by Doc Hoof MD

  1. Ember Heart relaxed by the fire while the mare inspected her wing; something he had forgotten to do. He was too exhausted to remember what the proper procedure was in their current situation. Maintaining a spell for the duration that he had was something he wasn’t entirely used to. It was incredibly taxing both physically and mentally. The flames danced before him while he took a moment to recuperate. He closed his eyes for a short moment and tried to collect his thoughts and think of his next plan of action. The two needed to head back to town so that the mare could get the medical attention that she needed, but he wasn’t sure if she was in any shape to make the trip. He wasn’t even entirely sure what direction the road was in. He cursed silently as he realized that he had left his compass back at the station.

    "Thank you." said the mare. Ember Heart opened his eyes and smiled at the mare. “Not a problem at all.” The mare seemed to be better off than he had thought. She shuffled through her belongings for short time before offering water to him. “Yes, thanks!” He pulled it out of her hooves and quickly pulled off the top. The water certainly was refreshing. How could he have forgotten to bring some water or anything else for that matter? It certainly was a lesson learned.

    "Are you thirsty? Or hungry, or anything? I have a lot of snacks and a good amount of water, because I never know how long I'm going to be out I mean, it's probably obvious, but I can get really badly sidetracked and sort-of often end up missing dinner and stuff so-" Ember Heart just blinked at the mare as he waited for her to finish. Starscape stopped herself for a moment to collect her thoughts. "I mean, I have food if you want some."

    Ember Heart’s stomach rumbled a bit at the mention of some food. He hadn’t eaten since lunch time when he took a break to visit his mother’s bakery. It seemed to be a long shot that the mare would have visited the bakery before coming out here. Still, any baked good sounded great to him. “Some food would be nice.” He set the water flask down and pulled another branch and set it into the fire. “So you said you worked in an observatory, right?”

  2. Canterlot general was always known to be one of the best in all of Equestria. Its reputation was easily credited to its professional staff, large comfortable rooms, amazing results, and of course, the food. The response time was also something that one can’t complain about. It was some time in the afternoon when he blacked out. He was rather lucky that his longtime friend, Maple, was there to request aid. Rain Leaf couldn’t recall any details of the incident but from what he heard, it wasn’t pretty. The toxin worked its way through his body quickly. If help had arrived any later he might not be in the situation he is now. He was thankful for that.

    How could he have made such a mistake? He always did all the research he could before consuming a wild specimen. No, it wasn’t his fault. Maple told him to do it. That is why she pledged to pay for the majority of his bill. It was a rather nice gesture. They should have known that anything from the Everfree could be dangerous; being professionals and all. Well, Maple was a professional. Rain Leaf might as well consider himself a student still. He wouldn’t be where he was now if Maple hadn’t been there to start him off.

    What a position he was in now. His hospital bill had been split between his uncle and Maple, something he appreciated greatly. Still, being bed bound for a week wasn’t something he had planned for. There was so much to do. He was supposed to fetch cardinal flowers for the Manehatten Aviary, desert star seeds for Dodge Junction, and Everfree bloodroot for the Fillydelphia Botanical Garden. Instead he was lying in a rather comfy hospital room with nothing to do. The mare in the cot next to him was one of the most peculiar ponies he had seen. She was a traveler as well, or as she put it “an adventurer”. Despite their different interests, the mare was a pleasure to talk to. She was a little overbearing at times but she did brighten up things with her stories.

    The first two days were rather dull. His sister and his uncle visited him on both days. He greatly appreciated the fact that they took the time out of their days to check on him. There still wasn’t a sign of mom or pop but that wasn’t much of a surprise to him. Aside from that, the only entertainment he got was from his conversations with Pathfinder and those only took up a small part of the day. The mare would often lose herself into her own activities leaving him with nothing to do. He wasn’t quite sure who this Daring Do character was, only that the mare seemed to have an odd obsession with the stories. From what he gathered, the main character was an adventurer that would undertake a perilous journey to retrieve some artifact. It seemed rather bland to him but it did give him an idea. He decided to request some books from his uncle. Anything new would be fine for him. He hoped that his uncle’s bookstore had gotten some copies of Dr. Evergreen’s latest report. It was supposed to be something good this time around. He asked Pathfinder if she wanted anything but she declined stating that she had everything she needed right there with her.

    Sleeping was the one thing that he didn’t have any trouble with. The medication they gave him at night made him feel incredibly relaxed; a nice change from the muscle cramps he had during the day from the toxin. His roommate performed the strangest ritual each night before she went to sleep. He heard her recite some small part of a story on both nights. It wasn’t very long and she would usually finish with an excited squeal. The mare surely didn’t notice that it woke him up. He didn’t want to be rude so he pretended to be asleep until the mare finished before going back to sleep.

    Rain Leaf received his package around the mid-afternoon after an uneventful morning. The box was larger than he expected. An elegantly typed letter from his uncle wished him well and listed the books inside. One title caught his attention and he opened the box with excitement without reading over the other titles. He inhaled deeply and enjoyed the wonderful smell of new books. None of them even appeared to have been opened. He pulled them out one at a time, gently setting the books on the nightstand next to him until he came upon the book he was looking for, Dr. Evergreen’s Report on the Iris of Immortality. The title intrigued him. He had heard of the flower but he had never actually seen one. They were supposed to be incredibly rare. The legend behind them was one of his favorites.

