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Everything posted by SaucySpider

  2. Pony Pics for the win my friend! Welcome to Canterlot! (P.S. Brace Yourself, the welcome wagon is coming...)
  3. They don't care, they just want money, so they'll put out whatever gets rating and viewers.
  4. You'll fit right in here Derpy has mail!?!?!?!?!?!? WANT! Welcome to Canterlot!
  5. You are...the most interesting pony in the world. Do you dring dos equis by any chance? Welcome to Canterlot!
  6. I like your intro's name, creative I must say. Welcome to the fantabulous world of Canterlot
  7. *Knock Knock* "Ah! Who's there? You aren't robotic are you?" Slick opens the large garage door to see that somepony had finally answered his message. "Oh, who are you? You haven't seen any robotic ponies or cyborgs around here have you?"
  8. "Where is the courthouse? I won't let my sister get hurt!" Runner was prepared to do anything to prevent harm to his only sibling. Even if this was a dream world, she might not know how to defend herself.
  9. Runner could do that, he's fairly strong
  10. Hundreds of years have passed since the fall of Celestia and Luna, a new government has taken power. One that gives strength to the everyday pony. The town of Ponyville is now a bustling city, and Manehatten is now a sprawling metropolis. This is Slick's home. Living on the east side of the city, he works tirelessly alongside his mechanical pup, Skipper. However, as entertained as he may be working on his numerous inventions alone, Slick needs some friends for a "project" of his. He decides to gather some through his latest invention. It's a floating orb that travels to the far corners of Equestria, to all of the numerous cultural hubs, to spread the message of a large get together. This is where you come in. You are going through your everyday routine when the device stops you, giving you this message. You see a grey pony. His black hair pulled behind his bandana. "Hello organic pony, my name is Slick. My device stopped you because you are a potential candidate to travel to Manehatten and visit myself and my wonderful garage. I do hope you stop by, we have all sorts of wonders here, all hoof made by yours truly. Oh and uh, don't bring any ponybots with you. See you soon....Is this thing still on? Skipper turn the device off, it's going to embarrass- The device cuts out. For some reason you seem compelled to visit the garage. The device carries instructions, as well as a picture of the garage itself. Outside you see a sign that reads "Slick's Garage. If we can't fix it, no pony can" . Inside you see various devices scattered throughout the garage, as well as many more hung up from the ceiling or on the wall. The inside is taller than you imagine. Roughly 15 hooves tall. The walls and ceiling are a copper brown. The floor itself is made of smooth cement, protected so that it doesn't lose it's color. The entrance alone is large enough to hold at least six ponies across and two high. This is where your new adventure takes place. ***************************** Meanwhile, back at the garage. "Skipper retrieve that rotational assistance device for me." Slick wondered if anyone would get his message. He required help immediately. "Here you are Master" Skipper said, handing the wrench to Slick. Skipper had been designed to assist Slick with his inventions. So, to make the experience more lively, Slick added a voice box to Skipper's design.
  11. Welcome to Canterlot Officially this time.
  12. Dangit, someone beat me to the welcome wagon song. Oh wait that's your friend. It's cool then Welcome to this supercalifragilisticexpialidociously awesome world known as Canterlot :) :)
  13. You know, I almost didn't think this was an introduction, then I realized I was on the introductions thread. Welcome to the wonderful world of Canterlot!
  14. Let's see here...cool interests, check...picture of pony, check.....introduction.......Ah, here we are! That should do it.
  15. RolePlay Type: Crossovers RP Name: [Accessing database]* I am Slick Sex: Internal Diagnostics indicate male gender specifics. Age: I appear to be Stallion in age. Species: I am an earth pony (Robotic) Eye Color: My eyes are metallic blue. Coat Color: My coat is grey. Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: I have a black mane and tail, they are always black as a result of the grease that I am constantly surrounded by. The grease has left marks on my coat that I do not want to wash off. I also have a black goatee. My mane is pulled back behind my red bandana. My tail is just your average fluffy tail. Physique: I am a moderately sized pony. Cutie Mark: I have a wrench as my cutie mark, it shows my skill with machines. Origin/Residence: Mission briefing coordinates: Stalliongrad. Current Location: Manehatten, above my garage. Occupation: My current occupation is my repair garage on the East Side of Manehatten Motivation: Primary Directive: build the greatest machines in all of Equestria. Likes: My preferences are machines, and organic life. Dislikes: Robotic Ponies scare me, they are everywhere! I dislike water as well. Character Summary: My memory banks indicate that I was raised in Stalliongrad with by my father. I have not seen him in exactly 7 years, 3 months, 1 week, 5 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes, and 17.65 seconds. I obtained my cutie mark while trying to create a fully functional robotic puppy. It required many day cycles to complete the project, but my mission was successful. Cutie Mark obtained, and skill with machinery was increased tenfold. Confidence boost was evident, and chances of acquiring a profession in mechanical engineering was 100%! Data logs referencing time in Stalliongrad are 80% corrupted, but I do remember the constant cold causing issues with thought continuity. Father kept me inside every time it rained or snowed. Whenever I step into water I feel a strange tingling sensation rush up through my body and give me a jolt of energy. It is both exhilarating and intoxicating, but the feeling is all together frightening and unexplainable. I obtained my cutie mark exactly 9 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, 47 minutes, and 51 seconds before I arrived in Manehatten. I like it in Manehatten, although I have not acquired many friends yet. I would like friends to visit me in my garage. I have one aversion that overpowers basic survival, ROBOTIC PONIES, they scare me! It is my ultimate system error! I am also afraid of water. It makes me feel funny and the last time I was immersed primary locomotive functions failed to respond I am uncomfortable around other ponies. My fear of robotic ponies makes me very shy, anypony could be a robot, or a cyborg! It is unsettling to think about for too long. I avoid thinking about whether or not a pony is a robot if I can help it. In previous instances I have suffered heavy memory loss and the suspected robot disappears. I prefer to spend my time alone, but if I had friends I would be very happy to spend time with them. I do not find my lack of pony friends unfortunate, instead I like to spend my time working on machines. They make me feel so happy inside every time I feel them work. I designed my robotic puppy to help me with my Primary Directive. His name is Skipper. His internal organs have been replaced with storage containers to optimized assistance percentage. (P.S. When you imagine Slick’s voice, imagine the voice of Sweetie-Bot. That’s about right.) (P.S.S. If you don’t know what Sweetie-Bot is, look it up on youtube.) Below is a picture of Slick.
  16. Just a typical Crew Member for Runner is all, there doesn't seem to be many positions open that he would otherwise fit into. But he could easily move around the ship. He's quite agile. EDIT: I'm also curious as to what the Seargent-at-hoof position entails.
  17. At long last I can post here. I would like to be a crew member if that's fine. My OC Runner will play that part.
  18. Runner stared at the demon as it disappeared. When it had fallen into the rift all of it's souls had fallen back with it. "Well, that was wasn't too hard." He hadn't even done anything to stop the beast and here it was, gone from the dream world. He wondered what had happened to his sister and the other balance. He turned to balance 2. "Hey, you split yourself if half right? Does that mean you know where the other half went?"
  19. "If you want creative ideas, turn yourself into an alicorn and help us kick some flank. That sounds like a fantastic idea. Any sort of weapons would be nice."
  20. Runner was taken aback at the sight of this demon. Then he remembered that this was a dream world. That means that the rules of the normal world don't apply. We can do anything. "Hey you! We can kick his flank here! There are no restraints!" Runner shouted as he produced wings for himself and a large barbed spear in his hoof. He flew over to Bowie in an attempt to help him. "I don't know if I could beat that thing. It's your nightmare, you brought it here. You can send it back." He turned back to his sister. "Go with them Shine! I don't want you around for this!"
  21. I vouch for the statement that there are a lot of gamer ponies around here. There are A LOT!!!!! I'm sure you'll love it here. Welcome to Canterlot
  22. SaucySpider

    My ponies

    Just some pictures of ponies I RP as, or helped create.
  23. SaucySpider


    From the album: My ponies

    Slick is best robot pony.
  24. SaucySpider


    From the album: My ponies

    My main OC, he's the freerunning pony.
  25. From the album: My ponies

    I created this pony in health class, isn't he just adorable.
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