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Posts posted by EquestrianScholar

  1. Updated, decided removing the paragraph involving his parents having died and making a few editings would do well enough. I can decide on other details when I play him as where he travelled to, what he experienced during his travels, and his interactions with those in Canterlot can be conversation material.

    If you wish for more tell me and I will add it but I hope you have all the details you need.

  2. hi hi

    I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made a big deal about it.

    On a positive note, I always like Celestia's role as a teacher, helping Twilight and her friends learn how to choose the better path. Rather than straight up telling her she was wrong, she told her she needed to think about her actions. There's something of a duality I think about being self directed and working together. When everyone is the same, working together just isn't as helpful.

    No need to apoligize :)

    This I agree with completely, it actually annoys me when some fans think Celestia should be fixing all the problems. She guides, she watches over, she teaches, she gives hints... but she does not control or do it for them.

  3. I see your point and that is very true. I admit I did that mainly so I wouldn't have to worry about them later. Though in this case Mythos was an adult when his parents died, not a parentless foal that is cliche. I am willing to change it but I ask if they could stay in the background so I don't have to bring them 'into the picture' so to speak.

    It simplifies things for me, allowing me to better focus on the ponies I want to play.

    Also fixed spelling

  4. (("dark-blue Pegasus over there" I wonder if you meant Stardream))

    A dark blue pegasus had gone to the library in her spare time having asked permission from her employer and former mentor Star Gazer before doing so. Stardream, as was her name, was hoping this opportunity would allow her to learn more about how she had the ability to do what she could. She had gather a few books on telling the future but each of them seem to either say only unicorns could do so and/or were spells. Not only that but no book seem to be able to say why a pony could see the future. Nothing she read seem to be able to help her. Closing another a book, Stardream looked up and noticed a group of ponies coming near where she was. She wonders why such a group was gathered... and hears some old friends.

    "Go, you might find what you seek if you follow," she heard in her head as the voices of the twinkling stars spoke and the already curious Stardream decided to do so. With that Stardream walked up to the group just as the magical effect took place, the broght light catching Stardream in it's effect and confusing her greatly as she was moved.

    "Discover what you came here for." Stardream heard a voice speak, unlike any she had heard and she wondered in her confusion what she had allowed herself to go in to.

  5. Hmm, well, I see in her likes section that she likes reading and is looking for books to help her understand her abilities:

    I recently started this topic with a couple of my characters who own a book shop specializing in very rare, obscure and specialized books. Nopony's joined yet, so if it looks good to you feel free to join in.

    Alternatively, there's this topic I'm involved in, if you want something that already has a number of players involved. Seems like it's going to be a kind of a library adventure type thing. It's open now but it's going to close in the next couple days.

    I will consider both, thank you

  6. hi hi

    This is something I've thought about a lot over the years, and I guess I could see some ways the spell would be alright, but not as shown. As a marriage counselor that would make sense, but in the context of the show, she did not have their permission to go messing around in their heads. If they had asked her to help them resolve their quarrel, that might have been just fine, but she went and enforced her priorities on them without consent.

    It doesn't really matter if you think someone's squabbles are trivial, they need to agree that the problems are trivial. By "putting things in perspective," Cadence is essentially forcing them to reject their current, naturally achieved perspective and replacing it with another. There was no deliberation, there was no acknowledgment that their argument was a mistake, no natural resolution of their dispute, they just instantly changed topics to something completely different.

    She didn't change the circumstances surrounding their argument. She didn't put money in the stallion's bank account and she didn't alter time so that the mare's friends were already spending time with her getting their hooves done.

    They were arguing about it, so it already had at least some legitimacy, and while it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, finances are historically the #1 reason for divorce, so its not a stretch to say that there were legitimate concerns. Rather than resolve the conflict, they just ignored the problem and started talking about some "thing" that the stallion supposedly did that was cute. But what is he going to have to go without in order to pay for the spa treatment? And conversely, is the mare going to have to neglect her friendships if she concedes the argument? Suppose she works with her hooves a lot and gets laminitis because she didn't get proper hoof care?

    To frame this in another perspective, suppose you're a pony and you love Equestria, but are upset by something the royalty is doing. Maybe they're treating some group of ponies unfairly, maybe they're bullying a neighboring country. Suppose you go to try to argue your case, but someone else says "hey, I don't mind any of those things they're complaining about, that pony is just a malcontent. They need to remember that they love Equestria." and zap, they forget all about their "trivial" concerns and go back to being hap-hap-happy.

