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Doc Hoof MD

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Posts posted by Doc Hoof MD

  1. Oh, okay, well then you might want to explain the flight school a bit in the application.

    I added a small detail. If more is needed please let me know.

    I understand what you mean about time. I was not sure how to handle that. I know they count years and birthdays but I do not know how long their year is or as you said how long they live. How do we handle this?

  2. I ended up having to resort to gimp, and it came out god-awful. But the final judgment, ultimately, isn't mine to give.

    Was also going to put the Wonderbolts symbol in the place of the American flag, but by the time I had isolated her face, I was about to prepare myself for a new laptop screen.

    It is not bad at all. You did a fine job!

  3. I thought that flight school would be kinda like boot camp where the ponies would learn all the technical maneuvers that were required for weather control and becoming a guard.

    My idea was that his father saw him as being too rebellious to deal with especially after Rain Leaf had gotten his cutie mark.

  4. Welcome aboard! Enjoy your stay ;)

    I believe most of the board becomes unlocked once you make 5 post in the introductions area. I am not sure if that carried over to this board.

  5. Name: Rain Leaf

    Sex: Male

    Age: Young Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Light gray

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Brown. Mane is short and jagged towards the top. The tail is thick and unkempt.

    Eye Color: Royal Blue

    Cutie Mark: Dogwood leaf with a rain drop hanging off of the tip.

    Physique: Healthy normal weight and size. Able-bodied flier.

    Residence: A two story dwelling on the border of the Everfree Forest and the Saddleveil Plains.

    Pet: A long haired cat named Yarrow.

    Occupation: Botanist, Herb Gatherer.

    Motivation: Rain Leaf loves all plant life whether it is toxic or beneficial. His cutie mark is a manifestation of that passion.

    Likes: Spending time with his sister, tending to his garden, observing the local plant life, traveling, rainy days

    Dislikes: crowds, griffons, wonderbolts(indirectly), father,

    Character Summary

    Rain Leaf was born in Cloudsdale. His family is well known for being great fliers. He was not interested in flying which lead to a disagreement with his father. Instead he was interested in the flora below the great city. This interest is what caused him to enter his current occupation. His cutie mark is a green dogwood leaf with a drop of rain water hanging off of the tip.

    Rain Leaf lived in Cloudsdale with his parents and his younger sister until he was a young colt. His father was a flight instructor who trained young weather ponies. His mother was a nurse. His younger sister, Silvermist, was born when he was a young foal. The two have a strong bond has been able to survive all of their family problems.

    Cutie mark chronicle:

    The story of how Rain Leaf got his cutie mark starts when he was a young foal. With his father constantly away at the flight academy until late hours of the night Rain Leaf's mother spent almost all of her free time with him. She would often take him down Whitetail Wood for picnics and camp outs. Rain Leaf loved it there and wanted to go at every opportunity. His mother taught him about all of the animals and plant life that lived in Whitetail Wood. He was especially interested in how the leafs on the trees would change colors and fall in the colder months and how the flowers would bloom in the warmer months. His father became worried about his son's lack of interest in flying and called for an end to the trips. This saddened Rain Leaf for a short period of time until his sister was born.

    He spent much of his free time playing with his younger sister. He would tell her all of the old pony's tales, especially the ones about Celestia and her misguided sister Luna. He would also tell her about the great forests and meadows down on the ground below. He started taking her down to the ground once he learned how to fly well on his own. He showed her everything his mother had shown him and told her everything he learned. His father thought that he was corrupting his sister's young mind so he sent him off the flight academy when he was an older foal.

    Over the next period of his life he picked up many new techniques that helped him become a better flier. Life at the academy was very fast paced. The young fliers had to put in many hours each day and had to practice the routines and techniques until they could readily perform them. He hated his time at the flight academy and made very few friends during his stay. Just before he was about to go off for his 4th term he got into a heated fight with his father. He did not want to go to the flight academy. He wanted to go to school in Ponyville where he could be close to the forests and meadows. His father was infuriated by this request and demanded that his son went to the flight academy or else he would be sent away.

    Rain Leaf never showed up the flight academy and his parents were notified. Instead he decided to fly down to Whitetail Wood in an attempt to find himself. He wandered Whitetail for hours until he came across a small tree that was freshly knocked out of its soil. He decided to replant it not far from where he found it. He knew that it needed water so he set out to find a nearby stream. When he found one he used a cup from his pack to bring water to the young tree. He watched over the young tree for 9 days. On the tenth morning he woke up to see that the tree's leaves were green and almost luminescent. Its narrow trunk was now strong and firm. A feeling of pride swept through him and then he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A leaf formed on his flank. He has gotten his cutie mark. He decided that it was time to return home.

    When he returned home he was welcomed by his worried mother who took him in and made him dinner. His father got home not long after. When his father saw the leaf on his son's flank he went on a tirade. He told his son that he was a disgrace and much to the dismay of Rain Leaf's mother sent him away to his uncle in Canterlot. His loving uncle welcomed him with open arms and took him up as an apprentice in his book store. Rain Leaf lived happily here until he was but a young stallion. In that time he went to what ever lengths necessary to see his sister even after she was sent to flight school.


    Rain Leaf learned a lot about botany from all of the reading he did while he worked in his uncle's shop. He told his uncle that he wanted to work in the field with the flora. His uncle was open to the idea and sent Rain Leaf to meet with botanists and nursery owners all over Equestria. Many wanted someone out in the field who could get wild samples and deliver them as well as grow them and take note of what worked. He returned to his uncle who gave him the money that he needed to build a home. Rain Leaf built his home on the Saddleveil Plains along the southern border of the Everfree Forest. From there he could travel to all of the major cities with ease while being close to his field work. He has only been in this occupation for a few seasons.

    Family Troubles and Relationship with Sister:

    Rain Leaf spends as much time as he can with Silvermist because she is the only real friend that he has. His father does his best to prevent the two from meeting up but rarely does enough to stop it. His relationship with his father has not changed much. His father tries to avoid him like the plague and considers him to be weak. Things settled down a little bit when his mother took ill. These neutral feelings did not last long and the animosity continued when Silvermist announced that she was going to take her plans of joining the wonderbolts seriously. His father felt that Rain Leaf would ruin her plans by corrupting her mind. Rain Leaf rarely sees his mother as she is either always resting or is being watched over by his father.


    1. Rain Leaf does not like large crowds or the city life and only likes to go to cities on business trips and family trips. He prefers the nice quiet life and will occasionally visit Ponyville.

    2. He also does not care for griffons. He has had quite a few conflicts with griffons on his travels and likes to avoid them.

    3. Rain Leaf indirectly dislikes the wonderbolts. His sister's obsession with them has limited the amount of time he gets to spend with her and he is also worried that a rejection from them will break Silvermist's heart.

    4. Rain Leaf does not get along with his father at all. The two argue whenever they are in the presence of each other. His father no longer refers to him as his son.


    Rain Leaf has a very gentle disposition and is very shy around large groups of ponies. He is very hard working and spends a lot of time thinking. He is very patient and is not easily angered.


    Art by Buxy

  6. I can understand Luna controlling the moon and all but what about Celestia controlling the sun? Does the planet even rotate? Do they just control the planets rotation? What happens to the sun when Nightmare moon brings eternal darkness? Does half of the plant burn? I am just going to go with the most reasonable answer which is magic.

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