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Doc Hoof MD

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Posts posted by Doc Hoof MD

  1. Name: Ember Heart

    Sex: Male

    Age: very young stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Black

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Red with a purple streak. Tail is long and well groomed. Mane is long, unkempt and jagged towards the back.

    Eye Color: Maroon

    Cutie Mark: A small flame inside of a heart

    Physique: was taller than most of his classmates

    Residence: Him and his family live in a four bedroom home in eastern Fillydelphia. He uses the basement as his practice area.

    Occupation: Ember Heart finished his education and went to work in his mother's bakery when he was an older colt. He decided to join the local search and rescue team as a volunteer when he was a young stallion. He has aided in many rescues in the few seasons he has been with them.

    Motivation: Ember Heart wants to help ponies just like his father. He is saving up so that can move to Canterlot and join the greatest rescue team in Equestria.

    Likes: Ember Heart enjoys the city life even in a smaller town like Fillydelphia. He doesn't own any pets but he does have great respect for the animals that dwell on the nearby plains. His time at the bakery has turned him into an excellent baker and he has turned it into a hobby that he does at home as well.

    Dislikes: He can be very impatient and tries to avoid failure at any cost.

    Character Summary: Ember Heart was born in Fillydelphia. He has two younger siblings who still attend school. His mother owns one of the local bakeries alongside another pony. Ember Heart's father works as a trauma surgeon.

    Ember Heart has lived in Fillydelphia with his family all his life. After he finished school he took up a job as a baker in his mothers' shop. He always admired his father and wanted to follow in his hoofsteps. He has an advanced ability in telekinesis. His cutie mark is a small flame inside of a heart.

    Ember Heart is somewhat known for his ability to calm a pony in need. He knows that panic is the enemy. He believes that it is important to free the pony's mind before the body. He has had a high success rate with this method.

    Cutie Mark Chronicle:

    Ember Heart was just a young colt when he earned his cutie mark. A powerful storm was going through Fillydelphia. Many of the ponyfolk did not approve of these powerful storms but the local weather teams insisted that they were necessary to maintain a balance in the surrounding plains ecosystem. Unfortunately the weather team did not put out an early enough warning and some ponies were still out and about when the storm hit.

    Ember Heart was enjoying his time at the nearby beach when he started to feel the wind pick up. He decided the head on home. He had only made it about halfway back to town when the rain began to pour. It was raining so hard that he was having a tough time making his way down the road. The constant lightning strikes deafened and frightened him. He soon could not see the path at all as the wind blew rain into his eyes. He knew that he had to find some form of shelter.

    Just as he was moving off the path to find refuge in a nearby cave he thought he heard a noise. He did not think much of it kept walking. He heard the noise again and stood still the make out what it was. It sounded like another pony but he was not sure and decided to slowly move in the direction. He hear the noise again and this time made out that it was a young filly screaming for help. He ran blindly in the direction of the scream.

    Ember Heart was horrified but what he saw. A young earth pony was trapped under a fallen tree. Ember Heart tried to calm the crying pony down while he thought of a solution. Lightning flashed and struck the ground a short distance away. This startled the wounded filly and make her scream even louder. Ember Heart knew that neither of the two would last much longer in this storm and decided to try basic telekinesis in order to move the fallen tree. His horn lit up as he put his all into the spell. The tree barely moved at all and Ember Heart had to give up for the time being due to exhaustion. The rain began to fall even harder.

    Ember Heart was beginning to think that he wasn't going to be able to help the poor filly. Thoughts about his own safety were starting to go through his mind. He began to turn and walk away when the lightning flashed again. The filly cried out in fear, her pain being numbed slightly by the adrenaline and cold, and Ember Heart turned back to look at her. He saw the fear in her eyes and a sense of determination filled his mind. He approached the tree again, horn glowing, and made another attempt with his telekinesis. The tree was not moving. He knew that he could not give up and thought about the life that depended on him. Lightning flashed and the boom of the thunder shook his body. This struck fear into him and made the young filly cry out again. Ember Heart heard this cry and felt a new wave of strength sweep through his body. His horn glowed even brighter and the tree began to rise into the air slightly. Pain was coursing through his body as he held it but he knew that he could not let go. He slowly moved it to the side and dropped it. It hit the ground with a thud and splashed mud all over the two ponies. At last the filly was free.

    Ember Heart moved the filly onto his back and fought against the howling wind to find the nearby cave. The cold rain felt like sharp needles as the powerful wind blew it into his face. After many painful minutes Ember Heart saw the mouth of the cave through the deluge. His heart felt lighter and he moved into the cave.

    He gently set the filly down and took a look at her broken hind legs. She was weeping softly now as the pain of her injuries started to return. He tried his best to comfort her as he did not have any knowledge on how to deal with her injuries. He used his horn to light up the cave in an effort to calm her down. The two sat there for a few minutes in complete silence, aside from her sniffles. An idea popped through her head and he asked her what she knew about dragons. The filly gave him a confused look and he used that as a cue to tell her one of the many stories he heard from his grandfather. He told her many stories that night to keep her spirits up.

    The rain stopped the following morning and Ember Heart put the injured filly on his back and headed back towards town passing the fallen tree on the way. As he approached the town he heard several cries of joy and saw several ponies both strange and familiar run out to greet him. Two older ponies cried out their daughters name and approached him. tears began to stream from their eyes when they saw their daughter on his back. Some ponies helped the young filly into a nearby cart so that she could be taken to the nearby hospital. Ember Heart's mother ran up to him and gave him the largest embrace that he had ever received. An unknown feeling swept through him and a nearby pony pointed at his flank. He turn his head and saw that a heart had appeared on his flank. Inside that heart was a small flame.

    Personality: Ember Heart will go out of his way to help a pony in need. He values life greatly. While impatient he will do whatever is needed to prevent failure.


    Art by Buxy


    We are all appreciative of what you and the others did to keep this board together. Without your leadership I think that many of us bronies would have been left out in the cold. Thanks for everything!

    Now go enjoy your special day! I think this celebration calls for some cupcakes yes?

  3. I did some editing and added a little more detail in a few spots. I think it is ready for another look as far as I can tell. If the passage of time thing is a big issue I will go back and change that as is suggested.

    EDIT: I have thought about the time thing a little more. If it is an issue I can go back and rewrite it a wee bit. Instead of years I could transition from young colt into older colt and then into a young stallion. I guess I could also use 'foal' to refer to this character when he is a wee little pony. Not sure if there is a specific term for a baby male. Come to think of it I will change this to WIP in the mean time until this matter is deal with. ugh* This is tricky.

    I also decided to add a pet. :D

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