    Everyone has something that they cannot do on their own, and everyone has something that no one else can do for them. You cannot live someone else's life for them. You can point out to someone a truth, but you can't bypass their own judgment and make them agree with you. They have to want to change. Maybe people would be happier if they didn't have to think for themselves and let the people in charge do everything for them, but I wouldn't want to live in that brave new world.

    If you don't have control of your own thoughts, then you really don't have control over anything.

    (As for the suggestion: If you are referring to what I think you are, then yes, that has happened to me in the past. And I do apologize if my comments seem terse, but this is a frustrating topic for me, and usually everyone tends to imply that it is the fault of the person who is unhappy for not being happier. That stings me really close to home.)

    I can see your point, the use of such a spell that was used in the show could be (and clearly is for you) a sensitive subject. I personally would not blame those fighting without very good reason. There are reasons to be upset about many things, yet one thing to remember is that dwelling on the negitive will often times not fix it. Lets look into a couple situation, there are times that conflix or argument will not help the situation. To put blame on others, and not yourself, can be a recipe to failure. Fighting will rarely fix problems, espectually in a relationship and it is better to work with one's partner to fix the problem or to leave a bad situation.

    The freedom to make your own choices is normally always for the best but there are times you can't change on your own and another has to push the change (drug abuse for example, or those that have been blinded by their own negitive feelings). I know this because my step mother seems to only be able to look at the negitive and can't let things go and has at times make life miserable for those around her... though I blame this on her father. I have known her for over 10 years, and any change of her own is extremely slow... yet I admit in this case forcing a change wouldn't help. It is a frustrating situation at least partly because I can't seem to do anything to help.

  7. I only have one complaint (and its a doozy I guess) and a lot of you probably won't agree with me on this one. At least, that's what past experience suggests.

    Cadence's love magic was seriously disturbing to me. Season 2 has had 4 episodes now involving mind magic, but this is the first time that it has been portrayed as something good. Some people might wonder, "well love is a good thing, so how can creating love be bad?"

    If you've never had anyone try to slip something into your drink, never wondered why you're not feeling right in the head, wondered what could possibly be wrong with you, then perhaps it would be difficult to know how distressing that is. If you've never felt the sense of betrayal and powerlessness when you finally figure out that someone you thought was your friend took something away from you and you didn't even realize it, didn't have any way to even try to stop it, then maybe its hard to really comprehend that you don't have to directly inflict physical pain in order for it to hurt. Making someone feel ok when they ought not to is sometimes even worse. I guess free will is something that is pretty easy to take for granted if you've never really been without.

    "...There are some places in this world that aren't made out of stone. That there's something inside that they can't get to, that they can't touch. That's yours."

    Actually I would see it more as a one step marrage/couple counselor. There are times stress and other outside varibles would act as a fuse that starts arguments with the one your with... for some this could easily get way out of hand cause unnecessary hurt and conflict. Cadance can have others stop fighting and remember why they like each other. You see for many it is possible for two to fight and afterwards not remember why they were fighting. To be able to push these negative feelings away, to 'clear' the mind so to speak, would allow a couple to see each other as they normally would... someone they love and care about.

    That is how I look at it, and it is actually very different from someone drugging you or forcing you to do what you don't want to or wouldn't do normally. I admit, in the wrong hands (hooves) being able to stop conflict could be easily abused and used to manipulate other but like many things it matter way and how it is used. I would see it much like your having a very bad day and turn on a relaxation CD... instead of let say going to the bar and drinking. Boths of these can be used to calm someone that is upset but one is positive and the other negative.

    I'm worried though, the suggestion you gave... has someone actually done that to you, what you said?

  8. Interesting how that was used in that story.

    And granted that there is nothing worng calling them that. The only thing I was noting was that they were never called that in the show. It wasn't like Twilight ever said, "Princess Celestia, what's it like being an Alicorn?"

    I personally use the term Alicorn in my fanfics, because it's how the fandom defines them.

    I haven't read the book myself, I found that information with a google search.

    Yes true but if I remember correctly the MLP:FiM Wiki stopped using the word alicorn on their pages because people kept of bring up it was a word meaning a unicorn's horn. At this point I think every one of the more veteran fan knows this fact and it gets annoying when brought up. -laughs as I shake my head-

    That is the term I would use too, as winged unicorn doesn't fit the canon of 'three in one'. I would either need to use alicorn or make up my own word for what the princesses are.

  9. Yes alicorns being all three types at once is how I see it as well so winged unicorn doesn't fit in my eyes. On Cadence the way I see it she wasn't supposed to be an alicorn anyway, and apart from 'marketing' purposes there was no reason for her to be one.

