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Posts posted by ThunderBrony

  1. Juniper Berry's eye twitched at the comment and he raised his voice "Do you know who I am?! I am Juniper Berry a very renowned chef!" Juniper Berry snorted out hot air and calmed down "Nothing on the menu is overpriced and I would love you to try and recreated any of my dishes without falling onto your face" Juniper Berry smirked at the last comment and watched the colt in front of him.

  2. Name:

    Juniper Berry







    Eye Color:

    Light Blue

    Coat Color:


    Mane/Tail/Markings Colour & Style:

    blond messy mane and tail.


    above average height with a slightly skinny but toned.

    Cutie Mark:

    Juniper berry in a frying pan.


    Mane RP


    Juniper Berry grew up in Philydelphia with his two parents who ran a small business, Now Juniper Berry resides in Manehatten where he waiters and cooks in his restaurant.




    Juniper Berry one days hopes to create a dish that is so splendid every pony will rush to his restaurant to taste his creation that will be made with juniper berries.


    Juniper Berry enjoys cooking - he's also an incurable romantic for the mares, and enjoys reading romance novels.


    Nothing annoys Juniper more than arrogant colts, and ponies who put down his chivalrous nature. Wasted food winds him up fairly quickly, too.

    Character Summary:


    Juniper Berry grew up too two lovely parents who strived for perfection for themselves and their precious foal. When the blond maned foal started showing interest in how to prepare foods and insisting on helping them cook meals his parents pushed the foal onwards to embrace his passion for cooking. His parents purchased books on ingredients and how to prepare certain kinds of fruits and vegetables correctly and how to mix and match flavours for powerful infusions.

    Schooling: Juniper Berry was sent away to a private culinary school in Canterlot, upon receiving acceptance into the academy, the blue coated colt rushed off into the nearest kitchen and admiring all the possibilities with different herbs they had in stock and the new fruits he never seen before in his young life. Juniper Berry was a very attentive listener, sitting in the front row of all his classes, writing everything down the teachers mentioned from blindbaking to poaching certain fruits. Upon reaching the second year of school he was allowed access into the kitchen and pantry to start his on hands learning, the first ingredient Juniper Berry grabbed in his first class was quite ironic, a juniper berry, proceeding to crush the juice from the berries into a skillet and chopping up certain vegetables and fruits creating a slightly cooked stir fry using the juniper berries along with adding sweeteners to take some of the tartness away. Juniper Berry was always seen chasing the mares through school with his eyes turning into hearts, willing to do anything for a cute mare which got him used quite often in school. Upon finishing his fourth year at the school the blond maned stallion graduated among the top peers in his class, feeling quite proud of himself Juniper Berry headed straight to Manehatten to open a small restaurant.

    Cutie mark story: Juniper Berry always had a fascination to walk around the forest to collect his own herbs and spices, yet the odd time he would walk through a store. One time when Juniper Berry was walking through a small collection of stalls in the town square something blue and green caught the corner of his eyes, rushing over Juniper Berry discovered the herb he was named after, a small blue berry that grew on a coniferous tree outside of colder environments. Upon taking the herb home and adding it into a salad he was preparing for his parents a cutie mark appeared.

    Personality: Juniper Berry will always feed a hungry pony even if they do not have the bits. He is also very over the top when it comes to a cute mare entering his restaurant or seeing one in public usually twirling on two hooves over to them with a rose from who knows where and presenting it to them usually adding -swan to the end of their names. Juniper Berry is also very polite to others ,very easy going with a slightly laid back demeanour.


  3. Juniper Berry looked over at the colt peering through his door "Oi you do know the sign says open right?" Juniper continued walking off to the back to finish organizing all his ingrediants and putting on his chef jacket using the magic to button it up, turning to the mirror using his magic to attempt to fix his blond hair but sighed and walked back to the colt still in the door "Are you coming in to order today?" Juniper Berry said roughly.

  4. (This roleplay is going to be based around Herbal Cure's Clinic and the surrounding area, I will be controlling two of my own OCs.)

    General rules are as followed:

    -I do not want any killing in this roleplay

    -Please keep explicit scenes to a PM

    -This is a romance, adventure, whatever you want to make it roleplay

    -There's a restaurant next door to the clinic so feel free to move about

    -And please remember HAVE FUN!

    Herbal Cure walked out of his bedroom stretching and yawning rubbing his hoof through his ruffled mane groggily walking towards the bathroom to grab a quick shower and to get some breakfast, after getting ready Herbal Cure flipped the sign for his clinic into the open position and unlocked the door shrugging on his doctors jacket and sanitizing his hooves getting ready for a long day.

    Juniper Berry opened up his shop next to the clinic, clearing the back area, getting the knives ready and the herbs and spices set up along with the fruits and vegetables they used for their gourmet salads and sandwiches, living in Manehatten and being a well known cook had it's benefits but he preferred living above his restaurant.

  5. So I want to start an RP about Herbal Cure's clinic in Manehatten and surrounding area, to deal with ponies visiting, injuries, night scene, love life's anything. If anyone has any advice on what could be changed or done to make this more appealing I am very interested in any feedback thank you.

