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Posts posted by EquestrianScholar

  1. Next question (and this is her question) which i am not sure what she means:

    "Is this really necessary to do fields, which empty themselves each time you reload a page, and make every one of them necessary to post... and add additional post thing, in which you also need to post something, to confuse you even more?" In the Introduction area

    I asked her what was the problem in the Introduction area and she said this:

    "They clean themselves if I try to preview it and they need an additional post thing on top" (she considers it not necessary and that it could be done better.)

    I understand her question, This in when she is making her Introduction thread, about all the extra fields she has to fill out.

  2. She is worried about how she will be treated and about the fact that she will make mistakes when posting in English thus not following the "Clean English Only" rule (I personally feel her English is pretty good for being Russian). . Just how far do you go to enforce "Clean English Only" rule? If she makes mistakes when spelling words and such what would you do?

  3. Mythos laughs at that, finding his answer amusing before saying, "no, no that isn't the answer. The answer is either hope or dreams, perhaps even both if your so inclined."

    Smiling he did add this, "Though... the moon wasn't so far off as the answer could also be our Princess of the Night. The reason for this being is when we sleep she sees our dreams, and when we wish upon a star she hears our hopes."

  4. "Such an thing would be dandy and i have just the riddle handy," Mythos says with a bit of rhyme before giving his riddle, "

    In the dark night flies a starry phantom.

    She soars and spreads her wings

    above the gloomy pony crowd.

    The whole world calls to her,

    the whole world implores her.

    At dawn the phantom vanishes

    to be reborn in every heart.

    And every night it is born anew

    and every day it dies!

    What am I?"

  5. "Not much has changed actually," Mythos says with a smile and a shrugs before detailing what was the same dramatically.

    "Most of those in Canterlot are still obsessed with who is the best dressed, who listens to the most refined music, and who has gathers with the important ponies," As Mythos says all this he takes from his saddlebag a nice suit, then his violin, and finally takes out a picture of Fancy Pants before finishing, "yet there was one incident of note that stood out. A mare by the name of Miss Rarity came to Canterlot and cause as most wonderful stir... becoming the talk of all of Canterlot. Sadly I was unable to meet this mare, one that cause such a commotion in the city of elites."

  6. Hearing the mare's comment he says, "yes a unicorn's magic can be useful, yet there are times I wish I could be a pegasi or earth pony."

    It was at this time that Mytho's hired helped returned which caused the stallion smile before saying, "perfect timing, thank you my good stallions for returning."

    The stallions nod without farther words being spoken, hitching themselves up.

    Turning to Riddle Mythos says with a smile, "I know a many riddles, some you my know and some which you may not."

  7. Stardream followed Silver Mint, hearing the Archivist words and wonders who he was and how he know about what she could do. What game was he playing, did he know all her secrets? Stardream was relieved to hear Midnight was okay but worried about Strife that run off, hoping she was okay.

    She followed the sound of her voice, working to get closer to the mare... even silently asking the stars for help.

  8. "Didn't see that coming, did you?" The Archivist taunted, "One would think that you'd be able to control your abilities-- oops! Did I say that out loud? Well, I'm sure your friends will understand how much of a freak you are. If I were them, I'd be curious as to why you didn't use these abilities to prevent all of this from happening."

    Stardream flinched and stopped moving for a moment when the Archivist said this. Tears moving to her eyes as she says softly moving away from the others a bit as if hit, "but... I can't know everything, I can't control it well." Shaking her head she wiped her eyes before looking at the other two afriad they would ask questions, her hair hiding her face.

  9. "Oh, yes, the ever-reliable Silver Mint... doing his best to play the hero, both on the stage and off... what are you trying to prove? That you can beat destiny? Your namesake, your heritage, and your mark all decry your two-faced nature."

    Stardream noticed the change and says to the stallion, "don't worry, you will get through this and find what you seek. We need to find Midnight" Her encouragement to Silver was clearly honest... yet her tone of voice made it difficult to tell if she was just helping him feel better or if she actually knew what she was saying.

    Stardream looks to Arcana, still having a bad feeling about her but says, "Please, you will find power but we need to stay together."

  10. 'I'm just good at finding that which is interesting," Mythos says simply with an elusive grin, finding the stallion's description of him amusing before reminding him of a certian detail, "though the spell isn't one of Starswirl's, or at least not truely. Few of his spells seem to have survived on paper. Most spells connected to him were made by unicorns trying to mimic the great wizard's creations. Actually it is possible Starswirl the Bearded wasn't either a stallain or a unicorn... at least based on some records I have found."

    Mythos smiles, finding Riddle enjoyable company, before explaining, "the wonderful thing about legends is that they at times exagerrate the true, or even hide the truth and it would seem it is possible Starswirl the Bearded is no exception."

  11. "With pleasure," Mythos says with a knowing smile, as he himself travelled often... which is way he had learned such a spell. Taking Riddle aside he explains the origin of the spell, "Now I seem to have only been able to figure out the lesser version of the spell, the greater spell is said to have been made by Starswirl the Bearded and thus lost. Over the years unicorns have tried recreating many of the spells credited to this unicorn... though something as seemingly minor as a "Spell of Holding" was put aside by most. About 8 years ago I found the notes of one unicorn that had tried to recreate the spell of holding but did not finish doing so. With some experimenting of my own I was able to figure out how to cast a spell that, like I said before, allows to you pack double the amount with half the weight... though I haven't tried it on anything very big yet so that isn't certian. From my research the original spell would allow something as large as or larger then a hydra or dragon fit inside a bit pouch."

    With a soft laugh Mythos finishes with, "the way it seems to work is that the spell permanently expands the inside of any container, bag, box, exc to be about twices as large on the inside. Yet the larger this item is the longer and harder the spell becomes... given enough time, unicorns, and more then a few failures one could in theory double the inside of Canterlot castle. Though most likely only the princesses could do such but such a task would be most draining and arguably wasteful which is probably why they wouldn't."

  12. Stardream saw the flame change in color, altered by some unknown hoof as she heard the Archivist speak, "Arcana... on the constant search for the knowledge of power... but afraid of her own abilities... You seek knowledge as a source of power, but how can you handle the power you desire when you cannot handle the power you currently possess?"

    "So that is way... that is way I worried about letting you go ahead," Stardream say outloud, giving Arcanaa worried look as she stepped closer, "don't you know some power is dangerous, that magic cannot be controlled fully by unicorns?"

  13. Whitetail Woods, much like the Everfree held more then a few secrets of it's own. Like the guardains of the fair and peaceful forest,who they are and where they originally came from. What was their story, what was the story of the forest itself... this were the thoughts going through the head of a certian gray unicorn as he moved about the ship. A smile of his face he looked on in amusement as he considered his surroundings and those of the ship as ponies got onto the craft.

    There seems to be more then a couple of interest, the old caption as well as a certain black unicorn. Rearranging is saddlebag, having been enchanted to hold more then it normally could, he could feel the comforting feel of books within as he walk to where the other unicorn stood near the side. With a glint of interest the gray stallion spoke, seemingly to no pony in particular saying, "such a wonderful day to explore a few mysteries."

  14. "Awesome. Would you want to follow us to our friend's house so we can finish packing then go from there, or would you want to meet up somewhere to leave?" He asked in a quizzical tone. He was never good at planning.

    "Yes I will go with you... I even have a suggestion on how to make packing lighter and easier," Mythos says with a nod before walking over to the stallions and saying giving them some bits and telling them, "follow us until we get to where we need to be. Then you can go into town and do as you please."

    "Thank you Mr. Gray," one stallion said as the other nodded and got ready to move.

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