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Posts posted by EquestrianScholar

  1. "My, that is quite impressive magic, Mr Mythos." Opal said with a smile. "Maybe you could tell us a story? Or maybe part of it? It looks like it will still be quite the wait."

    She looked around for the little blue filly that had been next to her, but she didn't see her. "Maybe it will even reinvigorate the interest of little miss Twilight. Who knows?" She laughed brightly, showing her perfect, white teeth.

    Since the line didn't seem to move much at all, she decided to lean on a nearby fence post, her breezy dress flowing in the wind.

    ((I apoligize for being gone so long, real life can be a pain))

    Mythos smiles at the mare more then willing before realizing that he was up much to his suprise and says with a laugh, "I would love to Miss Shards but it would seem during out conversation it is now my turn, so if you would excuse me I better help get this line moving again. I would love to speak with you farther once I am down with Miss Applejack." He gives a respectful bow, clearly wishing he did not have to leave the mare's side a second time before hurrying up to Applejakc with a smille.

  2. Opal relished in the attention her two audience members gave to her. What they lacked in numbers, they made up in enthusiasm. She smiled, and gave a gracious bow.

    "Hmm, but, Mr Mythos. You are an entertainer? What kind of entertainer if you don't mind the question? I'd love to see a demonstration." She remarked, winking in the unicorn stallion's direction.

    The gray stallion smile before taking a dramatic pose and saying, “Well one of the best sorts, I am a storyteller!!”

    His horn begin to glow as he says, “Yet I do not just tell the story but show it.” With these words images appear, of dragons and of ponies traveling across the lands. “Of dragons and of adventurers moving across the land” He shows the adventures finding an old castle in a dark forest, “of moving into the Forest of Silence to the castle holding the ancient ones.”

    It shows the ponies standing before a dragon surrounded in green flames over a horde of gems and gold, “the these heroes facing the Surge of Shallow Heights.” The dragon was shown to be defeated, the ponies standing around him, “and of the dragon's defeat at the hooves of those fair smaller then him.”

  3. The way I would look at it is this, it would be an actually civil war... but one not started by the princesses. At least not without them being manipulated to do so. A civil war would bring about great conflict amd pain... potentally tearing apart friendships, family, and even love. All this brings up two very particular villains into mind, on who is the spirit of chaos itself and one that would be able to take on the appearance of the princesses.

    The Solar Empire and Lunar Republic would come about because of their careful planning, both deciding to take the long route towards their goals and not rushing things. For the Changling Queen, she can feed on ponies devotion and love for their princesses... a love increased by having ponies feel they must defend the honor of their princess. They would be lead to believe indirectly by Discord that all they know is wrong, playing on ponies natural good hearted nature to have them sympathize and relate.

    For a Solar Empire they would be taught to have pride in what their princess has created, lead to believe that Luna is still evil. The Luna Republic would be taught that Luna was falsely imprisoned because Celestia wanted her power, that Celestia is nothing more then a tyrant that has altered history for her personal gain. This the two villains would do, even have the princess 'appear' before their followers to increase ponies eventual thirst to see one of the princesses fall.

    ... and Celestia and Luna would be unable to stop it. How do you stop that which doesn't seem to have a physical form, a face... do they fight their subjects and force them to stop their actions or focus their attention on finding out who was behind these lies. Or perhaps the princeeses would be eventially be lead to join in this fight, being lead apart and into conflict.

  4. Mythos heard Opal speak his name and then it would seem she went to speak... almost conspiratorially. He couldn't really make out what the mare was saying to the filly yet only Twilight Shine spoke loud enough for him to hear and at the words "Charmers? Hmm, yes, I would say you're correct, Ms. Opal" Mythos smiles and chuckles, thinking he had an idea what they were talking about.

    Yet the next part confused him a bit as he hears Twilight say "Oh, a trick? Well, sure, if you would mind showing me" but he decides to speak as well and said, "Yes, I am interested in this trick too. Perhaps you can show me as well." The stallion looked amused, not quite knowing what was all being said but getting part of it.

  5. Mythos chuckles at the mare's words, smiling as he looked over the mare's profile with his violet eyes having allows enjoyed the graceful form of pegasus before saying, "Oh I would never flatter Miss Opal, I only ever give honest complements to those I meet. As such when I said you were beautiful I meant it"

    Looking up to the sky as well he sighs before saying, "I once knew a mare with a very special connection to the stars, her talent allowing her to see what other ponies could not. She is an astrologer, or at least she was last I spoke to her, knowing the stars better then any pony I knew... and she was a pegasus"

    Mythos moved his hoof through his mane giving Opal a gracious smile, his stance relaxed turned from one mare to the other.

