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Doc Hoof MD

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Posts posted by Doc Hoof MD

  1. Rainbow hair and tomboyish attitude probably contribute towards the theory. I normally wouldn't bother posting in this thread, but after discovering Spongebob's true purpose... Anythings possible right?

    Spongebob's true purpose? :!:

    I do not really care much about it. I just don't like when my fanfics get hate because I make her straight or how most of the pics of RD I see are about this topic. It is fine a long as people don't claim that it is cannon.

    Spongebobs true purpose... I will explain it as bluntly as possible.

    Spongebob and Patrick were originally designed to be gay.

    That really would not surprise me. Is that totally official? I have no problem with that. They are still 2 of my favorite chars of all time :D

  2. Rainbow hair and tomboyish attitude probably contribute towards the theory. I normally wouldn't bother posting in this thread, but after discovering Spongebob's true purpose... Anythings possible right?

    Spongebob's true purpose? :!:

    I do not really care much about it. I just don't like when my fanfics get hate because I make her straight or how most of the pics of RD I see are about this topic. It is fine a long as people don't claim that it is cannon.

  3. I find Painted's lack of faith disturbing....... :twisted:

    Loved Star Wars as a kid and still do...mostly the original ones. I also have fond memories of E.T. and Airplane. At first I simply did NOT want to go see it, but when I got out of the theater, I swear I could barely breathe from laughing so much.

    I loved airplane. The cover made it look just awful. I learned a lesson the day i watched it.

  4. Ahhh stone fish, the ultimate campers. They know its a legitimate stratergy :)

    Edit: Orgional post read

    "A stone fish! OMG DID YOU DIE!?!"

    This just made my afternoon that much better.

    Idk if this is weird enough but I got lost in a forest in northern Montana when i was 6. I was hiking with my parents, my brother and our cousins.They sped ahead and I wanted to be just as cool as them so I ran way ahead too.........in the wrong direction. I hit a river and just kinda sat there and watched the water flow by. Oddly enough I wasn't really scared. I was just fascinated by the silence and beauty. I heard my brother call out my name after about an hour and 45 mins of just sitting there. I loved that experience. Kinda the inspiration for my first OC pony. I was really sad that the fire burned through there a few months later. I took me a few years to find out how much danger I was really in. :D

  5. Books: I do not have time to read much anymore. I do read game novels every now and then.

    Music: 3 Doors Down (most of my friends are into hardcore)

    TV: I still catch Avatar: The Last Airbender every now and then.

    Movies:Watchmen, Starship Troopers, LotR

    FiM is still a guilty pleasure for me. I have only told a couple friends at the risk of having all of my man cards taken away. :D

  6. Dear Mr. A##hole

    I woke up a few days back to find out that you decided to run off with my bike and my 200$ custom made 25 gallon cage. My snake lived in that cage. I am sour about the bike but I am even more pissed off about the cage. I decide to clean it and let it air dry in the desert heat out here thinking that my own porch was nice and secure. Way to prove me wrong. Now my snake has to live in a plastic tub till I can afford a new cage. Why dude? Why? Why couldn't you just go next door and take my dick of a neighbor's radio and lawnmower? The worst part about it is that you probably live in the same gated complex. You are a real POS you know that? :evil:

    -The Doctor

    I can not stand people who steal. Especially from a yard or porch.

  7. I feel like I have hit a brick wall. I am still thinking. My character wants to enter the medical field but I am not sure what kind of Unicorn power can go with that without being too op. Also I am not sure if names like Ember Heart and Rain Leaf sound better as a single word or two. Hmmm...... :?:

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