    On the use of the term Alicorn: "Alicorn has also been used as early as 1993 by Piers Anthony in his novel "Demons Don't Dream" to mean winged unicorn (a concept that had already been existence for decades without being called alicorn), which he defined as the cross between a unicorn and a griffin." Also I wish people would stop bring up the horn thing as while that may be true there is nothing wrong with calling them alicorns and the fandom isn't the first to use the term to mean winged unicorns. It isn't an incorrect use of the word.

  10. Yes that is what I was thinking as well, which is why I said he was foalish. Laughs, lets see he meets up with a stallian for the first time that is feeling down and 'helps' him feel better in a public place where anypony could walk by and see them.

    Though one question, as it would be suprising to see even a couple of guards near a park at any given moment (never seemed to be that many anywhere but the palace), how would the mare's screams have brought Secret's comrades and thus led to his discharge? (Gets an image of a mare walking past and hearing noises, seeing the stallians and starts yelling them as the two hurry off away from the mare as fast as they can.)

    Yes I would suggest rewording it but I would suggest also changing when and how he got his cutie mark. One's cutie mark normally appears when one has discovered one's talent and more so realize this after having just don't something involving it... at least that is how I have always seen it. Not sure if this site has a different ruling on how a pony get cutie marks. Never heard anypony waking up with a cutie mark, heck if it was that easy the CMC might already have theres... seems too simple. -shrugs-

    This is just my way of looking at it, you don't have to take any of my suggestions as I am still pretty much a newcomer to this site. There just seem to be a few things in your bio that didn't make sense and I am bringing them up. Hope I have giving you useful criticism.

  11. Interesting, though it suprised me when it turned out he was a coltcuddler... but it seems to work out. I say good job, I personally don't see any problems with it really. Though I am a bit confused why he was discharged as while it was foalish for him to to what he did in a public place (if I am reading it right) the outcome seemed a bit extreme.

    Also the cutie mark just appearing doesn't make much sense, and "He got his cutie mark when he realized that his goal in life was to become a caring lover" doesn't seem like a talent exactly as a goal isn't a talent. So it leaves me asking what is his talent? Is his talent showing compassion and empathy?

    All in all it is a good bio but parts are a bit confusing and unclear.

  12. tumblr_lltzgnHi5F1qzib3wo1_400.jpg

    Thank you

    One thing I always found interesting is on creating Mythos I realized he would make an interesting 'information gather', as he could apply his talent of 'finding a good story and retelling it' (he is a storyteller and a fair example of a scholar) to finding 'stories' others want to know. Which is way I added that in as a secondary occupation.

    Also, the cousin I have mentioned, Sundipple, I can change that to be any pony on here if someone has a filly that would like to have an extra cousin.

  13. Twilight and Rarity, next being Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and then Applejack.

    Now I have a question, perhaps a silly one but still, has Princess Celestia evolved at all? Luna has a bit but she only had one episode....

  14. Roleplay Type: Mane

    Name: Mythos Gray

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn


    Coat Color: A soft gray color

    Mane/Tail Color: Pure white mane and tail.

    Eye Color: Purple

    Cutie Mark: An open book with a fire breathing dragon's head poking out the book (a book for the stories he finds an tells other and the dragon to show his ability to make the stories 'come to life')

    Physique: Fit, yet lean. He keeps himself in shape but still clearly not very strong or tough. Handsome, and with a soft smiling almost always on his face as if he find the world amusing. His mane and tail is well combed but, is the type that doesn't need to spend much time in front of the mirror.

    Origin: Originally from Canterlot and still has a home there, but also travels fairly often.

    Occupation: Entertainer publicly but secretly is a freelancer that has worked for different groups and individuals who need somepony to find something out for them.

    Motivation: Always out for finding a good story and to have fun as well as to meet new ponies. Wants to find out which legends are true and to learn that which history does not tell... like for example the origins of Equestria beloved rulers Celestia and Luna.

    Likes: Pretty fillies and mares, stories and books, music, meeting interesting and important ponies.

    Dislikes: Those that are too serious, violence against fillies/mares/and foals, those that show rudeness or disrespect (especially to fillies and mares), those that speak without thinking, a filly or mare showing themselves disrespect or putting themselves down.

    Character Summary:

    Mythos was born in a well to do Canterlot family who always seemed to be busy being involved in some social function or event. His father Brightstrings being an extremely skilled violinist and his mother Autumnheart a well respected private teacher of the history of Equestria. As a foal Mythos had plenty of time to himself, where he learned how to read as well as play music on the piano and violin. Yet while reading came easy to him, the musical arts were much harder. Yet Mythos was even at this young age a determinant lad and he actually did become fairly good at these instruments.