  6. Opal gave the blue filly a gracious smile as she listened. "You never know, little miss Twilight. Maybe you have the heart of a poet. You certainly display the refinement of a writer." she leaned forward and lowered her voice a little, so that only the two of them could hear her: "How knows? Maybe it turns out to be your special talent..."

    The white mare raised her head again, an amused giggle escaping her as she took note that the line was, indeed, slowly proceeding. She noted to herself that it would probably take a whole while until she could finally buy her apples, but at least the company was far more pleasant then she'd have expected.

    She waited for the grey unicorn stallion to finish, then said: "Hmm, the silence of the night indeed is magical. Even the creatures of the forest are barely audible when I soar over the treetops." She sighed, looking into the sky longingly for a moment. Not to be rude, she looked back into the small group, smiling thinly. "I must admit the stars and moon is rarely more then a backdrop for me."

    "My.... special talent...?" I say, thinking hard about what Opal said. I blush, and shuffle my hooves a bit. "Um.... M-Maybe...." I say, smiling, but still sort of embarrassed. "The moon are stars... are rarely more than a backdrop? Can you please elaborate on that?"

    Mythos watch the mare 'poet' blush and says with a soft chuckle to her words, "perhaps it is, or perhaps it is more then that."

    "You mean that the stars and moon are there simply to complement your beauty," Mythos asked not quite sure what Opal meant as well.

  7. "Oh, Mythos, was it?" The white mare said, her head nodding barely in approval. She gives the stallion a superior look. "How could I possibly be upset when you apologize like a true gentlecolt?"

    She laughs shortly, her voice as clear as spring water. "Would you like to join our little conversation? Little miss Twilight here was just about to tell me what she likes about the night sky." Her smile grew a little wider and softer then usual.

    "Well, the stars are beautiful, and I also sometimes have fun trying to find constellations. The moon is also rather gorgeous, if I do say so myself. The one other thing I enjoy is that during the night, it's so quiet and the sky seems to be covered in glitter." I say, closing my eyes as I go into my description. "Oh, sorry, I probably sounded like a poet there." I say as I nervously laugh.

    Mythos smiles as he considers the mare as well before saying, "I am pleased you forgive me Miss, you are a true lady and onto your questions that is my name and I would be happy to join your conversation."

    The stallion turned to Twilight Shine as she explained her thoughts of the night sky and even chuckled a bit at mare' embarressment of her words being a bit poetic before saying, "Ah the night sky is a true wonder is it not, a masterpiece of art without question. The night does have a certain calm about it that allows one's mind to ponder on their life."

  8. ((Nevermind, I will go back to talking to Opal Shard and now Twilight Shine))

    Mythos lost track of Lyra in the crowd so decided to leave the situation be, realizing the mare be had spoken with before might have been upset because of leaving her so suddenly he hurried back. He noticed Twilight Shine next to Opal Shards and walked up to them saying, "I apoligize once again for leaving I was hoping to be able to help two friends that got into a fight yet I lost the mare in the crowd."

    Turning to look at Opal Mythos bows before saying, "I hope you can forgive me for my rudeness Miss, I would not mean to insult such a lovely mare."

  9. "As you wish," Mythos says stepping away from the mare, actually annoyed at the intrusion from the other stallion as he clearly didn't understand the importance of giving a mare their space. It was clear Bon Bon got spooked by all the attention and because he was requested to do so he would leave the mare alone

    With that he went into the crowd of ponies and once out of sight from Bon Bon he went towards where Miss Lyra was.

  10. Bon Bon gave a small smile. She didn't even know this stallion, but his words did comfort her...perhaps it was his gift. She sighed, the line seemed to be moving some. She pushed away his hoof. How could she face Lyra, though? She was so...she had acted so...so....

    Bon Bon's ears snapped upright at the sound of Lyra's voice. Ohhh...she couldn't possibly face her! She ducked her head down below Mythos' taller form, shuffling behind him, "Shhh....hide me! I can't face her....I....I don't even know if I can forgive her.....she's just so.....infuriating sometimes!"

    Mythos shook his head but did as Bon Bon requested and helped her be out of sight from Lyra before saying softly, "Hiding will do you no good Miss, even if she infuriates you. This Lyra is clearly very important to you." Looking towards Lyra he says softly and even a bit sadly, "there are many things worth fighting for, and love is one of these things. Please don't let this lead to you losing her." His words were odd to say the least, as if he spoke from experiance.

  11. "You should be frustrated... but perhaps she simply had a case of foalishness," Mythos suggested with a comforting smile, "wanting to try something new for the fun of it not realizing it would hurt you." Looking over at where they have left the mare he continued with a question, "Now you know Miss Lyra probably more then anypony and as such I will ask... do you believe she would ever want to replace you for another mare? Yes she shouldn't have tried to do this behind you back and perhaps she could have even gotten you involved... but ponies will mess up."