    Rain Leaf opened the book to the table of contents before he noticed something. One last book still sat at the bottom of the box. He set his book down and pulled the other one out of the box. It was a Daring Do book. He couldn’t tell if it was a new release or not but the smell indicated that it was freshly printed. The mare on the cover instantly caught his attention. He immediately looked at the mare in the other bed next to him. Both she and the mare on the cover were nearly identical in appearance. Just who exactly was the mare in the room with him? He did his best to shrug it off. “Hey, Pathfinder. My uncle dropped a Daring Do book into my box. Not sure if it is new or not. You interested?”

  3. ((More long posts that are long. That took a long minute :blah: ))

    "Well, ah, I definitely packed a lantern because it's sort of a habit for me because I tend to be really nocturnal. I hope it's okay, the lantern, not the fact that I'm nocturnal, not that I'm saying your opinion doesn't matter! I mean, I did crash quite hard, but my head took most of the impact, but I was tangled a bit when I woke up so-"

    “Your head?” Ember Heart was a little amazed that this was the only thing he really took from the mare’s statement. He cringed when the mare facehooved, not wanting the think about much it must have hurt. He inspected the top of Starscape’s head while she started to sort through her belongings, worried that there might be some sign of injury. "Let's see... Water, snacks, starcharts, Ink, quills, hmmm." The mention of water caught his attention. He was rather thirsty and wasn’t usually the one on his team that brought the extra water. It was certainly something that he was going to have to worry about later.

    He watched as the mare continued to sort through the contents of her bag. The contents of the bag started to pile up next to her. Ember Heart couldn’t help but to examine all of the different supplies out of curiosity. "Aha!" He jolted at the mare’s outburst. The mare pulled out a small bag from within the larger bag. An excited grin covered his face as the mare opened it and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank Celestia my telescope is okay!" His grin quickly disappeared from his face as his jaw dropped in awe. Of all the things that she was worried about, the telescope was among them. His head dropped in disappointment. He didn’t even notice that the mare pull out another bag.

    "And the lamp!" Ember Heart’s ears rose at the mention of the lamp. The mare set the lamp on the boulder next to her. "I think there's a bottle of oil in the bag. Maybe some flint..." said the mare, picking up the bag and depositing it next to the lantern. Ember Heart raced over to the bag while the mare went on with her rummaging. Everything that he needed was in the bag before him. A dull pain shot through his head. He wasn’t used to maintaining a spell this long, especially one that he hadn’t fully mastered. He foolishly shook his head hoping to clear his thoughts and focused his efforts on the lamp in from of him. He gingerly pulled the bottle of oil out of the bag with his mouth, setting it near the lantern in a way so that it did not roll of. He looked back at the mare who was now wrapping herself in a woolen cloak. She was obviously having a little bit of trouble with her wing still trapped. “Don’t worry; I’ll have you out in no time!”

    Ember Heart managed to light the lantern after a few short moments of clumsy movement without his telekinesis to aid him. The lantern gave off a dim yellow light. It certainly wasn’t enough for him to see with. He scanned his surroundings, looking for several large branches for a bonfire. He spied a small depression not far from the mare that would be perfect for a small fire. “Uh. You might want to close your eyes for a brief moment.” He wasn’t sure how to drop the illumination spell properly so he was going to end it the only way he knew how; supercharging it. With an incredibly bright blue flash the spell discharged leaving his mane nearly standing on end.

    Ember Heart let out a small chuckle as he shook his head causing his mane to fall back down. “Alright! Time for me to do what I do best!” He closed his eyes and used his telekinesis to lash out and grab hold of the four branches he spotted earlier and pulled them towards him. He rotated them in the air above him for a brief moment before driving them into the small depression. He opened his eyes to inspect his magical work. “A little uneven but it should get the job done." He pulled the lantern over towards himself and picked up a small stick off of the ground nearby. Carefully, he opened the lantern and stuck the small stick in until it caught fire. He slowly pushed the lantern away and set it down on the ground near the mare. He then placed the burning stick near the bottom of one of the branches until the branch caught fire, slowly spreading it to the others touching it.

    Ember Heart took a deep breath as the fire quickly warmed him up. He turned to the mare with a smile. “Much better don’t yah think? Now how about we get you out of there now, huh?” He walked up past the mare and closed his eyes again. His horn glowed blue once again as he used his magic to locate the entirety of the wing underneath the large fallen branch. “A simple lift and throw it is then.” He whispered himself. He wrapped around the branch with his telekinetic hold, taking great caution not to move it until he was ready. “Don’t move until the branch is gone! No matter what!” he said with a far more serious tone. He reopened his eyes while remaining perfectly still. The branch slowly raised off of the boulder. Once he was sure that the branch was no longer a threat he gently set the large wooden branch down onto the bonfire as firewood. The mare was free.

    ((Why is the font failing me?))

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