    As time went on Mythos expand his studies to not only the basics he needed to know but more, learning all he could on Equestrian history, myths, legends, and even tails from other lands. While leaving piano playing mostly behind he did continue practicing his violin, wanting his father to be proud of how well he could play. Yet he still hadn't discovered his Talent, which frustrated him and pushed him to try new things. Now like all self respecting unicorn he learned to use magic, and from youth he studied what he could on it. Yet that to seemed slowing going, but eventually he found he seemed to have an affinity to illusionist based magic and spells more then any other type. Surprisingly for some he started to become quite skilled at illusions or as he called it illustrations.

    When Mythos gained his cutie mark was interesting, as it was during a family party that his parents had prepared him for so that he would act the way he should. While looking around young Mythos noticed a young filly that seemed to not be enjoying herself and took it upon himself to cheer her up. Walking of to the filly Mythos smiles and introduced himself as he had been told to do by his father and asked what was wrong. Founding out she was his cousin as well as that her name Sundipple and explain that she hadn't wanted to go to the party in the first place. Calling her Sunny Mythos asked if she would like to hear a story he had read. Interested the filly nodded as Mythos started, concentrating his magic so that he could created the illustrations he had been practicing though they were like rough drawings. Smiling he told his story with all the emotion he could and started to catch the attention of others. By the end of the story there were ponies laughing and nodding at Mythos before he was hugged by Sunny as she thanked him. It was at this time that Sunny noticed Mythos cutie mark, which was an open book and a dragon that seemed to fly out of the pages and breath fire at the reader. With all the commotion Mythos parents walked over to see what was going on and grew excited when they saw his cutie mark. The rest of the party seemed to end even better then expected, and Mythos got to talk with a few of the adults because of what had happened as well as spend more time with Sundipple.

    As time went on Mythos grew into a young colt, and requested that he could go traveling around Equestria, wanting to see all the cities and town in Equestria. His parents were unsure, but agreed after a bit of discussion. Allowing Mythos to go off on his own as long as he promise to write weekly and tell his parents about his travels. Once he grew tire on traveling, though her greatly enjoyed doing so, he returned home to tell his parents what he had found and discovered as well as others that would listen.

    After about a week from when Mythos returned to Canterlot, deciding it was time to put his travel on pause and decided to step into the Canterlot elite as an entertainer and storyteller, showing himself gifted as such and finding use for all the skills he had learned when young and during his travels. Using his magic and his knowledge he weaved impressive stories as well as even played his violin at times. Yet it was during this time that he took up other work as well, finding himself with offers to find information or to learn about this pony or another. It didn't take long for him to realize he could earn more as a freelancer then for entertaining.

    It was around this time Mythos met a certain dark blue pegasus, who quickly caught his interest because of how pretty and nervous she was. It didn't take long for him to find out her name was Stardream and that she was with an assistant to an astrologer. After this meeting came many more and Mythos became quite close to to Stardream, fond even though he wouldn't admit to being in love with her. After dating for a time Mythos even consider being with just Stardream, to actually have a relationship but it would seem that wasn't to be. Now Mythos had not gone out of his way to hide his activities from Stardream but neither did he ever go into details on them. Partly because even he knew he was at times working for ponies who were not of good character. Who wanted him to give them the means to cause trouble for others and bring themselves up. He was not proud of this but at the same time he did not see a reason to stop. It was his policy to be available to any that have need of him as long as they paid his price of bit as well as good stories... and as long as he wasn't the cause of harm a filly, mare, or foal.

    Stardream found out about this and was not pleased, trying to get Mythos to stop what he was doing as she was upset he would help ponies that would hurt others. Mythos tried to make it seem it was no big deal, that he wasn't the one actually doing anything wrong. Stardream was not happy about this and eventually left Mythos in tears, later he found out she had left to another city and he was without a means to contact her. He was left in Canterlot, understanding he had made a grave mistake but with no way to fix it.

  15. Ah so that is way it was taking so long. Yes I understand completely that Stardream's ability will not be able to control others actions at all. Yet, I would like to going over a few situations where it would work and talk about how. What if, something bad were to happen or someone or a group were to make a bad choice... would Stardream be able to say, "I don't think that is a good idea, I... have a bad feeling about this." or like there is a time herself or another could get hurt and she were to move to push them out of the way. Or perhaps she gives somepony their fortune at their request (where I would be able to go over such fortunes with the player of the character).

    On bringing up her doubts and uncertainings other ponies would be able to brush it off with, "you worry too much", "nothing will happen". On the second they would be able to either make it so she doesn't push them aside and/or get annoyed at her. Such situations wont come up often understandably and her 'future sight' will also normally apply just to her.

    Also I plan on them being difficult to understand and applying to many situations thus "in other words it is a vision of what may be, not what will be" is fine.

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