    Mythos took out a cloth and wiped some of the tears still on her face before lifting up Bon Bon's chin, giving her one of his special smiles before asking, "I'm sure Lyra counts herself lucky to be with a lovely mare such as yourself don't you think?."

  12. bonbonforrp.png

    Bon Bon sighed and sat down amongst the other milling ponies, not even noticing the wreak of a particularly smelly pony as she sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes with a forehoof. She breathed a heavy sigh. Why did she go and say something so stupid?

    She loved Lyra more than anypony.....more than her own parents....more than...more than her sisters, her job, her house.....more than herself. She had definitely overreacted....but...Lyra had no right to go sneakin' around! And....and...she should've told that she was going to....

    Bon Bon sighed and looked ahead of her, moving along with the shuffling crowd as kisses came and went, apples purchased, and so on. She had so many ponies in front of her, still.....

    Mythos saw that the mare didn't even realize he was there and moved his hoof lightly to Bon Bon's shoulder softly saying again as he shook it, "Miss can you hear me... I saw what happened. I know it is none of my business but maybe you would be willing to talk about it. Your distressed and I would like to help" He hoped this was nothing serious but even he could tell the mare was very unhappy and a look of worry was clear on his face.

  13. Mythos paused in his purpose as he saw what was happening to a very dirty stallion as he got cleaned, the cload hiding the mare's work taht took to cleaning him. This brought a laugh to Mythos lips, especually because of how the stallion reacted but he quickly shook his head and continued to the distressed mare. Finally reaching her he says softly with calm smile. "Miss... I saw what happened between you and this Miss Lyra. I know it is none of my business but maybe you would be willing to talk about it. Your distressed and I would like to help"

  14. Mythos saw the exchange between the cream colored mare with a pink and blue mane with the cyan mare she called Lyra on the ground. He saw her dump water on the mare’s head and heard the words , "I saw that...are my kisses not enough for you?!" He watched as she stomped her hoof in clear upset and annoyance as she continued, "Well, fine then! I'll get my own kiss from Applejack! And...." A frown appeared on his face as he saw tears in the mare’s eyes as she finished with, "Well, Maybe I don't need your kisses anymore!!" before running into the heart of the line.

    With a sigh Mythos walked over to where the mare went, working his way between the ponies with words of, “excuse me, may I pass by, thank you.”

  15. A gray stallion with a white mane an tail straightened his collar as he looked himself in the mirror, smiling as he realized it would be a bit much for a small town like Ponyville. He considered himself lucky that sure a place had an inn when he got there so late, not that it would have mattered as he enjoyed sleeping under Luna's night sky.

    A couple of days ago he had decided he needed a break from the tiring social atmosphere of Canterlot and decide a trip to the country side would do him good and give him the chance to relax a bit. With a soft laugh he remembered back to when he spoke to an acquaintance of his on the suject and he suggested Ponyville, word was it was a place with some very important ponies.

    One such pony was a Miss Rarity, whose dress designs were all the rage in Canterlot. Mythos had wanted to meet this mare, having heard the stir she had caused in Canterlot, yet was unable to do so before she left for Ponyville. Another pony that he heard lived here was the winner of the Best Young Flyer Competition, though strangely he couldn't remember her name. He had even found out that heroes of Equestria lived there, yet the talk on such a subject was conflicting at the best of times.

    Taking one last look at his pack he took out a bit pouch, deciding to go out and get something to eat, though he wasn't sure what he would buy. Walking from his room he gave word to the one at the counter he would return before heading out. Like he had been told it was a small town, yet there still seem to be many ponies out and about. Mythos smiles as he looked around not prepared for what seemed to be a flier hit his face, with great suprise he looked at the flier reading over it.

    Buy a bushel of apples of get yourself a free kiss by Ponyville's prettiest, nicest, strongest, and bestest mare, Applejack!

    Go to the Sweet Apple Acres

    "How interesting," Mythos says finding the name Sweet Apple Acres familiar but not remembering why. He decide this was as good of a start as any to getting to know ponies here and getting a free kiss from what would seem to be such a great mare was a pleasent plus. Moving his well combed white mane out from his eyes his smile grew as he walked to the farm, it not taking long for him to get there with a bit of helps from ponies nearby.

    Much to his suprise his violet eyes found there was quite a line and he considered it was because this Miss Applejack was quite popular here in Ponyville. Realizing he would need to wait he got behind a light cream colored mare with a pink/blue mane and tail, starting to consider the ponies near him and to what looked to be the front of the line as he listened to the talk around him.

  16. Mythos Gray comes to Ponyville hoping to find some good stories, having heard that there as some very interesting ponies in this small town... not realizing that he might be able to learn the stories of six very special ponies, the wielders of the Elements of Harmony.


    Any ponies wanting to join post here, I will be messeging those that control the mane six.

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