  6. Herbal Cure's glasses fell of his face as he heard the comment Draco mentioned "M-M-M-Me and S-S-Sun C-C-Catcher on a d-date?" Herbal Cure managed to stutter out blushing heavily and trying to find where his glasses fell off to avoiding Sun Catchers eyes, trying desperately to avoid contact with any pony around him as he couldn't seem to find his glasses sighing quietly.

  7. (OOC: sorry had a lot going on and spent the whole day at my aunts and grandparents graves)

    Herbal Cure looked up and smiled at Sun Catcher and jumped at her hugging her tightly "No pony ever comes back to my clinic unless it's for a check up or thank you, you three are my very first friends Sun Catcher!" Herbal Cure couldn't stop the tears of joy trickling down his check as he thought of all his new friends he made today that didn't abandon him like he originally thought they did.

  8. Herbal Cure finished bandaging up the earth ponies side and gave them their medicine telling them when to take it and what they should do to help relieve the pain, using his magic to lock the shop up and ran towards the pink ponies bakery, rushing in and seeing a party going on Herbal Cure blushed and walked around aimlessly not knowing where his three companions went Well I guess they headed on to do their own thing some foal I was thinking I could make friends so easily when I'm this shy Herbal Cure sighed and hanged his head and walked around even slowly.

  9. Herbal Cure's face was still red from the little peck on his cheek and followed the other ponies and couldn't help but admire Insanity as Sun Catcher pointed out features in her, his eyes seemed glazed over and an absent giddy smile was on his face, realizing what he was doing he blushed even deeper and trotted ahead of the group towards his clinic and used his magic to unlock the door before dropping his saddle bags off and grabbed his bag of bits off the table "You can all leave some of your bags here for a lighter load to Sugar Cube Corner" Herbal Cure beamed at everyone and sat beside his door.

  10. Herbal Cure kept his eyes closed when a blush slowly spread across his face and smiled at the gestures from the three other ponies "Thank you all so much!" Herbal Cure bowed again in front of the other three and decided to start slowly walking towards the pink party pony's workplace, "I have more than enough bits to cover everyone for the snacks so it is on me everypony!" Herbal Cure said excitably before picking up the pace.

  11. Herbal Cure looked heartbroken at the statements said by Draco and Sun Catcher "I am terribly sorry to hear that Draco but it matters what is inside not the outside appearence" Herbal Cure smiled at Draco before turning to Sun Catcher with a tear sliding down his face "I am terribly sorry to hear that Sun Catcher, it breaks my heart since I try to treat my patients well and I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories I am so sorry..." Herbal Cure bowed as deep as he could with his injured right leg before it gave out, yet luck wasn't smiling on him today as his leg gave out and he went head first into the dirt with his glasses flying away from his face "I am truly sorry I didn't mean any harm" Herbal Cure breathed slowly and kept his eyes clenched.

  12. Herbal Cure rushed over to the injured zebra. using his magic to reach into his saddle bags pulling out smelling salts, antiseptic, bandages and gauze, preceding to rinse out the small wound on the zebra's head, placing the bandage after double checking the wound was clean, than wrapping the gauze around the zebra's head. After moving the smelling salts in front of the zebras nose while pulling out a herb he preceded to crush in a small bowl looking over at the fire coloured pegasus "Would you be so kind as to fetch me some hot water for these herbs? It will help reduce his headache after he regains consciousness" Herbal Cure sat down and watched his new patient carefully, using the saddle bags on his back as a makeshift pillow for the zebra.

  13. Herbal Cure wandered over to the group assembling outside of the shop and noticed all the ponies and one zebra outside talking about one thing or another, noticing a very well kept mare Herbal Cure walked over to her "Hello Ma'am it is a pleasure to finally meet you I guess this is your shop here?" Herbal Cure motioned to the very pink shop and looked back at her "I run a small clinic here in Canterlot, I came by to welcome you here as a shop owner and to say I hope everything is magnificent for you and your shop" Herbal Cure beamed at the unicorn hoping to leave a good impression "Oh and my name is Herbal Cure, may I ask yours?" Herbal Cure added after finishing his statements.

  14. Herbal Cure was taken aback by Insanity's comment "I'm not sir Insanity, I am your new friend Herbal Cure" Herbal Cure smiled at Insanity and pushed the jar back with magic giving her the rest before pulling his own jar out of his saddlebags showing her he had plenty "Keep the rest Insanity of that jars content Insanity it's a lot better than coming back to this odd forest" Herbal Cure stated. Herbal Cure smiled at Draco "Thank your Mister Draco this feels much better right now, how can I re pay you for your kindness? how about all of us go back to my clinic and have a cup of tea and something to eat?" Herbal Cure smiled widely this would be his first time brining anypony into his clinic that wasn't a patient.

  15. Herbal Cure smiled at the pony fixing his right hoof "Thank you Mister? Sorry I didn't learn your name, I am Herbal Cure and I run the small clinic just outside of ponyville so with my assumption it is a minor sprain which I should be thankful for. It could have been much much worse" Herbal Cure rambled off again and blushing realizing he gets into his doctor mode and rambles off issues and symptoms of pain and what may be wrong.

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